


大多數行星狀星雲形成的機制被認為是這樣:在恆星結束生命的末期,也就是紅巨星的階段,恆星外層的氣體殼被強勁的恆星風吹送進太空。紅巨星在大部分的氣體被驅散後,來自高溫的行星狀星雲核心(PNN,planetary nebula nucleus)輻射的紫外線會將被驅散的恆星外層氣體電離[2]。吸收紫外線的高能氣體殼層圍繞著中央的恆星發出朦朧的螢光,使其成為一個色彩鮮豔的行星狀星雲。
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圖像來源:NASA、ESA、和C.R. O'Dell(范德堡大學)

圖像來源:NASA、 ESA、Andrew Fruchter(STScI)、和ERO的團隊(STScI + ST-ECF)。
在20世紀的20年代,物理學家顯示在極端低密度的環境,電子可以在原子和離子中佔據亚稳态的能階維持激發態;但在高密度下,會因為撞擊很快地退激發,回到基態[10]。氮和氧離子的電子在這些能階間的躍遷(O+,O2+,也就是OIII,和N+)都能發射出500.7奈米和其他波長的譜線[6]。這些只能在低密度下看見的譜線,被稱為 禁線 。光譜的觀測因而證明行星狀星雲是極端稀薄的氣體組成[11]。

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大於8倍太陽質量(M⊙)的恆星會以超新星結束其生命,而質量介於0.08 M⊙至8.0 M⊙的中與低質量恆星只會以行星狀星雲結束其生命[19]。形成行星狀星雲的祖恆星,在其一生的絕大部分時間都耗費在核心以大約1,500萬K的溫度將氫融合成氦。這種在核心進行的核融合反應產生向外的壓力,平衡了恆星引力向內要壓碎裂恆星的壓力[20]。也就是說,所有中低質量的恆星在主序帶上的時間,都持續了數千萬年至數十億年。
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[编辑]行星狀星雲在星系演化中可能扮演著非常重要的角色。新誕生的恆星幾乎完全是由氫和氦組成[23]。但是,隨著恆星經歷漸近巨星分支的階段[24],它們通過核融合創造的重元素會被強勁的恆星風驅散[25]。行星狀星雲通常擁有較大比率的重元素,例如碳、氮和氧,這些都會經由強大的恆星風回歸至星際物質中。換言之,行星狀星雲大大的豐富了銀河系和星雲的重元素 -天文學家將比氦重的元素通通稱為金屬,並以金屬豐度參數Z表示[26]。

