Tags: zeitgeist



Saturday, October 19th, 2024

2004 was the first year of the future

I enjoyed reading through these essays about the web of twenty years ago: music, photos, email, games, television, iPods, phones

Much as I love the art direction, you’d never know that we actually had some very nice-looking websites back in 2004!

Thursday, October 20th, 2022

Why We’re Breaking Up with CSS-in-JS | Brad Frost

I’ve seen the pendulum swing back and forth many times over my years building on the web. I too feel like there’s something in the air right now, and people are finally acknowledging that most single page apps are crap.

But Brad makes the interesting point that, because they were incubated when profligate client-side JavaScript was all the rage, web components may have ended up inheriting the wrong mindset:

So now the world of web components has egg on its face because the zeitgeist at the time of its design didn’t have such a strong focus on SSR/HTML-first/ progressive enhancement. Had web components been designed in the current zeitgeist, things would almost certainly be different.

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

Responsive web design turns ten. — Ethan Marcotte

2010 was quite a year:

And exactly three weeks after Jeremy Keith’s HTML5 For Web Designers was first published, “Responsive Web Design” went live in A List Apart.

Nothing’s been quite the same since.

I remember being at that An Event Apart in Seattle where Ethan first unveiled the phrase and marvelling at how well everything just clicked into place, perfectly capturing the zeitgeist. I was in. 100%.

Friday, February 8th, 2008

Dopplr Raumzeitgeist 2007 by dopplr Fine Art Prints and Posters

You can now order a poster of the beautiful Dopplr visualisation of where we are travelling.

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006


A new site for tracking what's hot and what's not.

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

Flickr Services: Flickr API: flickr.tags.getHotList

This new method in the Flickr API could be used to create some fun zeitgeist-driven mashups.