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■ 目 次 プロローグ ミッション 8ミニッツ Source Code エピローグ 純ちゃんのおまけ - Blog Ranking Lists プロローグ おはようございます、皆さまいかがお過ごしですか? 今年も1年間 、 糸屯ちゃんの宝石箱 ブログ をご覧になっていただきまして、ありがとうございました 来年もみなさまに、おもしろ・おかしくエンタメ情報などをお届けしてまいります所存でございます どうか皆さま、よいお年をお迎えくださいね MCの白石でした 本年最後のテーマも引き続き、洋画セレクション です おはようございます、アシスタントの真行寺(しんぎょうじ)です いよいよ年の瀬も迫り、本年も残すところ今日が最後ですね 皆さまには本年一年間に渡り、大変お世話になりました 来年に於きましても、 糸屯ちゃんの宝石箱 ブログ 皆さまの変わらぬご愛顧のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます では
Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Translations: ελληνικά / عربى / 中文 (Weixin video, Youtube video) / 粵文 / bahasa Indonesia / český / Català / český / Deutsch / Español / 2فارسی / فارسی / Français / עִברִית / Hrvatski / Italiano / Magyar / Nederlands / 日本語 / 日本語 2 / नेपाली / Polskie / русский / Português / Română / Slovensky / Slovenščina / Srpski / Türk
Semgrep is a fast, open-source, static analysis tool that searches code, finds bugs, and enforces secure guardrails and coding standards. Semgrep supports 30+ languages and can run in an IDE, as a pre-commit check, and as part of CI/CD workflows. Semgrep is semantic grep for code. While running grep "2" would only match the exact string 2, Semgrep would match x = 1; y = x + 1 when searching for 2.
Okta, a leading provider of authentication services and Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions, says that its private GitHub repositories were hacked this month. According to a 'confidential' email notification sent by Okta and seen by BleepingComputer, the security incident involves threat actors stealing Okta's source code. Source code stolen, customer data not impacted BleepingComputer
🙇🏻とりあえず2ポチっと、「にほんブログ村」と「拍手」を押して行きはりますか? ⏱この記事は、約5分で読めんねん ℹ️ご来場の皆さまへ わたしが主催させてもらってますサークルを下の方にご案内をしていますので、 参加してみませんか❓ v(=∩_∩=) は じ め に ご 挨 拶 本 編 ミッション: 8ミニッツ(原題 Source Code) 概 要 お わ り に 糸屯ちゃんの掲示板 主催サークルのご案内です(2023年08月29日 18:15現在) ブログサークルコメント #ハッシュタグ(IN POINT) は じ め に ご 挨 拶 おはようございます ☕ _ _))ペコリンン 白石です 本日のテーマも、怒涛の 洋画セレクション です おはようございます ☕ _ _))ペコリン 真行寺です それでは、わたくしの方からお送りさせていただきます 映画の 洋画セレク
Nintendo suffers huge leak, source code and design files for Wii appearing online A few days ago, leaks started to surface regarding some of the older Pokemon games. We were able to get a look at tons of beta designs from the Gen 2 era, which was followed by even more earlier sprites and other assets. Apparently, this Pokemon content was just a larger portion of an overall huge Nintendo leak. Sour
Modern source-control systems provide powerful tools that make it easy to create branches in source code. But eventually these branches have to be merged back together, and many teams spend an inordinate amount of time coping with their tangled thicket of branches. There are several patterns that can allow teams to use branching effectively, concentrating around integrating the work of multiple de
⏱この記事は、約6分で読めます まずは ポチっと、3連ちゃんで やる気✖100倍ポパイのほうれん草です❢ は じ め に ご 挨 拶 本 編 ミッション:8ミニッツ(原題:Source Code) 概 要 キャスト スタッフ お わ り に 糸屯ちゃんの掲示板 🆕お知らせ 主催サークルのご案内 趣味のブログを楽しむ会 映画バンザイ!! NO MUSIC NO LIFE 洋楽好きのためのサークル 関西サークル ビバ!海外生活 2016年にブログを創めた人のサークル ブログサークルコメント #ハッシュタグ(IN POINT) やる気✖100倍 ポパイのほうれん草 は じ め に ご 挨 拶 おばんです _ _))ペコリ 白石です さて本日のテーマは、めっちゃ久々 洋画セレクション です おはようございます ☕ _ _))ペコリン 真行寺です それでは、わたくしの方からお
In the latest software supply chain attack, the official PHP Git repository was hacked and the code base tampered with. Yesterday, two malicious commits were pushed to the php-src Git repository maintained by the PHP team on their server. The threat actors had signed off on these commits as if these were made by known PHP developers and maintainers, Rasmus Lerdorf and Nikita Popov. RC
AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be
