
(See the events page for upcoming events.)

AMPLab Seminar

General Information
Time: Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm
Location: Wozniak Lounge, Room 430, Soda Hall, Berkeley (this may vary from week to week)
Info for speakers: 25-30 minute talks are ideal due to interactivity and Q & A. Audience consists of 20-30 students and faculty with backgrounds in databases, networking, and systems.  See the schedule
To give a talk in the seminar please contact [email protected]

Weekly AMPLab All Hands Meeting

We take some time out each week to get everyone together to discuss current news and status in the lab.   These meetings are part social, part informational, and part brainstorming.   Typically we get someone to give a short overview of a project currently underway.   The formal presentation part of the meeting is kept short so that there is plenty of time for discussion.   Meetings for Spring 2013 are held Tuesdays, 12-1pm in the Woz (430-8 Soda Hall). See the schedule.