Photo of the wonderful Edward (@0xedward)Photo of the wonderful Sinkerine (@15cm) - Live & SinkPhoto of the wonderful Bastian Kersting (@1c3t3a) - Software EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Andrzej A. Wojciechowski (@AAWO)Photo of the wonderful Adam Marsh (@Adam2Marsh)Photo of the wonderful Alex (@Aleksandern)Photo of the wonderful Alix Poulsen (@AlexPoulsen) - probably getting distracted ⚧Photo of the wonderful Behel (@Behel)Photo of the wonderful Bitflib (@BitFlib) - #bitcoinPhoto of the wonderful Cian Dowd (@BrokenFlows)Photo of the wonderful Chandler Davidson (@Chandler-Davidson) - A coffee fueled Software Engineer.Photo of the wonderful Christopher Haen (@Chrisischris)Photo of the wonderful Jiri Novak (@CzechJiri)Photo of the wonderful Andre (@DerAndre)Photo of the wonderful Jake Gage (@Dispader) - adj. [predicative]
All right; satisfactory
‘everything was jake again’Photo of the wonderful Douwe Maan (@DouweM) - I build software, products, teams, and companiesPhoto of the wonderful Eric Andrechek (@EricAndrechek)Photo of the wonderful Francesco Belladonna (@Fire-Dragon-DoL)Photo of the wonderful Florian Schlund (@FloSchl8)Photo of the wonderful FusionX (@FusionX13)Photo of the wonderful Nikita Zhavoronkov (@Har01d) - Lead developer @BlockchairPhoto of the wonderful Igor Borges (@Igor1201)Photo of the wonderful Jack Zhang (@JAckZ97) - 
    Computer EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Minz (@JanGross)Photo of the wonderful Johannes Strodel (@John-Sane) - Student, Human-Computer Interaction - LMU MunichPhoto of the wonderful Joost Slijkoort (@JoostSlijkoort)Photo of the wonderful Julian Naumann (@JulianNaumann) - CS/Machine Learning student in GermanyPhoto of the wonderful ☟ (@KarlPiper)Photo of the wonderful Kenichi Shimizu (@KenSmz)Photo of the wonderful Lakeland (@Lakeland97)Photo of the wonderful Horațiu Ion (@Link512)Photo of the wonderful Luca Angioloni (@LucaAngioloni) - CTO @ Aidia | CEO @ Sphera - Founder, Machine Learning Engineer, Big Data and Software Architect.Photo of the wonderful Marco Cabazal (@MarcoCabazal) - swift (ios, macos), ruby (rails), js (react, react-native, express)Photo of the wonderful Bruce Steedman (@MatzFan)Photo of the wonderful Mucahit Tutuncu (@Mucahit) - Frontend EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Erick Madrid (@Neovirxp)Photo of the wonderful Nathan Zebrowski (@Nzebo)Photo of the wonderful Pere Albujer (@P4R)Photo of the wonderful huhu (@Phlooo)Photo of the wonderful Brandon Barker (@ProjectBarks)Photo of the wonderful Elias Abacioglu (@Raboo)Photo of the wonderful Raemond (@RaemondBW) - raemond.comPhoto of the wonderful Roman Krasavtsev (@RomanKrasavtsev) - Passionate DevOps EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Ryan Scott Lewis (@RyanScottLewis)Photo of the wonderful Stefan du Fresne (@SCdF)Photo of the wonderful Sarah Keenan (@SKeenan07)Photo of the wonderful Sai Gurrapu (@SaiG18) - ML EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Shuga (@Shugabuga) - 
    Developer and Designer.Photo of the wonderful Simon Hudson (@SimonSays13) - founder/CTO, etc.Photo of the wonderful Srdgh (@Srdgh)Photo of the wonderful Stratos Xakoustos (@Stratouklos)Photo of the wonderful Michael R. (@The-Michael-R)Photo of the wonderful Tok1 (@Tokfrans03)Photo of the wonderful UdjinM6 (@UdjinM6)Photo of the wonderful Vitaly (@VitalyEmelyanov) - Senior Fullstack DeveloperPhoto of the wonderful Weibing Chen (@WeibingChen17)Photo of the wonderful Aleks ANDRÉ (@XanderLeaDaren)Photo of the wonderful Yukai Huang (@Yukaii) - 會在網路上喵喵叫的都是男孩子;

Co-founded @hackmdio.

I use t̶a̶b̶s̶ ꜱᴘᴀᴄᴇꜱ, meow.

