
Clutter is an aptly named little OS X application that at first glance appears to be a candidate for PerversionTracker but which, on further investigation, is actually really handy.

Here’s what it does: when you play a track in iTunes, it looks up the album title at Amazon. If there’s a match, it displays the album cover in a little window. You can then drag this album cover onto your desktop where it functions as a shortcut - click on it to play the album.

After you’ve dragged more than a few album covers out on to your desktop you’ll understand where the application’s name comes from.

Now, I may have a job for the Lazy Web.

Whenever I have iTunes running, not only do I have Clutter open, I also have Kung-Tunes churning away. Kung-Tunes is the application responsible for the "Current iTunes track" thingy on my journal.

What I’d like to do is not only show the title of the track and album that I’m listening to but also show a little thumbnail of the album cover.

I’m guessing some clever person out there has already used Amazon’s API to do just this but I haven’t come across it yet.

In the meantime, here’s a snapshot of my desktop. If you’re bored or easily entertained, see how many of these albums you can name.

36 album covers

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Previously on this day

23 years ago I wrote Bodiam Castle pictures

I’ve just spent a nice sunny Sunday at beautiful Bodiam Castle and I’ve got the pictures to prove it.