File:Flag of Lesotho.svg
呢個「SVG」檔案嘅呢個「PNG」預覽嘅大細:800 × 533 像素。 第啲解像度:320 × 213 像素|640 × 427 像素|1,024 × 683 像素|1,280 × 853 像素|2,560 × 1,707 像素。
原本檔案 (SVG檔案,表面大細: 900 × 600 像素,檔案大細:1 KB)
日期/時間 | 縮圖 | 尺寸 | 用戶 | 註解 | |
現時 | 2024年3月9號 (六) 12:22 | 900 × 600(1 KB) | Aris Odi | Reverted to version as of 13:47, 1 December 2022 (UTC) User has reverted multiple flags to old versions without discussing it first. | |
2024年3月9號 (六) 12:18 | 1,063 × 744(7 KB) | Nightstalion | Reverted to version as of 21:24, 24 November 2005 (UTC) | ||
2022年12月1號 (四) 13:47 | 900 × 600(1 KB) | MapGrid | Reverted. There is a lot of value in having code that is readable to humans. Please do not remove title tags, tabs, and line feed characters just for the sake of saving a few bytes. | ||
2022年12月1號 (四) 13:04 | 900 × 600(1 KB) | VexilAlpaca | Slight code reduction using SVGOMG | ||
2022年11月28號 (一) 11:22 | 900 × 600(1 KB) | Jeff G. | Reverted to version as of 20:17, 12 June 2022 (UTC) | ||
2022年11月28號 (一) 05:15 | 900 × 600(2 KB) | LiamHollingsworth1234 | Reverted to version as of 08:37, 15 July 2014 (UTC) | ||
2022年6月12號 (日) 20:17 | 900 × 600(1 KB) | MapGrid | Changing to Reflex Blue C and 347C as documented at Flags of the World, Album des Pavillons, Vexilla Mundi, and the 2012 Olympic Flag Manual | ||
2022年6月12號 (日) 19:24 | 900 × 600(3 KB) | 292Jacob | The colors are now more brighter | ||
2022年1月12號 (三) 04:52 | 900 × 600(1 KB) | MapGrid | Sync with File:Flag of Lesotho (construction sheet).svg. Hat is now exactly 92% of the width of the white stripe and some minor asymmetries have been removed. | ||
2019年11月30號 (六) 00:48 | 900 × 600(3 KB) | Tcfc2349 | fixed hat |
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- Template:LSO
- ab.wikipedia.org嘅使用情況
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- Afrika
- Xhosa
- Zoeloe
- Suid-Sotho
- Swazi
- Lesotho
- Britse Statebond
- Engels
- Kategorie:Lesotho
- Wikipedia:Uitgesoekte herdenkings/Oktober
- Lys van hoofstede
- Lys van lande volgens bevolking
- Suider-Afrika
- Cyril Ramaphosa
- Wikipedia:Uitgesoekte herdenkings/4 Oktober
- Lys van lande
- Zoeloes
- Lys van lande volgens Menslike-ontwikkelingsindeks
- Sjabloon:Landdata Lesotho
- Lys van lande volgens BBP (nominaal) per capita
- Lys van lande volgens BBP (koopkragpariteit) per capita
- Lys van lande volgens oppervlak
- Lys van lande volgens geletterdheidskoers
- Olimpiese Somerspele 2008
- Olimpiese Somerspele 2012
- Olimpiese Somerspele 2016
- Paralimpiese Somerspele 2008
- Paralimpiese Somerspele 2012
- Basotho
- Maseru
- Gebruiker:Alleman
- Gebruiker:Oesjaar
- Lys van lande volgens lewensverwagting
- Gebruiker:Wordscape/temp24
- Donald Tusk
- Lys van lande volgens kuslynlengte
- Lys van IOK-landkodes
- Afrika-unie
- Gebruiker:Martinvl
- Olimpiese Somerspele 2020
- Vlae van Afrika
- Vlag van Lesotho
- Konfederasie van Afrikasokker