I use kakoune, btw.Photo of the wonderful Zachary David Saunders (@ZacharyDavidSaunders) - This profile is a playpen for me, nothing here should be considered production ready.Photo of the wonderful Aaron Crawford (@aaroncrawford)Photo of the wonderful AaronEdell (@aaronedell) - Not a good developerPhoto of the wonderful Joseph Schultz (@acupofjose) - The key to good development isn't creating something that works, it's understanding why.Photo of the wonderful Adam Kenyon (@adampk90)Photo of the wonderful Bryan Stone (@aegixx) - Cloud Architect / Platform Engineer / Sr. Software Engineer

Love bleeding edge and challenges!Photo of the wonderful Johan Bloemberg (@aequitas)Photo of the wonderful Afraz (@afrazkhan) - The plural for a set of abaci is abacises, no matter what your spell checker says.Photo of the wonderful Gabriel Age (@agezao) - I'm a passionated Web Developer concerned about making the web a great place.Photo of the wonderful Agustin Feuerhake (@agustinf)Photo of the wonderful Adam Jilling (@ajilling)Photo of the wonderful Albert G (@alber70g)Photo of the wonderful Ashley (@albinoloverats)Photo of the wonderful Alejandro Narvaja (@alebarbaja) - UI DeveloperPhoto of the wonderful Aleksei Sotnikov (@alekseysotnikov) - Clojure/Script, JavaPhoto of the wonderful alesf (@alesf)Photo of the wonderful Alessio Signorini (@alessio-signorini) - 👨🏻‍💻 Technologist
👨🏻‍🎓 PhD in AI & Epidemiology
🌎  Dir. of Tech at
🚀  TechStars & RockHealth
🔬 Founder Evidation HealthPhoto of the wonderful Alexandre Espinosa Menor (@alexandregz)Photo of the wonderful Alex Haynes (@alexh)Photo of the wonderful Flo Crivello (@altimor) - @AltimorPhoto of the wonderful Amir C (@amircp) - TypeScript Lover and Python Developer.
Love math, Machine Learning. (Learning)
and super fan of Behavior Driven Development.Photo of the wonderful Anderson Addo (@andersonaddo) - Web, mobile & video game dev.  Open-sources some projects. 🐻 Brown '23Photo of the wonderful Josh Beckman (@andjosh) - Moved to @joshbeckmanPhoto of the wonderful Andrew Sanchez (@andrewsanchez)Photo of the wonderful Andrew Keating (@andrewzk)Photo of the wonderful Jonas Marcello (@anergictcell) - Bioinformatician | Digital Health | Python | RustPhoto of the wonderful Dean Fogarty (@angrytongan)Photo of the wonderful Anmol Arora (@anmolarora) - EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Anthony Clark (@anthonyclarka2)Photo of the wonderful Anthony Lauzon (@anthonylauzon)Photo of the wonderful Anup Sam Abraham (@anupsabraham)Photo of the wonderful Adam Rice (@arice)Photo of the wonderful Kenji Akiyama (@artifactsauce) - A raw guy programmer.Photo of the wonderful Adam Snodgrass (@asnodgrass) - Sapient ambulatory bio-softwarePhoto of the wonderful Justin Honold (@astrostl)Photo of the wonderful Marcos Huerta (@astrowonk)Photo of the wonderful Aabishkar KC (@avidit) - ⏳ loading...Photo of the wonderful Axel (@axeloz)Photo of the wonderful Brandon Stilson (@bbstilson) - It's what it's.Photo of the wonderful Ben Congdon (@bcongdon)Photo of the wonderful Benjamin Sehl (@benjaminsehl) - Product at @Shopify, leading Storefronts DX.Photo of the wonderful Benji Encalada Mora (@benjifs) - 🇪🇨Photo of the wonderful Federico Brigante (@bfred-it) - This profile was renamed to @fregantePhoto of the wonderful Brad Greenlee (@bgreenlee) - Indie software engineerPhoto of the wonderful Bill Havanki (@bhavanki) - Marylander, Segmenter / Twilion, Java nerd, likes big transforming robots.Photo of the wonderful 数码乱炖 (@bihell)Photo of the wonderful Billy Jacoby (@billyjacoby) - I'm a software engineer focusing on performant react applications for both web and native.Photo of the wonderful clip (@binderclip) - Backend developer.

应该聚集有限的能量。Photo of the wonderful Charles Lehnert (@binomialstew)Photo of the wonderful Biran (@biranyucel) - Data Science | Machine Learning.     
PythonPhoto of the wonderful Brett Jones (@blockloop) - The ungrateful bipedPhoto of the wonderful Bob Zoller (@bobzoller) - luddite-leaning technology leaderPhoto of the wonderful Adam Bogdał (@bogdal)Photo of the wonderful Miguel Laginha (@brecke) - I drink beer and I build things.Photo of the wonderful Brendan Shanny (@brenshanny) - Founding Engineer @aviaiPhoto of the wonderful Bruno Conte (@brunocbr)Photo of the wonderful Reuel (@brute-force)Photo of the wonderful Bryan Dodd (@bryandodd)Photo of the wonderful Buster Collings (@busterc) - 🛠Build
