Shows daily performance of Ginmon funds. Add account via `$ security add-generic-password -a "<username>" -s ginmonbitbar -w "<password>"`.
# Add your Ginmon account via `$ security add-generic-password -a "<username>" -s ginmonbitbar -w "<password>"`
# <xbar.title>Ginmon daily performance</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
# <>Jonas Bach</>
# <>jbach</>
# <xbar.dependencies>bash</xbar.dependencies>
# <xbar.desc>Shows daily performance of Ginmon funds. Add account via `$ security add-generic-password -a "<username>" -s ginmonbitbar -w "<password>"`.</xbar.desc>
# get user/pass from keychan
SEC=$(security find-generic-password -s ginmonbitbar -g 2>&1)
USER=$(echo "$SEC" | grep "acct" | cut -d \" -f 4)
PASS=$(echo "$SEC" | grep "password" | cut -d \" -f 2)
if [ -z "$USER" ] || [ -z "$PASS" ]; then
echo "Account details missing | color=red"
exit 0
# create temporary file
# login
curl '' --silent -L -A 'Mozilla/5.0' --cookie-jar "$TMP" >/dev/null
HTML=$(curl '' --silent -L -A 'Mozilla/5.0' --data-urlencode "_username=$USER" --data-urlencode "&_password=$PASS" --cookie "$TMP" | tr -d '\040\011\012\015')
# get number
POSITIVE=$(echo "$HTML" | grep -o 'valuepercentpositive">[[:digit:],]*' | cut -d '>' -f 2)
NEGATIVE=$(echo "$HTML" | grep -o 'valuepercentnegative">[[:digit:],]*' | cut -d '>' -f 2)
# output
if [ ! -z "$POSITIVE" ]; then
SUM=$(echo "$HTML" | grep -o 'valuecurrency-eurpositive">[\.[:digit:],]*' | cut -d '>' -f 2)
echo "+$POSITIVE% | color=green"
echo "---"
echo "+$SUM€ | color=green href="
exit 0
if [ ! -z "$NEGATIVE" ]; then
SUM=$(echo "$HTML" | grep -o 'valuecurrency-eurnegative">[\.[:digit:],]*' | cut -d '>' -f 2)
echo "-$NEGATIVE% | color=red"
echo "---"
echo "-$SUM€ | color=red href="
exit 0
echo "Offline | color=red"
exit 0