
Monday, March 23, 2015

Tree Bird Blog Hop!

Good day my friends! 
Today's the last day of the Tree Bird Blog Hop brought to you by madame Samm♥ of Sew We Quilt

I like a fabric that works for both quilting or sewing, depending on my needs (and attitude at the moment). The Beautiful Birds collection by Tracy Lizotte for Elizabeth's Studio is one of those fabrics that allows the sewist to stretch her imagination. 

I decided to make dresses for my three nieces with big pockets for carrying everything from sticks to barrettes to dolls. It's still chilly in Chicago, but here's two of the cuties now:

Looks like those pockets are getting filled!

The third cutie is in size 18 months--just right for adjusting the pillow panel to make her dress (surprise!)

                               Finally, I used coordinating Beautiful Birds fabric for bias ties.

I love a good product review, don't you? 

I used to think my sewing machine had enough light, but once I tried the sewing machine LED lighting kit from Inspired LED I realized how "in the dark" I really was!
I've tried the stick-on bendable lights, but they tend to get in my line of vision and then got in the way when I wanted to cover my machine. The Inspired LED lighting system is unbelievably small (note the size of the dime in the photo), never gets in the way, and packs a wallop of light over the entire throat of your machine. I took these before and after shots in the dark. The after shot is much clearer and brighter on the fabric:


kit contents: light strip (with adhesive), on/off switch, clips, and ac adapter.

Here's a list of today's Tree Bird Blog Hop participants:

                Bacon Then Eggs  (you are here)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's about time I get back into the swing of things. Your Our friend, Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt, reminded me that balance in life is a good thing. I've been way too immersed in work and leaving no time for play. So, I'm ready to start playing again! And I'm so excited to be able to do with all of my old friends at Sew We Quilt. Sew We Quilt bloggers are always so supportive and loving that I can hardly wait to get creative. Or at least tell me I'm creative, will ya??!! ♥ 

The Tree Bird Hop will happen March 13-23. See you then sweet friends!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

You're full of bologna!

I’m starting to like my new home in Paducah, Kentucky. It’s at least 10 degrees warmer than Chicago and that is absolute spoiling at its best. However, I also have some doubts….

What is this you ask? Obviously, it’s jarred pickled bologna in the refrigerated section of the supermarket. Where might you find it? Oh, between the jarred pickled eggs and sauerkraut, where else?

BTW: $6.89 for a pound of bologna?

 Well, maybe, because after all, this is

oh wait, need a close-up?

At the same store I bought this item but didn't think much of it until put two and two together. You guessed it; there aren't any nursing homes in Paducah.

The worst part is that I cooked it for my son this evening, after showing him the package and giving him a blank stare. He did get the joke and reported that it was “disgusting” before walking away.  

He has a sensitive stomach so I thought I’d ask how he was doing after eating the entire pound of sausage and 10 biscuits (biscuits and gravy, his favorite!)

Me: Any residual effects from dinner?

Son: Other than wanting to eat dinner at 5 and then head to bed for the night at 5:30, no.

Me: (Mockingly) “you’re disgusting”

Son: Do we have any Depends adult undergarments?

Please note that I share these things for the laugh value, not to make myself feel bigger by putting others down. Here's my mantra:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Some people have all the luck...

All right, so I have news.

Big news.

That’s why I haven’t been posting.

You know I love quilting. You know I love editing, proofreading, and teaching.

I have been slowly inching towards merging my loves and it’s finally happened.

I’m over the moon to tell you—

I’m the new editor-in-chief of American Quilter magazine.

Yes, as in the oldest, largest quilting company—American Quilter’s Society—has chosen me to put the spice in their Chai.

No, I’m not kidding. It’s a happy miracle!

So my posts will be farther in between but they’ll be there because this blog is me; I can’t lose sight of me, even though it’s tempting.

If you’d like to add my professional page to your Facebook account, then “friend” me! I hope to post things that are happening and a few pics from AQS shows.

Oh, and just so you’re not taken aback, that picture isn’t completely accurate. Yes, it’s me, but I don’t look like that in person. Or at least I hope not or people will be asking me for tips on how to discipline grandkids. 

