A proper podcast for South by Southwest 2006

The South by SouthWest website erronously lists a series of downloadable audio files as “podcasts”. Hugh, don’t make me come over there and give you a patronising scolding like the one I gave to Ryan.

Confusingly, there is an RSS file available but it doesn’t use enclosures so podcast playing software like iTunes can’t find the audio files.

Jason Landry to the rescue. He’s hand-rolled an RSS file with enclosures pointing to the audio files. Point your podcast subscribing software of choice at the SXSW 2006 Interactive Panels Podcast.

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Transcript of "How To Convince Your Company to Embrace Standards" from SXSW 2006

Steve, Kevin, and the other AOLers do the right thing and provide a transcript of their (excellent) panel from Southby. Come on, other speakers... where are your transcripts?

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