“Rare Fungi Discovered”- The Moss

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The Moss is Columbia Land Trust’s monthly e-newsletter.

A volunteer led group dedicated to the education of fungi.

Cedar Creek Natural Area is a 640-acre forest in Columbia County, Oregon. We conserved this land in 2021 and the high-quality, intact forest with diverse structure is ideal habitat for plants, fungi, and wildlife. While performing a botanical survey here, mycology researchers discovered and collected samples of various species of rare fungi. Lab identification and analysis revealed exciting results! Ditiola haasii, a member of the Dacrymycetaceae family, had never been observed in North America until it was discovered at Cedar Creek, growing on a fallen tree. Delicate spongepore (Spongiporus perdelicatus, pictured) has only been observed three times in a North American forest. “The identification of rare or unique species on our lands is always exciting,” said Natural Area Manager Austin Tomlinson. “This was a great opportunity to engage with experts in their field, thanks to funding from The Nature Conservancy’s Greenfield Hartline Habitat Conservation Fund and in collaboration with Three Creeks Consulting. Our stewardship priorities at Cedar Creek include maintaining the high-quality, diverse forest structure and this discovery helps affirm how special this forest is.”

See more photos from the site.