🎉EnjoyPhoto of the wonderful Cabin Z (@cabinz) - CS PhD Student @ HKUPhoto of the wonderful Charlie Chrisman (@cachrisman) - Solution Engineer @contentfulPhoto of the wonderful Cameron Rye (@cameronrye) - Making the web fun and exciting one pixel at a time 🚀✨Photo of the wonderful Lorenzo Bugiani (@canemacchina)Photo of the wonderful Joe Canero (@caneroj1) - Software EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Carlson Orozco (@carlsonorozco) - Christianprenuer • • DadPhoto of the wonderful CartoonChess (@cartoonchess)Photo of the wonderful Christopher Chen (@cchen408) - JavaScript. Node. Blockchain.Photo of the wonderful Cem Yildirim (@cemyld)Photo of the wonderful Carlos Eugenio Torres (@cetorres) - Principal Member of Technical Staff at Oracle. M.S. in Computer Science, Ph.D. student at UCCSPhoto of the wonderful cghamburg (@cghamburg)Photo of the wonderful Matteo Ferrando (@chamini2)Photo of the wonderful Chen Luxin (@chenlujjj)Photo of the wonderful Chris Bergeron (@chrisbergeron) - IT Professional with over 25 years of experience including: Cloud, Infrastructure, Virtualization, Systems Administration, Network and DB Administration.Photo of the wonderful Chris Metcalf (@chrismetcalf) - "Specialization is for insects" - Lazarus LongPhoto of the wonderful Christoph Russ (@christophruss)Photo of the wonderful Thibault Delattre (@chtboner) - 2 Masters Degrees in History. Somehow became a computer engineer...Photo of the wonderful Steffen (@citoki)Photo of the wonderful Cristian (@cmaluend)Photo of the wonderful Cnfn (@cnfn)Photo of the wonderful 伊冲 (@cnsworder) - 开发者说Photo of the wonderful CodinCafe (@codincafe) - Caffeine for your coding thoughtsPhoto of the wonderful Cody Brumfield (@cody1213) - Full stack web developer and Angel investor. Mostly JavaScript (Svelte) these days.Photo of the wonderful Cole Brumley (@colebrumley)Photo of the wonderful Chris Opland (@copland)Photo of the wonderful Corey Kaiser (@coreyk)Photo of the wonderful Corvin Wimmer (@corv89)Photo of the wonderful Charl P. Botha (@cpbotha)Photo of the wonderful Christian Selvaratnam (@cselvaratnam)Photo of the wonderful Cameron Currie (@cwc)Photo of the wonderful Daniel Barber (@danbee) - Drums and code.Photo of the wonderful Dan Petrov (@danirukun) - Software developer @platogo. Erlang/Elixir, Go, lisps. Learning 3D and XR developmentPhoto of the wonderful danlogan (@danlogan)Photo of the wonderful Dan Rohtbart (@danrohtbart)Photo of the wonderful Daniel Palma (@danthelion) - I make useful and useless stuff.Photo of the wonderful Thomas Kurz  (@dashorty)Photo of the wonderful Dan Turkel (@daturkel)Photo of the wonderful David Barker (@davidbarker) - Creative TechnologistPhoto of the wonderful David O'Trakoun (@davidosomething) - middle outPhoto of the wonderful Deed (@deed-app) - Web Services for real estate professionalsPhoto of the wonderful Deluan Quintão (@deluan)Photo of the wonderful Dan (@dengel29)Photo of the wonderful Dwight Spencer ( (@denzuko) - Director of
Investor, thought leader for #devops +#makermovement, and champion of change.

Founded VCC@dallasmakes, CompuTEK Industries,Photo of the wonderful Dave Wikoff (@derimagia)Photo of the wonderful DE (@destroy-everything)Photo of the wonderful daniel goldsmith (@dg01d)Photo of the wonderful Ruslan (@dievskiy)Photo of the wonderful D. Khamsing (@dkhamsing)Photo of the wonderful Daniel Kvasnička (@dkvasnicka)Photo of the wonderful Damien Lajarretie (@dlajarretie) - Fiddling with JS, mostly.Photo of the wonderful David Dornseifer (@dpdornseifer)Photo of the wonderful Hieu Dinh (@dqhieu)Photo of the wonderful Dan Rassi (@drassi)Photo of the wonderful David Bayer (@drbayer) - SRE/Automation EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Slamet Kristanto (@drselump14) - ruby, rails, elixir, erlang, python, typescript, swift, terraform, terraspace, AWS, vim,tmux,alfredPhoto of the wonderful Daniel Anderson (@dtand) - Your average pojo.Photo of the wonderful Dustin Liang (@dustincredible)Photo of the wonderful Dustin McBride (@dustinmcbride)Photo of the wonderful Eddie Blundell (@eddie) - Frontend Developer + Designer based in  Cornwall 🌊Photo of the wonderful Eddie A Tejeda (@eddietejeda) - Currently @mode, formerly: @codeforamerica @18F @cloud-govPhoto of the wonderful Nicholas Edwards (@edwardsnjd)Photo of the wonderful Eighty Grit (@eightygrit)Photo of the wonderful Sun-woo, Lee (@eldkqmfhf123)Photo of the wonderful Emran (@emranovin) - I've just fallen in love with Swift!Photo of the wonderful Erhan BÜTE (@erhan) - Python - FastAPI -  FlaskPhoto of the wonderful Ernst Widerberg (@ernstwi)Photo of the wonderful Eric Stiens (@estiens) - code for good, code for change, code to make beautiful things. enjoy deep bug spelunking, refactoring, small methods, and lots of tests.Photo of the wonderful etopiei (@etopiei) - Software EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Jaeha Ahn (Aiden) (@eu81273)Photo of the wonderful Ferdinand (@ferdizz)Photo of the wonderful Federico Ferri (@fferri)Photo of the wonderful Florian Fittschen (@ffittschen) - iOS Engineer @Sixt | M.Sc. graduate @ Technical University of Munich.Photo of the wonderful Jerome (@fine-fiddle)Photo of the wonderful