Tags: anger



Saturday, March 10th, 2018

It’s Dangerous to Go Stallone. Take Glyphhanger | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA

You’ll need to be comfortable with using the command line, but this is a very useful font subsetting tool from those clever folks at Filament Group.

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

In Pieces - 30 Endangered Species, 30 Pieces.

Beautiful use of CSS transitions and transforms.

Also: CSS is officially the new Flash—”skip intro” is back.

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Tom Morris - Oppression, identity and sexuality

Anger is an energy, especially when it’s coming from Tom …and for once, it’s not about the Semantic Web.

Seriously though, this is a great piece of writing. This is what blogs are for.

Saturday, March 26th, 2011

Touching Strangers

The premise of this work is simple: I meet two or more people on the street who are strangers to each other, and to me. I ask them if they will pose for a photograph together with the stipulation that they must touch each other in some manner. Frequently, I instruct or coach the subjects how to touch. Just as often, I let their tentative physical exploration play out before my camera with no interference.

Sunday, April 11th, 2010

How Annoyed Is Paul Robert Lloyd?

I wonder how much I need to wind up Paul at work in order to push him into the red...

Friday, October 26th, 2007

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

::HorsePigCow:: marketing uncommon » The insidious danger of danger

Tara talks about the damaging effect on women who believe that to protect themselves, they cannot be truly open online.

Tuesday, March 27th, 2007


When I gave a talk with Andy at South by Southwest I jokingly made reference to the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory. After reading Kathy Sierra’s last post, that joke isn’t funny anymore.

I just want to add my voice to the chorus of right-minded people who find this situation unacceptable. I wish there was some way I could channel my anger into something that would help. In the meantime, I can only echo Tim Bray’s call:

Anyone who is remotely connected with the people doing this needs to dig that story up and tell the community.

There will be a reckoning (and I don’t mean that in some wishy-washy karmic afterlife way).

Friday, March 23rd, 2007

Molt:n Core » Jeremy Keith killed JFK?

Apparently I look like Lee Harvey Oswald and Keanu Reeves. Whoa! Cameron Adams, on the other hand, looks like a bunch of girls (a bunch of hot girls, admittedly).