Sentence Forms (not Mad Libs) | Adrian Roselli
Apparently the sentence forms that I kicked off with Huffduffer are making a comeback.
I was chatting with Rachel at work the other day about conversational forms, and I mentioned that I kicked that whole thing off with the mad libs style form on Huffduffer. Here’s the research that Luke later did on whether this style of form could increase conversion.
Apparently the sentence forms that I kicked off with Huffduffer are making a comeback.
We have to stop confusing the excesses of capitalism with the hallmarks of quality. Sometimes Google aren’t better, they’re just more pervasive.
cough AMP cough
A look at how Huffduffer-style forms might improve “conversion”.
Whatever. Let’s face it: it’s just quite nice when a form isn’t just your typical form (which this article makes a good point of mentioning):
Where the traditional sign up form is a regular, everyday brown cow, the mad lib form is a purple cow - a shiny object. We’re naturally easily distracted by, and drawn to, what’s new or out of the ordinary! Take advantage of that.
I only just found this article about those “mad libs” style forms that I started with Huffduffer.