Finn LeSueur (@finnito) - I am Finn, a science educator and hobbyist programmer from New Zealand.Photo of the wonderful Tom Schönmann (@flaming-codes) - Fullstack-Dev in the lands of React, React-Native, Node.js, Electron in ES6/Typescript. Also codes Apps for iOS/macOS/iPadOS in Swift.Photo of the wonderful John Flesch (@flesch)Photo of the wonderful clark (@flyingtimes)Photo of the wonderful Frak (@frakman1)Photo of the wonderful Francis Mak (@franfran)Photo of the wonderful Fred Wu (@fredwu) - CTO by day | Freelancing software consultant by nightPhoto of the wonderful Allan Frese (@frese)Photo of the wonderful Florent Segouin (@fsegouin)Photo of the wonderful Kaspars Mickēvičs (@fxlv)Photo of the wonderful James Hooker (@g0blinResearch)Photo of the wonderful Ganesh V (@ganeshv)Photo of the wonderful Gary Thung (@garythung)Photo of the wonderful Gautam krishna R (@gautamkrishnar) - Team Lead, Senior Software Engineer @RedHatOfficial | Full Stack Developer, Open-source Maintainer & Contributor  | PolyglotPhoto of the wonderful Masumi Kawasaki (@geeknees) - CTO @CatalPhoto of the wonderful Soumya Ranjan Mohanty (@geekysrm) - Software Engineer @microsoft;
@google Certified Mobile Web Specialist, Google India Scholar '18, Fullstack WebDev, ❤️ Music, Ex-Dell, JLL, HasuraPhoto of the wonderful G.G. (@ggrelet)Photo of the wonderful Gil Barbara (@gilbarbara) - CoderPhoto of the wonderful Matt Sephton (@gingerbeardman) - I type stuff into computers to make them do cool things.✌️

Former Apple Technology Evangelist.Photo of the wonderful glowinthedark (@glowinthedark) - SSLError: [SSL: UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL] unknown protocol (_ssl.c:1056)Photo of the wonderful gomedia-adi (@gomedia-adi)Photo of the wonderful tris (@gondalez)Photo of the wonderful Gonzalo Serrano (@gonzaloserrano) - @gonzaloserrano on twitterPhoto of the wonderful Goran Gajic (@gorangajic) - Software Engineer
Node.js, React, React-NativePhoto of the wonderful Matthew Grasmick (@grasmash)Photo of the wonderful Nigel Scott (@gruntfuggly) - Software developerPhoto of the wonderful Gabriel Serafini (@gserafini)Photo of the wonderful Galen Sprague (@gsprague)Photo of the wonderful Gunasekaran Namachivayam (@gunasekar) - Software Engineer/ Gopher. Worked @CRED-CLUB, @grab, @MicrosoftPhoto of the wonderful Gust (@gustavoilhamorais) - I really enjoy colorful texts!Photo of the wonderful Ash Wu (@hSATAC) - Gopher, Rails, devOps, 🐈Crazy cat person, 🏹holiday archer. Creator of @golangtwPhoto of the wonderful Harings Rob (@haringsrob)Photo of the wonderful Harrison Page (@harrisonpage)Photo of the wonderful Harry Löwen (@harryloewen)Photo of the wonderful Hasit Mistry (@hasit) - I am a software engineer who designs and develops web apps, system level tools and CLI tools. My primary language is Go.Photo of the wonderful Henrik Nyh (@henrik) - Swedish web developer and pug automator in West Yorkshire, UK.Photo of the wonderful Kouki Higashikawa (@hikouki) - :airplane:Photo of the wonderful Florian Hirschmann (@hirschfl)Photo of the wonderful Volker Wieban (@hpcodecraft)Photo of the wonderful Andrew Larson (@htmlarson)Photo of the wonderful Qiansen Y (@hypersport)Photo of the wonderful Stefan Rakel (@ibutra)Photo of the wonderful yc (@ichuan)Photo of the wonderful impshum (@impshum) - If it wasn't for those damn whelks!Photo of the wonderful Serhiy Shliapuhin (@inbalboa) - 🇺🇦Photo of the wonderful Justin Miller (@incanus) - Programming, making, travel, writing. Now: embedded firmware, prog lang design, freelance dev. Past: Mapbox mobile, indie Mac shareware, LAMP stack devops & devPhoto of the wonderful Vasilii (@indapublic)Photo of the wonderful iosdeveloper (@iosdeveloper)Photo of the wonderful Jake (@jakeoid) - My name's Jake and I make websites and other useful tidbits.Photo of the wonderful Jake Vossen (@jakevossen5) - M.S student at Colorado School of MinesPhoto of the wonderful Jason Masker (@jasmas)Photo of the wonderful Jason R. Wang (@jasonrwang) - Climate policy nerd. Civil servant, former M.Sc. Engineering and Policy Analysis at TU Delft.Photo of the wonderful Tom Haratyk (@jazzytomato) - 🎷 🍅Photo of the wonderful Jonas Bach (@jbach)Photo of the wonderful jebabin (@jebabin)Photo of the wonderful Frank Denis (@jedisct1) - Get my public keys here: of the wonderful Jeff Beadles (@jeffbeadles)Photo of the wonderful Jelle Kralt (@jellekralt) - Having fun with techPhoto of the wonderful Jens Schumacher (@jeschu)Photo of the wonderful Jesse Jarzynka (@jessejoe)Photo of the wonderful Daniel Kay (@jessor)Photo of the wonderful Jonathan Clark (@jgclark) - Christian, husband, geek, church leader, coffee lover and ex-systems engineer.Photo of the wonderful Jeremy Hay Draude (@jhaydraude) - Tinkerer, builder, messer with of thingsPhoto of the wonderful