Thank you for endorsing these Questions for the JLM. Please circulate
this email far & wide: we would like many more Labour members and
supporters to sign on, including organisations. With thanks.
The JLM is an affiliate of the Labour Party yet they stated that
in an election they would not support any Labour candidate who
accepts Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, and they did not support Labour in
Peterborough. They have also demanded that Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell “get rid of Jeremy Corbyn”.
The implications are wide especially with the possibility of a
snap election. This is even more urgent after Panorama’s unprecedented attack
(BBC 10 July), endorsed by the JLM, on Corbyn and
the movement of hundreds of thousands who elected him. Also, the previous day
the Guardian deleted from its website a letter supporting Chris
Williamson MP, a Corbyn ally, signed by over 100 Jewish people, a number of
whom are internationally known.
We hope you will endorse and circulate the following Critical Questions for the JLM. You can endorse by sending your name to [email protected]
or comment on our Facebook. Please
say if you are signing as an individual and/or for an organization.
Callaway, Pete Firmin, Owen Holland, Selma
James, Michael Kalmanovitz, Nina Lopez, Sam Weinstein, Aurora Yaacov
Signatories include:
Swee Ang, Dr. Haim Bresheeth, Victoria Brittain, Dr. Ghada Karmi, Ronnie Kasrils, Ken Loach, Emeritus Prof Moshe
Machover, Ian Macdonald QC, Leon Rosselson, Alexei Sayle,
Avi Shlaim FBA, Asa Winstanley
Other signatories below
the Questions.
On 7 April 2019 the JLM passed
resolutions that denounced the leadership of the Labour Party and the Labour
Party itself. This is extraordinary coming from an organisation
affiliated to the Labour Party. We therefore must ask some critical questions
of the JLM and their supporters.
The JLM passed
resolutions that said:
Labour Party is institutionally antisemitic;
the leadership of the Labour Party have demonstrated that they are
antisemitic; and Jeremy Corbyn is therefore unfit
to be prime minister and a Labour government led by him would not be in the
interest of British Jews.
…[we] withhold endorsement, support or campaign time from any candidate who
is not an ally in the fight against antisemitism in the Labour Party…
In the Peterborough
by-election in May, the JLM decided not to campaign for Labour
parliamentary candidate Lisa Forbes, and after she won you
called for her to have the whip suspended immediately.
Does that mean that you were so opposed to her election that you did not
care who was elected instead? Undermining the Labour candidate enhanced the
chances of the Brexit party, led by an extreme right-winger who has
connections with the antisemitic racist right in Europe. Would you
have preferred the Brexit candidate to be elected?
Is the JLM in favour of
the Labour Party manifesto which Corbyn’s leadership has produced, against
austerity, for re-nationalisation and an ethical foreign policy?
When there is a general
election, what other party would the JLM encourage Jewish people to vote
for, or would you propose that Jewish people abstain from voting? Would the
JLM tell people not to vote Labour, allowing the possibility of a racist,
anti-immigrant, homophobic, pro-austerity, extremist right wing Tory prime
There is an increasing
threat of war against Iran by the US, backed by Israel and Saudi Arabia. A
Corbyn government would ensure that Britain uses its power to deflate such
a horrendous possibility and would not back such a war.
Would the JLM support
the Corbyn-led anti-war Party or support this highly dangerous promotion of
Al Jazeera documentary, The Lobby, revealed that leading members of the JLM
were working with Israeli agent Shai Masot based at the Israeli embassy,
who was plotting to “take down” Foreign Office minister Alan Duncan and
discredit the then chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee Crispin
Blunt for disagreeing with Israel’s policies towards Palestinians.
then chair of the JLM, Jeremy Newmark, was filmed at the 2016 Labour Party
conference in a meeting with Masot and Israel’s ambassador to the UK Mark
Regev discussing how to undermine Party members’ support for Palestine.
undercover footage, Ella Rose, then director of JLM, now Equalities
Officer, defended the JLM’s relationship with Masot saying she knew him
“very well” and that she had worked with him when she was a public affairs
officer at the Israeli embassy. She admitted that the JLM brought an
Israeli delegation to the conference on behalf of the embassy.
In the light of this we
have to ask what is the relationship between the JLM and the Israeli
embassy in London?
