(redirected from Bidability/Constructability/Operability)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
BCO | Banco |
BCO | Boston Classical Orchestra (Boston, MA) |
BCO | Booking Centre Online (Spain) |
BCO | Bargain Catalog Outlet |
BCO | British Council for Offices (UK) |
BCO | BMC Capacity Optimization (software) |
BCO | Building Code Official (various locations) |
BCO | Boulder, Colorado |
BCO | Battalion Commanding Officer (US Navy) |
BCO | Bureau of Charitable Organizations (Pennsylvania) |
BCO | Biodiversity Convention Office (Canada) |
BCO | Beneficial Cargo Owner (importer of record who takes possession of cargo at destination) |
BCO | Building Control Officer (UK) |
BCO | Building Communication Opportunities (development alliance) |
BCO | Baker College Online (Michigan) |
BCO | Basic Center Operations |
BCO | Bonded Concrete Overlay |
BCO | Ballast Control Operator (offshore drilling) |
BCO | Binary Coded Octal |
BCO | Block Coincidence (robotics) |
BCO | Business Capacity Owner |
BCO | Battery Control Officer |
BCO | Base Central Office |
BCO | Belmont Community Organization |
BCO | Bristol Concert Orchestra (Bristol, UK) |
BCO | Battery Cut-Off |
BCO | Base Communications Officer |
BCO | Base Contracting Office |
BCO | Bird Carvers Online |
BCO | Basket Club d'Orchies (French basketball club) |
BCO | Branch Compliance Officer |
BCO | Bridge Cutoff |
BCO | Boa Constrictor Occidentalis (herpetoculture) |
BCO | Business Conduct Office |
BCO | Bright Class O (insulation) |
BCO | Broomfield Civic Orchestra (Broomfield, CO) |
BCO | Bidability/Constructability/Operability |
BCO | Broad Concept of Operations |
BCO | Balcones Community Orchestra (Austin, TX) |
BCO | Bombardment Control Officer |
BCO | Bounded Crystal Orbital |
BCO | Badminton Club Orangeois (French badminton club) |
BCO | Basket Club Octeville (French basketball club) |
BCO | Barrack Control Officer |
BCO | Bye Control Officer |
BCO | Basket Club Ostwald (French basketball club) |
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