Tags: extraction



Monday, October 9th, 2023

Against Scale

Claire L. Evans has written a beautiful piece on the difference between growth and scalability:

Life is nonhierarchical, and it shirks top-down control. But scalability relies on hierarchy, on the isolation of elements stripped of history and context. It is predicated on the assumption that nature is little more than a raw material to be processed and commodified until it is spent. This is, of course, unsustainable — at any scale.

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

By Popular Demand, We’re Keeping the Term Extraction Service (Yahoo! Developer Network Blog)

Good news, everyone. Yahoo aren't shutting down the term extractor API. Happy developer is happy. Now if only they save GeoCities...

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

yws-search-general : Message: Term Extraction and Contextual Web Search services to be discontinued

Crap. The very powerful term extractor API from Yahoo is being closed down. Sad developer is sad.

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

SitePoint » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site

A rundown of microformat-extracting tools. "Ultimately, microformats are a bit like plumbing. They don’t do very much on their own, but if you make use of the data they provide, you can quickly and easily create useful functionality your visitors …