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WUNC reporters are tracking nearly every angle in this pivotal 2024 election. This page will collect and organize all those stories so you can get the latest information on exactly the North Carolina race you want to know more about.
🗳️ The N.C. Supreme Court ruled RFK Jr. should come off the North Carolina Ballot. Follow the twists and turns of that legal process
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Latest Election 2024 Stories
Associate Justice Allison Riggs maintained a 734-vote lead over Jefferson Griffin following a machine recount completed last week. Griffin then asked for partial hand recount. That wrapped up Tuesday and actually had Riggs picking up more votes than Griffin. So the State Board of Elections won't order a complete hand recount.
Voters in some parts of the country are discovering that having their say at the ballot box is not necessarily the final word, even though this year's election was over a month ago.
Trailing GOP candidates hope challenging a list of voters disqualifies enough to flip outcomes. North Carolina voters on the list take it personally.