Labour leader Jeremy
Corbyn and shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry called for an
investigation into the apparent Israeli interference exposed by Al Jazeera.
Does the JLM support
such an investigation?
The JLM website states:
addition to the UK Labour Party, the Jewish Labour Movement is also
affiliated to the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Zionist Federation
of the UK, and organise within the World Zionist Organisation alongside our
sister party in Israel, Havodah - the Israeli Labor Party . . .
According to the UN, the
World Zionist Organisation was allocated $35 million by Israel to
fund and organise Israeli settlements on Occupied Palestinian land in
violation of international law. The Zionist Federation of the UK demonstrated in support of
the 2014 bombing of Gaza where over 2,000 Palestinian civilians were
killed, including 500 children. The Board of Deputies of British Jews attempted to justify the
widely condemned intentional killing of unarmed Palestinians by the Israeli
military during the Great March of Return. So far this has resulted
in 277 killed, including 52 children,
media, medical personnel and disabled people, and 28,000 wounded and
deliberately disabled.
We see no references to
these tragedies on the JLM website: how do you explain being affiliated to
these organisations which defend illegal incursions into Palestinian land
and life, and the organised murder and maiming of unarmed civilians?
Isaac Herzog, while
leader of the JLM’s ‘sister party’ the Israeli Labor Party (ILP) stated his
apartheid view to: “separate from as many Palestinians
as possible, as quickly as possible . . . We want to . . . complete the
barrier that separates us.” Last year he stated that
intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews is a “plague”. ILP leader
Gabbay has said: “the Arabs have to be afraid of us”
and “We will not share a government with
the [Arab majority party] Joint List, period.”, and
joined the racists in trying to legislate for 35,000 African asylum seekers
to be either deported or indefinitely
the JLM challenged these views?
The JLM’s no-confidence
resolution in Jeremy Corbyn also says:
for those less fortunate than us or who suffered discrimination or
injustice are both Jewish and Labour values.
Yet the JLM seems to
focus only on antisemitism in the Labour Party and has little to say about
antisemitism by other political parties, even by the far right. Other
forms of racism, including Islamophobia, and discrimination and injustice,
such as the hostile immigration environment are rarely mentioned. Can
you say why this is so?
The JLM AGM also
attacked other Labour organisations, including a Jewish organisation:
[Campaign for Labour Party Democracy], LRC [Labour Representation
Committee] and JVL [Jewish Voice for Labour] are a malign influence in the
Labour Party.
One of the JLM’s ‘values’ is: To
promote the centrality of Israel in Jewish life . . .
The JLM often refer to
‘the Jewish community’ as if Jewish people are of one mind and whose
political views you represent; at the same time you attack a Jewish
organisation. How can you justify this?
Since you consider the
Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn institutionally antisemitic and therefore
claim he is ‘unfit’ to govern, are we right to assume that you stay in the
Labour Party to prevent it becoming the government?
Also endorsed
by (so far):
Nadia Amara
Carol Archer
Mike Barson
Labina Basit
Turan Basri
Prof. Hagit Borer, FBA
Cornelius Carroll
David Cannon
Sylvia Cohen
Owen Cooper
Greg Dropkin
Bridget Dunne
Thomas Eisner
Liz Elkind
Michael Ellman
Prof. David Epstein, FRS
Martin Fahey
Andrew Finebaum
Carolyn Gelenter
Bob Giles
Martin Golding
Tony Greenstein
Dorothea Hackman
Fran Heron
Tim Horgan
Naomi Junnor
Stephen Kapos
Martin Kemp
Professor Chris Knight
Bill MacKeith
Dr. Agnes Kory
Richard Kuper
Marie Lyman
Kate Macintosh
Colin McKean
Helen Marks
David Mond
Roy Mowatt
Diana Neslen
Miranda Pinch
John Purcell
Mizanur Rahman
Paul Renny
Shezan Renny
Linda Sayle
Jenny Secretan
Sarah Sheriff
Andy Simons
Isabel Simons
Ray Sirotkin
Tom Suarez
Cathy Sutcliffe
Ruth Tenne
Genevieve Tester
Phil Vasili
Hugh Wallis
(so far):
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Jewish Network for Palestine
Labour Against the Witchhunt
Liverpool Friends of Palestine
Scottish Jews Against Zionism
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign