Tatu Ylonen - Research Home Page
This will be the personal and research home page of Tatu Ylonen (also known as Tatu Ylönen or Tatu Yloenen).
Computational Linguistics, Semantics, and AI
I'm currently working on new approaches to understanding natural language by computers. There is not much public information on this yet, but check out the following:
- Kaikki.org dictionary (including raw Wiktextract data extracted from the English Wiktionary): kaikki.org
- Extracting information from Wiktionary: wiktextract
- Inflecting Finnish words into any valid form: wiktfinnish
- Optimized tree for tracking sequence occurrences: tokentree
- See demo on WordNet and FrameNet visualization (uses WebGL; high-end desktop and Chrome recommended)
- Some earlier work can be found on the patents page.
I'm also working on various highly scalable machine-learning approaches.
In the medium term I'm particularly interested in semantic parsing - extracting and representing the meaning of documents.
- For publications and citations, please see my Google Scholar page. I seem to have about 7000 citations, even though I didn't publish academically for decades.
- The primary reference on SSH (Secure Shell) for citing in research papers is: Tatu Ylonen: SSH - Secure Login Connections over the Internet, Proceedings of the 6th USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 37-42, 1996.
- I've authored a few Internet standards, including: RFC 4251, RFC 4252, RFC 4253, and RFC 4254.
- I was the principal author of NISTIR 7966 (by the National Institute of Standards and Technology), which provides guidance on SSH key management.
- Patents - as of last count, I had 59 granted US patents and several applications pending. There are also dozens of international patents that are substantially equivalent to the US ones. Some of these patents have resulted in multi-million dollar licensing deals with some of the largest technology companies in the world, for the benefit of the companies that own them.
I wrote the original SSH (Secure Shell), which has since evolved into OpenSSH and various other versions. It now ships with every Unix, Linux, and Mac computer and is available for every platform. It is the de facto tool for system and network administration over computer networks. I've also done a lot of work in SSH key management, for both user authentication keys and host keys.
I'm currently interested in SSH key management and post-quantum cryptography and how to design security protocols for the post-quantum age. It does look like quantum computers might actually be becoming a reality. It is time to start preparing, as the changes are going to affect an awfully wide variety of protocols and systems, most of which will need to be upgraded or replaced - and many of those would normally only be replaced after 10-20 years!
See preprint Challenges in Managing SSH Keys - and a Call for Solutions
See bibliography on SSH and SSH key management.
Database research
I used to be a database researcher. Here is some work from that era. We introduced various new ideas into concurrent, scalable shadow paging, including striping and RAID built into the shadow paging mechanism, on-the-fly transaction-consistent snapshots, and fine-grained locking. My Master's thesis was on information retrieval - full text indexing. We also did operating system work, including porting the Mach operating system to a new processor architecture (which lead to me debugging and fixing bugs in GCC, GNU linker, and GDB and writing extensive kernel code).
- Kerttu Pollari-Malmi, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen, and Tatu Ylonen: Concurrency control in B-trees with batch updates. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 8(6):975-984, 1996.
- Eljas Soisalon-Soininen and Tatu Ylonen: Partial strictness in two-phase locking. International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT'95), pp. 139-147, 1995.
- Tatu Ylonen: Shadow Paging Is Feasible. Licentiate's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 1994.
- Tatu Ylonen: Shadow Paging Is Feasible. Technical Report, Helsinki University of Technology, 1995.
- Tatu Ylonen, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen, and Tero Kivinen: Concurrent Shadow Paging: Fine-Granularity Locking with Support for Extended Lock Modes and Early Releasing of Locks. Technical Report TKK-TKO-TR-B112-1993, Helsinki University of Technology, 1993.
- Tatu Ylonen, Tero Kivinen, Heikki Suonsivu, and Tomi Männistö: Concurrent Shadow Paging: Snapshots, Read-Only Transactions, and On-The-Fly Multi-Level Incremental Dumping. Technical Report TKK-TKO-TR-B104-1993, Helsinki University of Technology, 1993.
- Tatu Ylonen: Write Optimizations and Clustering in Concurrent Shadow Paging. Technical Report TKK-TKO-TR-B99-1993, Helsinki University of Technology, 1993.
- Tatu Ylonen: Concurrent Shadow Paging: A New Direction for Database Research. Technical Report TKK-TKO-TR-B86-1992, Helsinki University of Technology, 1992.
- Tatu Ylonen: An Algorithm for Full-Text Indexing. Master's Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 1992.
- Tatu Ylonen: An Algorithm for Full-Text Indexing. Technical Report TKK-TKO-TR-B75-1992, Helsinki University of Technology, 1992.
- Tatu Ylonen and Heikki Suonsivu: A Multi-User Shadow Paging Transaction Manager on Mach 3.0. Report in Mach seminar, Helsinki University of technology, 1992.
Other links
- I'm founder of SSH.COM
- My linkedin page with a more elaborate bio
- Follow me on Twitter (however I'm not currently active on Twitter)
- Clausal Computing