星雲有著各種各樣的形狀,絕大部分是投影的效果 -以不同的角度觀看同一個星雲,會呈現不同的形狀。然而,絕大多數的物理原因尚不完全清楚[39]。如果中央的恆星是聯星,與伴星之間的引力交互作用可能是原因之一。另一種可能性是當星雲形成時,行星擾亂了物質離開恆星的物質流。已經確認質量越大的恆星,產生的星雲越不規則[41]。在2005年1月,天文學家宣布在兩個行星狀星雲的中心恆星檢測到磁場,並且假設這些磁場要為全部或部分的形狀負責[42][43]。
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目前已經在銀河的四個球狀星團:M15、M22、NGC 6441、帕羅馬6內檢出行星狀星雲的成員。證據也指出在M31的球狀星團中也潛在著未發現的行星狀星雲[44]。然而,目前只有一個在疏散星團中發現行星狀星雲的例子,而且是不同的研究人員各自獨立確認的[45][46][47]。這個案例的行星狀星雲是疏散星團安德魯斯琳賽1的PHR 1315-6555。事實上,經由星團的成員估計出PHR 1315 6555最精確的距離(也就是距離上的誤差只有4%)。在M46的NGC 2818和NGC 2348的案例中,行星狀星雲和星團的速度不能匹配,顯示它們只是在視線方向上的巧合[36][48][49]。潛在的可能有PN的星團還有阿貝爾8與比卡6[50][51],和He 2-86與NGC 4463[52]。
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- ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Kwok 2000,第1–7頁
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- ^ 33.0 33.1 Osterbrock & Ferland 2005,第261–2頁
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- ^ Parker et al. 2006,第79–94頁
- ^ 36.0 36.1 36.2 Majaess, Turner & Lane 2007,第1349–60頁
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- ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 Kwok 2000,第89–96頁
- ^ Rees & Zijlstra 2013
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, doi:10.1016/j.newast.2009.03.006,
A planetary nebula (PN) is an expanding ionized circumstellar cloud that was ejected during the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase of the stellar progenitor.
- Frew, David J.; Parker, Quentin A., Planetary Nebulae: Observational Properties, Mimics and Diagnostics, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, May 2010, 27 (2): 129–148, Bibcode:2010PASA...27..129F, arXiv:1002.1525
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- Kiss, L. L.; Szabó, Gy. M.; Balog, Z.; Parker, Q. A.; Frew, D. J., AAOmega radial velocities rule out current membership of the planetary nebula NGC 2438 in the open cluster M46, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, November 2008, 391 (1): 399–404, Bibcode:2008MNRAS.391..399K, arXiv:0809.0327
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- Krause, Arthur, Astronomy, Oliver and Boyd: 187, 1961
- Kwok, Sun, The origin and evolution of planetary nebulae, Cambridge University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-521-62313-8 (Chapter 1 can be downloaded here.)
- Kwok, Sun, Planetary Nebulae: New Challenges in the 21st Century, Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, June 2005, 38 (2): 271–8, Bibcode:2005JKAS...38..271K, doi:10.5303/JKAS.2005.38.2.271
- Kwok, Sun; Su, Kate Y. L., Discovery of Multiple Coaxial Rings in the Quadrupolar Planetary Nebula NGC 6881, The Astrophysical Journal, December 2005, 635 (1): L49–52, Bibcode:2005ApJ...635L..49K, doi:10.1086/499332,
We report the discovery of multiple two-dimensional rings in the quadrupolar planetary nebula NGC 6881. As many as four pairs of rings are seen in the bipolar lobes, and three rings are seen in the central torus. While the rings in the lobes have the same axis as one pair of the bipolar lobes, the inner rings are aligned with the other pair. The two pairs of bipolar lobes are likely to be carved out by two separate high-velocity outflows from the circumstellar material left over from the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) wind. The two-dimensional rings could be the results of dynamical instabilities or the consequence of a fast outflow interacting with remnants of discrete AGB circumstellar shells.
- Kwok, Sun; Koning, Nico; Huang, Hsiu-Hui; Churchwell, Edward, Barlow, M. J.; Méndez, R. H. , 编, Planetary nebulae in the GLIMPSE survey, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Symposium #234, Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and Beyond (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 2006, 2 (S234): 445–6, Bibcode:2006IAUS..234..445K, doi:10.1017/S1743921306003668,
Planetary nebulae (PNs) have high dust content and radiate strongly in the infrared. For young PNs, the dust component accounts for ∼1/3 of the total energy output of the nebulae (Zhang & Kwok 1991). The typical color temperatures of PNs are between 100 and 200 K, and at λ >5 μm, dust begins to dominate over bound-free emission from the ionized component. Although PNs are traditionally discovered through examination of photographic plates or Hα surveys, PNs can also be identified in infrared surveys by searching for red objects with a rising spectrum between 4–10 μm.
- Liu, X.-W.; Storey, P. J.; Barlow, M. J.; Danziger, I. J.; Cohen, M.; Bryce, M., NGC 6153: a super–metal–rich planetary nebula?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, March 2000, 312 (3): 585–628, Bibcode:2000MNRAS.312..585L, doi:10.1046/j.1365-8711.2000.03167.x
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These objects are produced by low and intermediate mass stars, with main sequence masses roughly between 0.8 and 8 M⊙, and present a reasonably large age and metallicity spread.
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Source: Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics
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[编辑]- Entry in the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Press release on recent observations of the Cat's Eye Nebula (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Planetary Nebulae (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), SEDS Messier Pages
- The first detection of magnetic fields in the central stars of four planetary nebulae (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Planetary Nebulae—Information and amateur observations (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Planetary nebula on arxiv.org (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)