Mind Your Ps & Qs: The Synergy Between PCQIs and Quality Assurance

Mind Your Ps & Qs: The Synergy Between PCQIs and Quality Assurance

The role of quality assurance (QA) in food manufacturing — to ensure that all products meet the standards of safety, quality, and consistency — requires an understanding of food science-related topics (microbiology, chemistry, engineering), as well as the ability to analyze data and statistics. In addition to these technical skills, QA teams should also be […]

What you need to know before becoming a PCQI

What to know before becoming a PCQI with Jeff Chilton

Are you thinking about becoming a PCQI? Does someone on your team to need to take PCQI training? Meet our lead instructor, Jeff Chilton, as he discusses what makes a PCQI successful, the key knowledge a PCQI needs and how he thinks training should be approached. Intertek Alchemy is excited to share that Jeff Chilton, VP […]

The Who, What, When and Why of PCQIs

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The Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA) Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule ensures safe manufacturing, processing, packing, and holding of foods meant for human consumption in the US.

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How to Perform Effective Internal Audits

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The best preparation for an external audit is perfecting your internal audit processes. While each facility’s procedures will be unique to its operation and products, you can apply the following internal audit process best practices to perform and evaluate effective assessments in your facility.

Five Core Benefits of PCQI Training

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The Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA) Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule requires every food manufacturing facility to employ a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual as part of their food safety team.