Jim Myhrberg (@jimeh) - I'm a software engineering mercenary, who plays with code, video games, and on occasion, design.Photo of the wonderful Jacopo Lorenzetti (@jlorenzetti) - Hybrid designer+developer based in Rome. Founder of Bunker.Photo of the wonderful Jay Min (@jm462)Photo of the wonderful Jonathan Allen Grant (@jonathangrant)Photo of the wonderful Jonathan Keith (@joncse)Photo of the wonderful Jordan Andree (@jordanandree)Photo of the wonderful Jordi Petit (@jordi-petit)Photo of the wonderful Joris Van Duyse (@jorisvanduyse) - Passion for Mobile and Web development! Will dare to enter the operations realm once in a while.Photo of the wonderful Joakim Ramer (@jramer)Photo of the wonderful Jacob Sowder (@jsowder) - stats & appsPhoto of the wonderful Jason Tokoph (@jtokoph) - wigglezipheartpeachPhoto of the wonderful Jørgen (@jtorvald)Photo of the wonderful James Won (@jwon) - Software Engineering Manager working on ObservabilityPhoto of the wonderful Kagan Inan (@kaaninan)Photo of the wonderful Reda Lemeden (@kaishin) - Developer & UI Designer based in Stockholm.Photo of the wonderful Kalak Lanar (@kalaklanar)Photo of the wonderful Koji Anzai (@kanzmrsw)Photo of the wonderful Karim Boumedhel (@karmab) - loves python, guitar and his family tooPhoto of the wonderful カワリミ人形 (@kawarimidoll) - He who develops a software should look to it that he himself does not become a software. And if you gaze long into codes, the codes also gazes into you.Photo of the wonderful Konrad Blum (@kblum)Photo of the wonderful Kevin Deldycke (@kdeldycke) - Entrepreneur, VP, Engineering Manager, Founding Engineer - Billing, Payments & IAM.Photo of the wonderful Keith Cirkel (@keithamus) - Bad at JavaScript, HTML, CSSPhoto of the wonderful Marc (@kemar220)Photo of the wonderful Kevin Bost (@kevbost)Photo of the wonderful Kevin Schaich (@kevinschaich) - ex-@palantirPhoto of the wonderful Paul Traylor (@kfdm)Photo of the wonderful Abbey Hawk Sparrow (@khrome) - Programmer. Artist. Malcontent.Photo of the wonderful Kipras Melnikovas (@kiprasmel)Photo of the wonderful Chris Yuen (@kizzx2)Photo of the wonderful K.Kobayashi (@kobayashi)Photo of the wonderful Kodie Grantham (@kodie) - Independent Senior Software Engineer ContractorPhoto of the wonderful Hugo Defrance (@koleror)Photo of the wonderful Krishna (@krishkumar) - iOS main.Photo of the wonderful Kushal Pandya (@kushalpandya) - Fullstack Engineering Manager at GitLab.

Mostly writing JavaScript but occasionally loves working on C# and Python.Photo of the wonderful kylebx (@kylebx)Photo of the wonderful Michael Kwun (@lawtalker)Photo of the wonderful Jeff Levensailor (@levensailor) - Engineer trying to code stuff. Always learning.Photo of the wonderful Tyllis Xu (@livelycarpet87)Photo of the wonderful Long Do (@longpdo)Photo of the wonderful Luke Stein (@lukestein) - Financial Economist at Babson CollegePhoto of the wonderful Helen (@m-cat) - Bonjour, je m'appelle Helen, j'ai 25 ans et je suis mannequin à Paris. Depuis mon enfance, j'ai toujours rêvé de me plonger dans le monde fascinant de la mode.Photo of the wonderful Etka Özdemir (@m-etka) - @HerkesePetPhoto of the wonderful makoto abe (@m0a)Photo of the wonderful Machina (@machinabot) - I'm Machina, the Machine Box mascot.Photo of the wonderful Gerd Naschenweng (@magicdude4eva) - Gadgeteer, tinkerer, runner, movie fanatic, gamer and coder of all things bad.

💰 #ecommerce / ☕ #Java / 👨🏻‍💻 #devops /🕵️‍♂️ #atlassianPhoto of the wonderful Marian Schubert (@maio)Photo of the wonderful Mehmet Akif Tütüncü (@makiftutuncu) - 👨🏻 Computer Engineer
💻 @iodigital-com
🎓 IZTECHPhoto of the wonderful Ken Mankoff (@mankoff) - Research scientist studying ice sheets and polar oceans. Details at of the wonderful Manoj (@manojlds) - Principal Engineer @avalara. Previously @indix @thoughtworks. #kubernetes #terraform #docker #scala #javascript #nodejs. Author of of the wonderful Charlie Schluting (@manos)Photo of the wonderful Manuel Koch (@manuel-koch)Photo of the wonderful Marcin Biegun (@marcinbiegun) - Software EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Mário Garrido (@mariogarridopt) - Self-taught Full Stack Developer 👨‍💻 & Infrastructure Engineer 🐳Photo of the wonderful Mario Mann (@mariomann)Photo of the wonderful Marco Ferrer (@marrferr)Photo of the wonderful Martin Braun (@martin-braun)Photo of the wonderful Martin (@martinlbb)Photo of the wonderful Martin Schilliger (@martinschilliger)Photo of the wonderful Takashi Masuda (@masutaka) - I like curry! 🍛Photo of the wonderful Matan Baruch (@matanbaruch)Photo of the wonderful Mat Ryer (@matryer) - Engineering director at @Grafana - Gopher, developer, speaker, author (Go Programming Blueprints) - Xbar (BitBar reboot) (now in beta)Photo of the wonderful Matthias (@matthias-vogt) - Check out my GitLab at !

