It’s OK to Say if You Went Back in Time and Killed Baby Hitler — Big Echo
Primer was a film about a start-up …and time travel. This is a short story about big tech …and time travel.
Primer was a film about a start-up …and time travel. This is a short story about big tech …and time travel.
Primer, but Twitter.
Lauren talks about The Shining Girls and the tools she uses to write with.
A well-written white paper on time travel. Alas, it relies a bit too much on semantic nitpickery to offer any real insight.
An oldie but goldie: time travel in the age of the internet.
How to ensure consistency in time travel narratives.
New from GMail: send email back in time. "Gmail utilizes an e-flux capacitor to resolve issues of causality." In all seriousness though, remember when GMail launched on April 1st, 2004 and everyone that it was a joke?
Brian Suda has a theoretical solution to real-time interplanetary communication: "I get on my tachyon voip phone and make a call from mars to earth at 9:00am it takes 10 minutes to travel there, but the tachyons travel backwards (so i think) that would be