Tags: oreilly



Monday, September 11th, 2017

Why strong sound design is critical to successful products - O’Reilly Media

From Designing Products with Sound by Amber Case and Aaron Day:

Sound eases cognitive burdens.

Sound is also a powerful brand differentiator.

Sound is emotional.

Finally, sound impacts productivity.

But also:

Not every product needs sound design.

Monday, February 9th, 2015

Power of the platforms - O’Reilly Radar

Simon St. Laurent on uncertainty as a feature, not a bug.

As much as I like “the Web Platform” sparing me syllables over HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more, Jeremy Keith is right: treating the web as a platform with all the brittle expectations of a platform is a terrible idea.

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

A Long Journey Reaches a Happy Conclusion: The Uncertain Web is Out In All Formats

Rob Larsen was published a book with O’Reilly called “The Uncertain Web: Web Development in a Changing Landscape”. I like it:

A refreshingly honest look at the chaotic, wonderful world of web development, with handy, practical advice for making future-friendly, backward-compatible websites.

Monday, January 21st, 2013

Foreword to DOM Enlightenment by Cody Lindley

The foreword to the O’Reilly book.

I make websites. Sometimes I make music. Over the years, I’ve noticed an interesting pattern of behavior from some musicians—often self-taught—who think of themselves as creative types: they display an aversion to learning any music theory. The logic, they say, is that knowing the theory behind music will somehow constrain their creative abilities. I’ve never understood that logic (and I secretly believe that it’s a retroactive excuse for a lack of discipline). To my mind, I just don’t see how any kind of knowledge or enlightenment could be a bad thing.

Alas, I have seen the same kind of logic at work in the world of web design. There are designers who not only don’t know how to write markup and CSS, they actively refuse to learn. Again, they cite the fear of somehow being constrained by this knowledge (and again, I believe that’s a self-justifying excuse).

In the world of front-end development, that attitude is fortunately far less prevalent. Most web devs understand that there’s always more to learn. But even amongst developers who have an encyclopediac knowledge of HTML and CSS, there is often a knowledge gap when it comes to the Document Object Model. That’s understandable. You don’t need to understand the inner workings of the DOM if you’re using a library like jQuery. The whole point of JavaScript libraries is to abstract away the browser’s internal API and provide a different, better API instead.

Nonetheless, I think that many front-end devs have a feeling that they should know what’s going on under the hood. That’s the natural reaction of a good geek when presented with a system they’re expected to work with. Now, thanks to DOM Enlightenment, they can scratch that natural itch.

Douglas Crockford gave us a map to understand the inner workings of the JavaScript language in his book JavaScript: The Good Parts. Now Cody Lindley has given us the corresponding map for the Document Object Model. Armed with this map, you’ll gain the knowledge required to navigate the passageways and tunnels of the DOM. ix

You might not end up using this knowledge in every project. You might decide to use a library like jQuery instead. But now it will be your decision. Instead of having to use a library because that’s all that you know, you can choose if and when to use a library. That’s a very empowering feeling. That’s what knowledge provides. That is true enlightenment.

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

Read ePub ebooks online : Bookworm ePub reader

A browser-based ePub reader. ‘Cause it’s (X)HTML all the way down, baby.

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Jonathan Stark's book is available online, in HTML, for free.

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

O'Reilly Maker - Create a funny book cover!

Create your own O'Reilly book cover. Maybe you have to be a geek to find this amusing. I find this amusing.

Monday, October 15th, 2007

'Lobbyconners' crash tech conferences to schmooze, cut deals

Lobbycon: The practice of schmoozing in lobbies at expensive technology conferences, often without paying. The term is inspired by the lingo of conference names, the titles of which sometimes end with "con."

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

Airbag Blog Advisory System - Because words sometimes hurt

Because if you use Tim O'Reilly's sherrif badge, the terrorists have already won.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Using Microformats

Brian's PDF book on microformats is now available from O'Reilly for $9.99. Congratulations, Mr. Suda!

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005

TIME Magazine -- The Road Ahead

A fun debate featuring Tim O'Reilly, Esther Dyson, Malcom Gladwell, Clay Shirky and Moby.