I am a 26-year-old from Germany interested in computer science and creative stuffPhoto of the wonderful Matt Roberts (@mattwoberts) - Developer, formerly all things core but finding my way with go these days.Photo of the wonderful Maurici Abad Gutierrez (@mauriciabad) - Software Engineer (Frontend), Scuba Diver, Backpacker, Board Game Geek.Photo of the wonderful Maxime Bertheau (@maxoumime) - I build things.Photo of the wonderful Michael Chris Lopez (@mcchrish) - 🌏🔥Photo of the wonderful Max Clayton Clowes (@mcclowes) - Product Manager. Have been delivering websites and apps for 10+ years.Photo of the wonderful Gabi Maeztu (@merqurio) - 
    medical doctor and mathematician. I work at the intersection of medicine and machine learning.Photo of the wonderful mfks17 (@mfks17) - programmer 📱Photo of the wonderful Michael Herger (@michaelherger)Photo of the wonderful Artur Komarov (@mico) - Ruby developerPhoto of the wonderful Michael Weinrich (@micxer) - Bringing DevSecOps into @allianzPhoto of the wonderful Mikey Beck (@mikeybeck)Photo of the wonderful Manu Wallner (@milch) - Jack of all trades, master of none. Co-founded @xforge-at. @fastlane core-team member. DevOps @ AWS.Photo of the wonderful Brendon Cheves (@misfitius)Photo of the wonderful Ryutaro Mizokami (@mizoR) - Software developerPhoto of the wonderful Thilo W. (@mkayontour) - Twitter: @mkayontourPhoto of the wonderful Martin Kourim (@mkoura)Photo of the wonderful Miguel Carvalho (@mmcarvalho)Photo of the wonderful Martin Wilhelmi (@mnin)Photo of the wonderful (@monerohow)Photo of the wonderful Shinya Fujino (@morinokami) - 🗼🇯🇵 / Web Developer / Just for FunPhoto of the wonderful morizyun (@morizyun) - JavaScript (React, Next,  Vue, Nuxt), Ruby, Rails, Firebase, Kotlin, Java, GoPhoto of the wonderful moshed (@moshed)Photo of the wonderful Sam Xie (@mountain3th)Photo of the wonderful M. Peter (@mpneuried)Photo of the wonderful Matt Curtis (@mrc)Photo of the wonderful Matt Reider (@mreider) - 30 years in software
15 years in product & program management
Boston. San Francisco. Currently in Vienna, AustriaPhoto of the wonderful mullwar (@mullwar)Photo of the wonderful Murat Bastas (@murat)Photo of the wonderful Mustafa Türksavaş (@mustafaturksavas)Photo of the wonderful mutsune (@mutsune)Photo of the wonderful DongMyung.Jeong (@n-stone) - Korean Natural Language ProcessingPhoto of the wonderful Nadav Cohen (@nadavc)Photo of the wonderful Nadav G (@nadigo)Photo of the wonderful Tolga Ay (@naezith)Photo of the wonderful Michael Geers (@naltatis)Photo of the wonderful Tommy Brunn (@nevon) - Open source maintainer and principal engineer for developer services at KlarnaPhoto of the wonderful Nicolas Gehlert (@ngehlert)Photo of the wonderful Uy Nguyễn Văn (@nguyenvanuyn96) - I'm a software engineer. Currently, I'm working at FoodPanda Company. My team is iOS.Photo of the wonderful Nicolas G. (@nicolas-g)Photo of the wonderful Nicolas ROGER (@nicolasroger17)Photo of the wonderful Nick Xiao (@nicoster)Photo of the wonderful Madalin Tache (@niladam) - Father of one. Husband. Developer. Pragmatic dreamer and achiever.Photo of the wonderful Nathan Jovin (@njovin)Photo of the wonderful Chongyu Yuan (@nnnggel)Photo of the wonderful Noam Knispel (@noamknispel)Photo of the wonderful Darius Morawiec (@nok) - Software-Developer (with MSc in CS)Photo of the wonderful noyannus (@noyannus)Photo of the wonderful Nick Penkov (@npenkov) - CIO@Kvinta, golang enthusiast, java veteran, linux fan, DevOps and AWS practitionerPhoto of the wonderful Jiseob Kim (@nzer0)Photo of the wonderful Oleg Kalachev (@okalachev) - Web, robotics, quadcoptersPhoto of the wonderful Olivier Tille (@oliviernt) - Software Developer at @lexoffice, Loving the WWW. 
