It’s Dangerous to Go Stallone. Take Glyphhanger | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
You’ll need to be comfortable with using the command line, but this is a very useful font subsetting tool from those clever folks at Filament Group.
You’ll need to be comfortable with using the command line, but this is a very useful font subsetting tool from those clever folks at Filament Group.
Beautiful use of CSS transitions and transforms.
Also: CSS is officially the new Flash—”skip intro” is back.
Anger is an energy, especially when it’s coming from Tom …and for once, it’s not about the Semantic Web.
Seriously though, this is a great piece of writing. This is what blogs are for.
The premise of this work is simple: I meet two or more people on the street who are strangers to each other, and to me. I ask them if they will pose for a photograph together with the stipulation that they must touch each other in some manner. Frequently, I instruct or coach the subjects how to touch. Just as often, I let their tentative physical exploration play out before my camera with no interference.
I wonder how much I need to wind up Paul at work in order to push him into the red...
Every time you wax, God kills a crab.
Tara talks about the damaging effect on women who believe that to protect themselves, they cannot be truly open online.
When I gave a talk with Andy at South by Southwest I jokingly made reference to the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory. After reading Kathy Sierra’s last post, that joke isn’t funny anymore.
I just want to add my voice to the chorus of right-minded people who find this situation unacceptable. I wish there was some way I could channel my anger into something that would help. In the meantime, I can only echo Tim Bray’s call:
Anyone who is remotely connected with the people doing this needs to dig that story up and tell the community.
There will be a reckoning (and I don’t mean that in some wishy-washy karmic afterlife way).
Apparently I look like Lee Harvey Oswald and Keanu Reeves. Whoa! Cameron Adams, on the other hand, looks like a bunch of girls (a bunch of hot girls, admittedly).