Tags: contest



Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

10K Apart

The 10K competition—spiritual successor to Stewart Butterfield’s 5K.org—is back. This time there’s no escape clause with web fonts or jQuery. You can lazy-load in more content after the initial 10K payload …but whatever you’re building needs to be usable in that first 10K.

Give it a go. There’s nothing like having a constraint to really get the creative juices flowing.

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

10K Apart | Inspire the web with just 10K.

I'll be sitting in judgement on the entries to this neat competition which harks back to the good ol' days of 5k.org.

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

The Six-Word Memoir Contest: presented by SMITH Magazine and Twitter

Send a six word message to Twitter prefixed with "smithmag" and you could win an iPod nano. Go on, give Earnest Hemmingway a run for his money.

Friday, January 27th, 2006

BBC - Culture Show - Design Quest

Vote on your favourite Britsh design. It's a tough call but I might plump for the Penguin paperback.