Breaking Down a CSS Grid Layout, an article by Tim Wright

A deep dive into the CSS declaration that Jen told me she wants on a T-shirt.

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New CSS that can actually be used in 2024 | Thomasorus

Logical properties, container queries, :has, :is, :where, min(), max(), clamp(), nesting, cascade layers, subgrid, and more.

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Printing music with CSS grid

Laying out sheet music with CSS grid—sounds extreme until you see it abstracted into a web component.

We need fluid and responsive music rendering for the web!

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12 Days of Web

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An Interactive Guide to Flexbox in CSS

This is a superb explanation of flexbox—the interactive widgets sprinkled throughout are such a great aid to learning!

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Complex conditional width using flex-basis with clamp: Every Layout

Okay, combining flex-basis and clamp() is pretty cool!

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Declarative design

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