目次 has n and belongs_to (One-To-Many) has n, :through (One-To-Many-Through) ここでちょっと補足 ... 目次 has n and belongs_to (One-To-Many) has n, :through (One-To-Many-Through) ここでちょっと補足 has, and belongs to, many (Or Many-To-Many) Self-Referential Has, and belongs to, many Adding To Associations Removing From Associations Customizing Associations Adding Conditions to Associations Finders off Associations 参照情報 はじめに ここでいう Association とは,テーブル (DataMapper の場合はモデル) 間の関連性を示します.例えば,Blog の記事 (Post モデル) は
2009/11/26 リンク