Randoma11y - Accessible color combinations
Unusual colour combinations that are also accessible—keep smashing that “New colors” button.
Unusual colour combinations that are also accessible—keep smashing that “New colors” button.
Accidental colour palettes captured in the wild.
A nice standalone tool for picking colours out of photos, and generating a colour palette from the same photo.
A search engine for colours.
I don’t really understand what this colour tool is doing or what it’s for, but I like it.
Colour palettes throughout the ages that you can copy and use.
Some colour palette inspiration from films.
A nice tool for choosing colour palettes that look good and are also accessible.
Here, have some colour palettes.
A cute and fun way to put together a colour palette.
A very useful tip for creating cohesive colour palettes.
A cute little tool to help refine colour palettes.
A handy tool for generating colour palettes from images.
A handy tool for putting colour palettes together.
Did you know that you could use del.icio.us to bookmark colour palettes? Neither did I.
Nice online colour tool from Adobe labs.