Hi folks, I'm the CEO of GitHub.GitHub hasn't been hacked. We accidentally shipped an un-stripped/obfuscated tarball of our GitHub Enterprise Server source code to some customers a couple of months ago. It shares code with As others have pointed out, much of GitHub is written in Ruby. Git makes it trivial to impersonate unsigned commits, so we recommend people sign their commits and lo
You're ALMOST THERE! Please read the following CHM Software License Agreement and accept the terms and conditions at the bottom of the page to download the Apple Lisa source code files. APPLE ACADEMIC LICENSE AGREEMENT Lisa OS Software version 3.1 IMPORTANT: Please read these terms carefully as they are an agreement between you and Apple Inc. about the Apple software, fonts, interfaces, content, d
This package provides an implementation of the inference pipeline of AlphaFold v2. For simplicity, we refer to this model as AlphaFold throughout the rest of this document. We also provide: An implementation of AlphaFold-Multimer. This represents a work in progress and AlphaFold-Multimer isn't expected to be as stable as our monomer AlphaFold system. Read the guide for how to upgrade and update co
HomeNewsMicrosoftMicrosoft says Russian hackers breached its systems, accessed source code Microsoft says Russian hackers breached its systems, accessed source code Microsoft says the Russian 'Midnight Blizzard' hacking group recently accessed some of its internal systems and source code repositories using authentication secrets stolen during a January cyberattack. In January, Microsoft disclosed
"Talk is expensive. Show me the code." ― Željko Obrenović What is Sokrates? Sokrates is a tool built by Željko Obrenović. It implements his vision on how to document and analyze software architectures of complex systems. Sokrates is provides a pragmatic, inexpensive way to extract rich data from any source code repositories. No need for long interviews and workshops. Just show the code. Sokrates c
A hacker compromised the server used to distribute the PHP programming language and added a backdoor to source code that would have made websites vulnerable to complete takeover, members of the open source project said. Two updates pushed to the PHP Git server over the weekend added a line that, if run by a PHP-powered website, would have allowed visitors with no authorization to execute code of t
Today we have a guest post from Igalia’s Iago Toral, who has spent the past year working on the Mesa graphic driver stack for Raspberry Pi 4. It is almost five months since we announced the Vulkan effort for Raspberry Pi 4. It was great to see how many people were excited about this, and today we would like to give you a status update on our progress over these last months. When we announced the e
This section aims to provide a high-level overiew of the steps you need to get started with bpfcov. Compile the LLVM pass obtaining Instrument your eBPF program by compiling it and by running the LLVM pass ( on it Build the userspace code of your eBPF application Execute your eBPF application in the kernel through the bpfcov run ... command Generate the .profraw file from
Apple revealed their new Game Porting Toolkit today at WWDC. This Toolkit is designed to allow Windows game developers a way to easily and quickly determine how well their game could run on macOS, with the ultimate goal of facilitating the creation of Mac game ports. We are ecstatic that Apple chose to use CrossOver’s source code as their emulation solution for the Game Porting Toolkit. We have de
Suppose this were a SQL database, and I wanted to write a query to find all the expressions that are arguments in calls to the puts method. It might look like this: SELECT call_arguments.arg_id FROM call_arguments INNER JOIN calls ON calls.expr_id = call_arguments.call_id WHERE = "puts"; In practice, we don’t use SQL. Instead, CodeQL queries are written in the QL language and evaluated