Remix Icon - Open source icon library
I love how easy it is to use these icons: you can copy and paste the SVG or even get it encoded as a data URL.
What a wonderfully in-depth and clear tutorial from Cassie on how she created the animation for her nifty SVG logo!
Also: Cassie is on the indie web now, writing on her own website—yay!
I love how easy it is to use these icons: you can copy and paste the SVG or even get it encoded as a data URL.
A nice little collection of very simple—and very lightweight—SVGs to use as background patterns.
A handy tool for tweaking the animations in your SVGs.
Don’t miss this—a masterclass in SVG animation with Cassie (I refuse to use the W word). Mark your calendar: August 20th.
Woah! This is one smart hack!
Scott has figured out a way to get all the benefits of pointing to an external SVG file …that then gets embedded. This means you can get all the styling and scripting benefits that only apply to embedded SVGs (like using fill
The fallback is very graceful indeed: you still get the SVG (just not embedded).
Now imagine using this technique for chunks of HTML too …transclusion, baby!
Improving performance with containment.
Separate your concerns.
Browsers and bugs.
Styling sheet music …and then unstyling it.
A clever technique I learned from Trys.