Send happy thoughts and creativity my way...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

UR Pricelessly Crazy!

Sometimes inspiration comes at the strangest times.
My 17-year old son and I as he’s leaving to meet his dad:

Me: Give me a kiss goodbye (I make that strange little sound when you pucker up)

A: What is that?

Me: It’s what Grandma Glynn used to do when she wanted a kiss

A: (weird look) Oooookay… (gives me kiss anyway)

Me: I loved when she did that . . .  She also told me that the safest place for your money is in your bra.

A: Not helpful to me.

Me: (as he’s walking out the door) you never know kid! You might get fat and bald and need a 'manssiere' like your dad!!!

So, with Grandma Glynn on my mind, I started to look for fabric that might make a nice UR Priceless change purse. I think she’d like my choice….

If you'd like to try your hand at making a UR Priceless change purse, 

the pattern is available through Madame Samm's Craftsy page.

Congratulations to #32 Sue for winning the Wicked blog hop giveaway--your charm pack is on the way!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Ghoulish Welcome!

Thank you for joining us on the first day of the Wicked blog hop!

Once upon a time there lived wicked witch who refused to be foul on Halloween. All of her friends told her it just wasn't right! They said she should stick her tongue out at small children so their parents slap them when they stick their tongues out back at her. 

But no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't be nasty. In fact, even though her skin was mottled green and dress was decayed black lace, she couldn't resist the desire to be girly…

“Pink! Give me pink!” she cried. Her friends merely laughed.

“How ghastly you are!” she retorted through tears.

Being a witch, she decided to cast a spell whereby all her friends would spend eternity in the cross threads of fabric, forced to endure pink on Halloween.

So, do not be alarmed by the forthcoming dreadful countenances —they are simply the ex-friends of the wicked witch. In addition, let this be a lesson to you—pink is indeed fabulous for Halloween!

First, the wicked witch made a Ghastlie kitchen island runner:
(click on photo for closer view) 

Then she took the leftovers and made a roll-up bag, starting with a 10.5 block and then added to it...
 (measuring 15 X 15 X 7)—nice!

But the island runner was very lonely so the wicked witch made a tablecloth:
(click on photo for closer view)
(click for closer view of these amazing fabrics)
(sun shadows--sorry!)

Funny story—the witch got up in the middle of the night for some brew and after she turned out the lights she realized that the bones fabric glows in the dark! Score!

In honor of non-traditional holiday colors, the wicked witch scoured her stash and would like to offer a charm pack of Christmas fabric that has (gasp!) turquoise blue. Leave a comment below to be entered in the draw!

Big SPANKS to Spookie Madame Samm and her henchwoman Wendy! 
**Click on the haunted house** to go back to Wendy’s blog!

Here's a list of the other Wicked ones presenting today (click on any blog name to link there!):

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello fellow blog hoppers!
I hope you're ready for another version of dots-gone-wild this week!

Well, I started to pull fabrics for my project when a zap of inspiration hit me squarely between the eyes. 
I had been thinking about my friend Carrie at Believemagic and how much I like her art quilts--they're amazing! 
Then I had an idea for an art quilt of my own. And yes, it looks suspiciously like hers, but as the saying goes....imitation is the greatest form of flattery.  So I reached for some red dot fabric and got to work...

feel free to click on it for a closer look, but in case your'e wondering, the text I sewed to it reads, 

 "She Fell in Love with the Words"
piques your interest, no?
-could be that I love French words
-could be that I love text prints
-could be that someone told me lies
-could be that I love words in general (think about English-26 letters form thousands of words and countless books, all different like fingerprints!)
-could be a little of all of them...

 I had another thought to make a happy wall hanging. It's not quilted yet, but you get the idea:

The best part about this project is no pattern. It's a technique by Mary Lou Weidman called Hoochy Mama piecing. (really? Does naming a technique get much better?) 
Sometimes it's wholly liberating to just start creating--this book is excellent for helping you to let go.

In the spirit of everybody-and-my-mother loves a giveaway, I'd like to offer up a copy of Mary Lou's book so you can 'get your dots on' in the comfort of your own home!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now it's on to the rest of the lineup for today. If this is your last stop then thanks for visiting!

September 18th