I received the most wonderful package from Jill! The biscornu is Manuela's Sunflower by Chatelaine. I love Chatelaine designs, so she did a good job picking this one. The little ladybug in the center is so cute. I showed the biscornu to Logan, and he smiled hugely and tried to pull the ladybug off. I had to then remove it from sight, of course. The back button is a sunflower--so appropriate.
She also sent a bunch of other items, just overwhelming! She must have read my mind because I love them all. First off, as you may remember, I've been collecting 1/8-inch ribbon for my needlerolls, so I have more! I've also been using marking pins now that I have some, and I love the one she made for me; the heart is just my taste. I recently asked Carol what floss drops are, and now I have one! This will go well with next month's Finishing Challenge piece, which is a floss ring tag. I've wanted to try Piecemaker needles for a long time, and now I can, with my favorite size for 32-count, 28s. And other goodies--Needle Necessities (yummy purple), floss numbers (which I've also wanted to try), a bobbin box (which I always need), and a packet of Gloves in a Bottle (which I use). I bow down before Jill's awesomeness! :-)
I've been working on my Think Pink Exchange piece, but I discovered that I miscounted, so I have a good bit of ripping to do. Bleh. That will slow me down, but I have lots of time. I also need to start thinking about the Halloween and Pumpkin Patch Exchanges on the SBEBB, but I'll finish this one first.
Rock Band: Matt's friend brought over Rock Band (and his X-Box 360) yesterday, and they had a lot of fun. I had fun watching. Since I can't sing and have no hand-eye coordination, I just watched. I wish the version for the Wii was better than it is cause we'd get it, but I'm not buying another game system. Oh, and I think Matt's getting sick now....