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We Love Our Parents, We Fear Snakes

by Yann Novak

Subscription exclusive


'We Love Our Parents, We Fear Snakes' originated as a sound and movement performance by Marbles Jumbo Radio and Yann Novak inside Johanna Breiding installation of the same name. The installation was created as an intimate gathering space — foyer/drawing room/death room/living room — for queer-identified performers to explore traditionally familial spaces and experiences of mourning. Breiding invited Marbles and Novak to collaborate on the project and culminating performance because of their mutual experience of loosing their mothers. The project was part of Women’s Center for Creative Work’s Parlor at the Armory residency program.

'We Love Our Parents, We Fear Snakes' is a free download of Novak’s sound performance released on the 10 year anniversary of his mothers passing and is dedicated to Eva Shao-Huai Blum, Andrea Breiding, Ingrid Ann Buslee and Donna Lynn Cameron.


released February 26, 2016

Yann Novak Studio, US (YNS011)


all rights reserved



Yann Novak Los Angeles, California

Yann Novak is a multidisciplinary artist and composer based in Los Angeles. His work is guided by his unique perspective as a queer autodidact. Informed by his partial color blindness and dyslexia, Novak uses sound and light to explore how these intangible materials can act as catalysts to focus our awareness on our own direct experience. ... more

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