PGP: of the wonderful Cédric Foellmi (@onekiloparsec) - Astrophysicist turned VP Engineering.Photo of the wonderful Örjan Berglin (@orjanb)Photo of the wonderful Dogancan Ozturan (@ozturan)Photo of the wonderful Pafera Technologies (@pafera) - After news came out that Microsoft was not respecting open source licenses on GitHub, I have decided to move all of my projects to instead.Photo of the wonderful Páll Hilmarsson (@pallih)Photo of the wonderful Pan Cat Technologies (@pan-cat) - Build software better, together, with cats.Photo of the wonderful RT Hatfield (@panzertime)Photo of the wonderful Mike Heijmans (@parabuzzle) - Private Investor, Musician, Pilot, Tinkerer, Remote work advocate, and embedded systems nerd.Photo of the wonderful Parvez (@parvez)Photo of the wonderful Patrick (@patricktcb) - SecOps EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Carleton (@pca2)Photo of the wonderful Pedro Fuentes (@pedrofuentes)Photo of the wonderful Bastian Meissner (@phntxx) - CompSci @ FAU ErlangenPhoto of the wonderful Martin Kluska (@pionl) - I make stuff (web, mobile, apps and ☕️ )Photo of the wonderful Sampo Juustila (@plaa)Photo of the wonderful Pierre Dubouilh (@pldubouilh)Photo of the wonderful Mark Phillips (@pleasemarkdarkly) - Pusher of buttons, physical and metaphorical.  Please Mark Darkly is a reference to the instructions on a bubble form test.Photo of the wonderful (@positrium)Photo of the wonderful Padraic Renaghan (@prenagha) - Software Engineering & Architecture. Distributed Systems, Performance, Scalability, SecurityPhoto of the wonderful Paul Schoenmakers (@pschoenmakers)Photo of the wonderful Martin Jobke (@pygoner)Photo of the wonderful Raymond Kuiper (@q1x)Photo of the wonderful DJ Adams (@qmacro) - Developer, Author, Speaker, Teacher.Photo of the wonderful Bengt Brodersen (@qoomon)Photo of the wonderful Jannis Segebrecht (@queitsch)Photo of the wonderful Riccardo Ancona (@raasoft) - Building awesome things in Scala, Typescript and Python.Photo of the wonderful Richard Guay (@raguay) - I'm an American missionary in Tak, Thailand doing freelance work to help pay medical and college needs for my family of eight kids.Photo of the wonderful Jonny Lin (@rangedsp) - Full stack dev with focus on IoTPhoto of the wonderful Robert Castley (@rcastley)Photo of the wonderful Ryan Chiechi (@rchiechi)Photo of the wonderful Rob Dyson (@rdyson)Photo of the wonderful Gregory S. Read (@readgs)Photo of the wonderful Jerry L Hoover (@realjhoo) - 
    Teacher, developer, creatorPhoto of the wonderful Pete Stenger (@reteps) - 0.1x developer, uiuc mcs 25Photo of the wonderful Antoine Coetsier (@retrack)Photo of the wonderful Rishabh Tayal (@rishabhtayal)Photo of the wonderful Robert Kanter (@rkanter)Photo of the wonderful Paul W. Rankin (@rnkn) - Filmmaker. Hobbyist programmer. Most repositories relate to screenwriting.Photo of the wonderful Robert Prince (@robertp)Photo of the wonderful Rob Tarr (@robtarr)Photo of the wonderful Rodrigo Brito (@rodrigo-brito) - MSc. Computer SciencePhoto of the wonderful Roman Savrulin (@romansavrulin)Photo of the wonderful Rahmat Ramadhan (@rririanto) - Python & JS EnthusiastPhoto of the wonderful Ryan Moore (@ryan-mooore) - orienteer, data scientist, likes maps and GISPhoto of the wonderful Ryan (@ryanchentw) - SWE lived in Taiwan. Love hiking and cycling.Photo of the wonderful Ryan Kulp (@ryanckulp) - Founder of @usetrmnl and @usefomo and @founderhackerPhoto of the wonderful Ryan Sydnor (@ryansydnor)Photo of the wonderful Sebastian Tauchert (@s1e2b3i4)Photo of the wonderful Saif Ali Khan (@saifat29)Photo of the wonderful Saiqul Haq (@saiqulhaq) - CTO
Also as @saiqulhaq-hhPhoto of the wonderful Sai Sasidhar Maddali (@saisasidhar)Photo of the wonderful Valerio (@scartiloffista) - They told me I'm a Data EngineerPhoto of the wonderful schmooser (@schmooser)Photo of the wonderful Sean Lane (@seanlane)Photo of the wonderful Sean Luce (@seanluce) - Technical Marketing Engineer and Cloud Solutions Architect, specializing in @microsoft Azure, working for @NetApp. Ask me about Azure NetApp Files!Photo of the wonderful Sebastian Rodriguez (@sebasrp) - engineering leader passionate about solving technical challenges!Photo of the wonderful Sebastian Ludwig (@sebastianludwig)Photo of the wonderful Sebastián Barschkis (@sebbas)Photo of the wonderful Seb Insua (@sebinsua) - 🐚Photo of the wonderful Sebastian (@sebk)Photo of the wonderful Anastasios Monachos (@secuid0)Photo of the wonderful Seren (@seren)Photo of the wonderful Daniel Seripap (@seripap) - untitled_document.htmlPhoto of the wonderful Shaun Grady (@shaungrady) - Front end engineer, design nerd.Photo of the wonderful Shi Han (@shihanng) - 💙💛Photo of the wonderful Siim Ots (@siimots)Photo of the wonderful Simeon Cheeseman (@simeonc)Photo of the wonderful Simon Gray (@simongray) - I'm interested in design, languages, and graph networks.Photo of the wonderful Simon Peier (@simonpeier)Photo of the wonderful Jack Higgins (@skhg) - Product ManagerPhoto of the wonderful ant cosentino (@skibz) - when i was a little man
play-doh came in a little canPhoto of the wonderful Séamus Ó Ceanainn (@soceanainn)Photo of the wonderful Varun Malhotra (@softvar) - Software Engineer | Science & Cosmos Fanatic | Being Psychologist | Into Web3Photo of the wonderful Erol Soyöz (@soyoz) - amelePhoto of the wonderful Spencer Brown (@spenweb)Photo of the wonderful Luis Cruz (@sprak3000)Photo of the wonderful Shinji Tanaka (@stanaka)Photo of the wonderful Stephen Yeargin (@stephenyeargin) - Senior Software Engineer @FloQast. Previously @vanderbilt, @raventools, @centresourcePhoto of the wonderful Kon Stormozhev (@stormoz)Photo of the wonderful old github handle (@strages)Photo of the wonderful 1982 (@sw82)Photo of the wonderful Tom Adamczewski (@tadamcz) - 👨‍💻 Consulting: of the wonderful Tadek Teleżyński (@tadeoos) - Cognitive Science graduate. Python developer. Likes to have his thoughts provoked.Photo of the wonderful take3315 (@take3315)Photo of the wonderful Masayuki Sunahara (@tamanishi)Photo of the wonderful Andros Fenollosa (@tanrax) - Software engine, Teacher and writer.
