I’m speaking today at an online edition of An Event Apart called Front-End Focus. I’ll be opening up the show with a talk called Design Principles For The Web, which ironically doesn’t have much of a front-end focus:
Designing and developing on the web can feel like a never-ending crusade against the unknown. Design principles are one way of unifying your team to better fight this battle. But as well as the design principles specific to your product or service, there are core principles underpinning the very fabric of the World Wide Web itself. Together, we’ll dive into applying these design principles to build websites that are resilient, performant, accessible, and beautiful.
That explains why I’ve been writing so much about design principles …well, that and the fact that I’m mildly obsessed with them.
To avoid technical difficulties, I’ve pre-recorded the talk. So while that’s playing, I’ll be spamming the accompanying chat window with related links. Then I’ll do a live Q&A.
Should you be interested in the links that I’ll be bombarding the attendees with, I’ve gathered them here in one place (and they’re also on the website of An Event Apart). The narrative structure of the talk might not be clear from scanning down a list of links, but there’s some good stuff here that you can dive into if you want to know what the inside of my head is like.
- Page Weight Matters by Chris Zacharias
- Systems, Mistakes, and the Sea by Robin Rendle
- Patterns Day videos on Vimeo
- Workplace Topology by Danielle Huntrods
- The Design Squiggle by Damien Newman
- The Double Diamond by Design Council
- Canvassing a project by Andy Thornton
- How to run a premortem workshop by Rachel McConnell
- 5 Steps To Better Research by Benjamin Parry
- Design Principles collection
- Design Principles collection by Ben Brignell
- What makes a good design principle? by Matthew Ström
- Priority of Constituencies from HTML Design Principles
- The Eponymous Laws of Tech by Dave Rupert
- Principles of Design by Sir Tim Berners-Lee
- CERN 2019 WorldWideWeb Rebuild
- Data attributes and progressive enhancement by Derek Featherstone
- Government Design Principles by Government Digital Service
- Over-engineering is under-engineering by Baldur Bjarnason
- This Web App Best Viewed By Someone Else presentation by Eric Meyer on YouTube
- The top four web performance challenges
- Principle
- Ubiquity and consistency
- Principles and priorities
- Putting design principles into action