Showing posts with label console. Show all posts
Showing posts with label console. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Eclipse and the Console

Starting in the warmup to 3.3M7 there is a second launcher on Windows: eclipsec.exe.

The Eclipse launchers in 3.3 have had issues with various aspects of the console on Windows. See some bugs: 146807, 167310, 168726, and 173962.

All of our problems came from the fact that the eclipse.exe was linked as a UI application and not a console application. In 3.2, the console behaviour was tied to using java.exe instead of javaw.exe, but starting in 3.3 M5, the vm is loaded in the eclipse process using the JNI Invocation API.

So just like javaw/java, we now have eclipse/eclipsec. Eclipsec.exe is linked as a console application so that the OS handles allocating the console for us. Using eclipsec.exe does not imply any default arguments, so you still need to specify things like -console and -consoleLog.