Lover of WebSockets, Clojure, Python and Linux.Photo of the wonderful Taylor Glaeser (@taylorzane) - Software EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Tim Baumgard (@tbaumgard)Photo of the wonderful Stefano Teodorani (@teopost)Photo of the wonderful liam (@terror) - :・✧:・.☽・✧:・.Photo of the wonderful Thameera Senanayaka (@thameera)Photo of the wonderful A (@the-decentralizer) - Just your friendly neighborhood dev making a new semi pseudonymous for a new project and subsequent BUIDLingPhoto of the wonderful Holger Hoffmann (@the-holger)Photo of the wonderful Ilia Vakili (@theReticent) - CTO @EtickParsPhoto of the wonderful Grant Sherrick (@thealmightygrant) - My goal is to make myself better at something everyday.Photo of the wonderful Ankit Gaurav (@theankitgaurav)Photo of the wonderful John B. (@theocean154) - Software Developer / Independent Researcher with interests in financial and scientific computingPhoto of the wonderful Theo Gainey (@theogainey)Photo of the wonderful Sean Stewart (@theseanstewart)Photo of the wonderful Tuk Bredsdorff (@tiktuk)Photo of the wonderful Tim Regener (@timlapluie)Photo of the wonderful Tim Novis (@timnovis) - software engineerPhoto of the wonderful Miles Wolbe (@tinyapps)Photo of the wonderful Todd Houle (@tmhoule)Photo of the wonderful Antoine Kirk (@toin0u) - 0x7F8C16C0C9A0A87BPhoto of the wonderful Tok1 (@tokfrans03)Photo of the wonderful Tom Genoni (@tomgenoni) - Freelance designer and developer • Design SystemsPhoto of the wonderful Chris Tomkins-Tinch (@tomkinsc)Photo of the wonderful Tomoki Yamashita (@tomorrowkey) - EngineerPhoto of the wonderful Tom Matthews (@tomtastic)Photo of the wonderful Tony Mai (@tonymai)Photo of the wonderful Brian Hartvigsen (@tresni) - Previously @EveryDNS, @OpenDNS, and @Cisco.Photo of the wonderful Taylor Sturtz (@tsturtz) - npx taylorsturtzPhoto of the wonderful Tommy Nguyen (@tuannvm) - CK(A|AD|S) - Kubernetes enthusiastPhoto of the wonderful Thomas Wolfe (@twolfe2)Photo of the wonderful Richard Colley (@typerlc)Photo of the wonderful Udey Rishi (@udeyrishi)Photo of the wonderful Tim Battersby (@uglygus)Photo of the wonderful Victor Nazario (@victor-nazario) - Computer Engineer interested in distributed computing and computing at the edge.Photo of the wonderful Alfonso Emilio Gomez Selva (@victorstein) - The real answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is... JavaScriptPhoto of the wonderful viiraj (@viiraj)Photo of the wonderful Kent Karlsson (@vogonistic)Photo of the wonderful Wiktor Mociun (@voter101)Photo of the wonderful vxider (@vxider)Photo of the wonderful Simon (@warmup72)Photo of the wonderful Vasily Pleshakov (@wasapl)Photo of the wonderful Garden Yuen (@weaming) - Rational emotions.Photo of the wonderful Weibing Chen (@weibingchen17)Photo of the wonderful Dylan (@whonut)Photo of the wonderful Wilson (@wilsongoode)Photo of the wonderful Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck (@xe-nvdk) - Data Analytics Fan | Founder at @exydata  | Python | AWS, GCP, DigitalOcean | React | PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Grafana, Flink, SupersetPhoto of the wonderful xfangfang (@xfangfang) - xfangfang@126.comPhoto of the wonderful Sufiyan Yasa (@xr1337) - Enthusiastic iOS Engineer · Indie Dev on @App_SufiyanYasa · Writes on · Mentor · Father · My opinions are my ownPhoto of the wonderful Toni Hoffmann (@xremix) - Software Engineer Team Lead based in MunichPhoto of the wonderful yayoc (@yayoc) - Software engineer in Tokyo.Photo of the wonderful Calvin Zhang (@ye11ow) - :-]Photo of the wonderful Yann Milin (@ymilin)Photo of the wonderful yqrashawn (@yqrashawn)Photo of the wonderful Yuichi Tanaka (@yuichielectric)Photo of the wonderful David Wooldridge (@z0mbix) - Getting things done.Photo of the wonderful Zack Katz (@zackkatz)Photo of the wonderful zakx (@zakx)Photo of the wonderful LeetCoin (@zihengjackchen) - INTJ-A