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Saving time with git hooks

14 December 2015 Omar Reiss

Git hooks are small executable scripts that provide a way to trigger actions on different points in a git workflow. At Yoast we've found multiple use cases, including regeneration of autoloading classmap, codestyle checks and asset minification.

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Saving time with git hooks

Road to Yoast SEO 3.0

18 November 2015 | 28 Comments Taco Verdonschot

It all started long, long ago in a town far, far away (from most of you) when Joost came up with a major improvement for our Yoast SEO plugin. “Imagine”, he said, “imagine that you’d no longer have to wait for your post to be finished and saved to analyze the content. Imagine that changes »

Read: "Road to Yoast SEO 3.0"
Road to Yoast SEO 3.0

Composer in Yoast projects

11 November 2015 Joost de Valk

Earlier this year I implemented the Composer dependency manager support in Yoast projects. In recent years I spent a lot of time to explore and promote the use of Composer in the WordPress ecosystem in general. Implementing Composer in Yoast plugins is a great example of its success with WordPress projects, deployed on a widest possible »

Read: "Composer in Yoast projects"
Composer in Yoast projects

YoastSEO.js design decisions

4 November 2015 Omar Reiss

In the upcoming 3.0 release of Yoast SEO (for WordPress), we’re moving the entire content analysis from the server to the client side. This way our users can get instant feedback on the content they’re writing, while they’re writing it. In the past six months we’ve been working hard on a JavaScript library called YoastSEO.js »

Read: "YoastSEO.js design decisions"
YoastSEO.js design decisions

Yoast SEO: Developer Beta

8 October 2015 Omar Reiss

Today we’re releasing a developer beta for the upcoming release of Yoast SEO for WordPress, containing the long anticipated real time content analysis functionality. The release is provisionally scheduled for november 2nd and will include native support for shortcodes. At the same time we had to break backwards compatibility for multiple filters. That means we really »

Read: "Yoast SEO: Developer Beta"
Yoast SEO: Developer Beta

Breaking up responsive design

19 December 2013 | 60 Comments Michiel Heijmans

Over the last couple of weeks I have been dealing with the fine art of CSS. Although that is not my daily business anymore – because I lead the website review team here at Yoast – I really enjoyed mastering SCSS and using that for an actual design. During this field trip, I encountered several »

Read: "Breaking up responsive design"
Breaking up responsive design

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