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Command Line Power User

A video series for web developers on learning a modern command line workflow with ZSH, Z and related tools.

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What is this?

11 "I had no idea you could do that" videos for web developers looking to improve their command line skills.

They cover a workflow using some of the best modern tools that relate to using command line tools such as git, npm, gulp and so on.

Wes Bos

Meet Wes Bos

Wes Bos is a Full Stack Developer, Speaker and Teacher from Canada. He is a course creator, works as an independent web developer and is the co-host of Syntax - a popular web development podcast. Wes has taught over 500 students in 200+ classes and spoken at dozens of conferences around the world. Wes wrote his own bio in the third person for some reason.

Wes is the author of React For Beginners, Advanced React and GraphQL, ES6 for Everyone and Learn Node which together have sold over 55,000 copies. He is also the author of,, and Command Line Power User, a set of free video series. 300,000 people have taken at least one of Wes' free video courses.

The Videos

Ready to slam dunk the command line?

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