MIRACLE LINUX CORPORATION and Zabbix SIA deepened its relationship to Certified Partner

MIRACLE LINUX CORPORATION and Zabbix SIA deepened its relationship to Certified Partner

October, 2010

Zabbix SIA announces that it is deepening its relationship with MIRACLE LINUX CORPORATION from Reseller Partner to Certified Partner. This increased cooperation is based on a shared vision for Zabbix on the part of Mr Alexei Vladishev, CEO of Zabbix SIA, and Mr Takashi Kodama, CEO of MIRACLE LINUX, and will result in dedicated support for critical systems to customers across Japan.

About Zabbix

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution designed to monitor and track performance and availability of network servers, devices and other IT resources. Zabbix possesses a flexible notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail, Jabber and SMS based alerts for any kind of event which helps administrators to recognize server and device problems faster. Zabbix is being developed non-stop and its number of functionalities and performance is increasing rapidly with every new version release.


"MIRACLE LINUX has long been a leader in Open Source Software technology development, deployment and support in the Japanese market," says Mr. Kodama. "Our announcement today is indicative both of our continued commitment to these principles, and to our focus on building lasting relationships with innovators and partners internationally."

Miracle Linux Co. is a dedicated Linux distributor for server Operating System (OS) market in Japan, and since its foundation in June 2000 it has been an integral part in promoting Linux for Japanese enterprise users. Miracle Linux offers a rich variety of support and service, from system consultation to end-user support, in order to satisfy even the most demanding requirements from customers. In particular, its specialty in kernel hacking and localization is highly regarded among the industry. Also, Miracle Linux is an enthusiastic admirer of Open Source Software (OSS) and it has been actively participated in a numerous OSS projects run by Japan Information-Technology Promotion Agency (IPA) and other OSS communities.

Website: www.miraclelinux.com

About Zabbix SIA

Zabbix SIA is software development company which is based in Riga, Latvia. Its flagship product is Zabbix - enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix SIA provides wide range of such services like technical and consultative support, Zabbix integration, implementation and customized development services as well as Zabbix professional training. The main focus is on a flexible approach to the customer's needs and the ability to deliver first-class services at affordable prices.

Website: www.zabbix.com

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