May 2024

Integrated Report 2023-2024 Corporate responsibility

True to its purpose of "building a future we can all trust," Thales intends
to become the leader on sustainability in all of its markets before 2030.

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Patrice Caine Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Thales's sustainability strategy reached a tipping point in 2023, marking the end of a cycle in terms of the objectives we had set in 2019 in four key areas: emissions reductions (targets validated by the SBTi), diversity and inclusion, ethics and integrity, and workplace health and safety. These results are extremely encouraging. We managed to meet our objectives, and in many cases exceed them, in all of these areas bar none.
Read the foreword

2023, a pivotal year in Thales’s strategy

Despite a complex operating environment, Thales returned excellent financial results for 2023 and made solid progress towards its sustainability objectives. The Group has again demonstrated the strength and resilience of its business model and confirmed its capacity to create long-term value for stakeholders.

Financial performance

Thales achieved a remarkable performance once again in 2023. Our excellent sales momentum continued, with the order intake again exceeding €23 billion.

See the financial results

Structuring acquisitions

With the acquisitions of Imperva and Tesserent, Thales’s cybersecurity business is taking on a new dimension, as is avionics with the acquisition of Cobham Aerospace Communications in 2024.

Read the highlights

Recognition for low-carbon strategy

SBTi validated Thales’s greenhouse gas emissions targets to 2030, confirming that the Group's goals are aligned with the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Read the CSR strategy

A Group among the most innovative

Thales was one of seven French companies and institutions in Clarivate's Top 100 Global Innovators in 2023, recognising the Group's unique strategy of innovation for dual civil and military markets.

Read the innovation policy


In 2023, Thales met or exceeded all the multi-year objectives of its CSR strategy, as defined in 2018 and then revised upwards in 2021. A new, more ambitious roadmap for the period 2024-2030 is currently being defined.


reduction in operational CO2 emissions


of new products fully or partly apply eco-design principles


of at-risk employees trained in corruption prevention


reduction in the frequency rate of workplace accidents with lost time relative to 2018


of management committees with three or more women members


of senior management positions held by women



Thales is a global technology leader with a proven innovation track record of innovation in areas such as quantum applications, artificial intelligence, cloud and cybersecurity, serving all the products and solutions of its core missions.

Trusted AI

Thales is pooling its artificial intelligence capabilities into the cortAIx accelerator, as it looks to scale up its solutions.

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Thales’s Data Centric Security Platform is designed to help organisations protect their data and access profiles from ever-more virulent and sophisticated cyberattacks.

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Trusted Cloud

As private companies and public bodies continue their move to the cloud, the need for trusted hosting and access-control infrastructure has never been more pressing.

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Quantum Technologies

Thales been at the forefront of global research into quantum physics for the past 20 years, working with leading players in the field to develop the applications of tomorrow.

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Business model

Value creation

Business model

Value creation

Thales's business model relies on the development and innovation of high-tech products and solutions, made available to four types of customer in the Group's three core markets.

Thales invests in critical and disruptive technologies, making the critical decision chain more reliable and efficient while guaranteeing data accuracy, security and safety.

Governments, institutions and business customers in the defence, aerospace, space, and digital identity and security sectors rely on the Group’s products and services to accomplish their most demanding missions.

At the heart of this process are the Group's four strategic pillars, designed to generate maximum value for all its stakeholders.

See the business model
Business model

Shared value and stakeholder engagement

Underpinning our model of profitable growth is a commitment to sharing value with all of our stakeholders so that society at large benefits from the business success of the Thales Group.

Business model

Shared value and stakeholder engagement

Underpinning our model of profitable growth is a commitment to sharing value with all of our stakeholders so that society at large benefits from the business success of the Thales Group.

See our shared value

Recognition for our CSR performance

In 2023, extra-financial rating agencies ranked Thales
among the leading companies in its industry for environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

One of 348 A-rated companies, out of 21,000

Among the top 1% of 500,000 firms assessed

Joined the CAC SBT 1.5°C index

Holds joint-first place in The Charpak Foundation’s “Corporate Scientific Responsibility” ranking

GHG emissions targets endorsed

Explore more

Read the other chapters of the 2023-2024 Integrated Report.


Integrated Report

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