Wisconsin State Song
On, Wisconsin
Music written by W. T. Purdy, the words to which are as follows: “On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Grand old badger state! We, thy loyal sons and daughters, Hail thee, good and great. On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Champion of the right, `Forward', our motto — God will give thee might!"
Wisconsin State Ballad
Oh Wisconsin, Land of My Dreams
Music written by Shari A. Sarazin and lyrics written by Erma Barrett, the words to which are as follows: “Oh Wisconsin, land of beauty, with your hillsides and your plains, with your jackpine and your birch tree, and your oak of mighty frame. Land of rivers, lakes and valleys, land of warmth and winter snows, land of birds and beasts and humanity, oh Wisconsin, I love you so." View more lyrics