Council of the European Union (Q8896)
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institution of the European Union representing the member states' governments bringing together national ministers from each EU country to adopt laws and coordinate policies
- Council of Ministers
- Council
- EU Council
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | Council of the European Union |
institution of the European Union representing the member states' governments bringing together national ministers from each EU country to adopt laws and coordinate policies |
0 references
Съвет на Европейския съюз съвет (Bulgarian)
0 references
Vijeće Europske unije (Croatian)
0 references
Consejo de la Unión Europea (Spanish)
0 references
Conseil de l'Union europeénne (French)
0 references
Consiglio dell'Unione europea (Italian)
0 references
Rada Evropské unie (Czech)
0 references
Rådet for Den Europæiske Union (Danish)
0 references
Raad van de Europese Unie (Dutch)
0 references
Council of the European Union (English)
0 references
Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu (Estonian)
0 references
Συμβούλιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (Greek)
0 references
Euroopan unionin neuvosto (Finnish)
0 references
Rat der Europäischen Union (German)
0 references
Comhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh (Irish)
0 references
Az Európai Unió Tanácsa (Hungarian)
0 references
Eiropas Savienības Padome (Latvian)
0 references
Europos Sąjungos Taryba (Lithuanian)
0 references
Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea (Maltese)
0 references
Rada Unii Europejskiej (Polish)
0 references
Conselho da União Europeia (Portuguese)
0 references
Europeiska unionens råd (Swedish)
0 references
Svet Evropske unije (Slovenian)
0 references
Rada Európskej únie (Slovak)
0 references
Consiliul Uniunii Europene (Romanian)
0 references
0 references
1 reference
The European Council (English)
Evropská unie. Rada
24 February 2024
1 reference
24 February 2024
1 March 2025
1 reference
1 March 2025
Council of the European Union
0 references
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
14 April 2020
23 October 2010
1 reference
Council of the EU
26 April 2009
10 December 2020
0 references
Wikipedia(74 entries)
- afwiki Raad van die Europese Unie
- arwiki مجلس الاتحاد الأوروبي
- arywiki لمجلس ديال ليتيحاد لأوروبي
- arzwiki مجلس الاتحاد الاوروبى
- astwiki Conseyu de la Xunión Europea
- azwiki Avropa İttifaqı Şurası
- be_x_oldwiki Рада Эўрапейскага зьвязу
- bewiki Савет Еўрапейскага саюза
- bgwiki Съвет на Европейския съюз
- brwiki Kuzul Unaniezh Europa
- cawiki Consell de la Unió Europea
- cswiki Rada Evropské unie
- cywiki Cyngor yr Undeb Ewropeaidd
- dawiki Rådet for Den Europæiske Union
- dewiki Rat der Europäischen Union
- elwiki Συμβούλιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης
- enwiki Council of the European Union
- eowiki Konsilio de la Eŭropa Unio
- eswiki Consejo de la Unión Europea
- etwiki Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu
- euwiki Europar Batasuneko Kontseilua
- fawiki شورای اتحادیه اروپا
- fiwiki Euroopan unionin neuvosto
- fowiki ES-Ráðið
- frwiki Conseil de l'Union européenne
- fywiki Rie fan de Jeropeeske Uny
- gawiki Comhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh
- glwiki Consello da Unión Europea
- hewiki מועצת האיחוד האירופי
- hrwiki Vijeće Europske unije
- huwiki Az Európai Unió Tanácsa
- hywiki Եվրոպական միության խորհուրդ
- iawiki Consilio del Union Europee
- idwiki Dewan Uni Eropa
- iewiki Consilie del Union europan
- iswiki Ráðherraráð Evrópusambandsins
- itwiki Consiglio dell'Unione europea
- jawiki 欧州連合理事会
- jvwiki Rad Uni Éropah
- kawiki ევროპის კავშირის საბჭო
- kowiki 유럽 연합 이사회
- kywiki Европа бирлигинин кеңеши
- lawiki Consilium Unionis Europaeae
- lbwiki Conseil vun der Europäescher Unioun
- liwiki Raod vaan de Europese Unie
- ltwiki Europos Sąjungos Taryba
- lvwiki Eiropas Savienības Padome
- mkwiki Совет на Европската Унија
- mswiki Majlis Kesatuan Eropah
- mtwiki Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea
- mwlwiki Cunseilho de la Ounion Ouropeia
- nlwiki Raad van de Europese Unie
- nowiki Rådet for Den europeiske union
- ocwiki Conselh de l'Union Europèa
- plwiki Rada Unii Europejskiej
- pswiki اروپايي ټولنې شورا
- ptwiki Conselho da União Europeia
- rowiki Consiliul Uniunii Europene
- ruwiki Совет Европейского союза
- shwiki Vijeće Evropske unije
- simplewiki Council of the European Union
- skwiki Rada Európskej únie
- slwiki Svet Evropske unije
- sqwiki Këshilli i Bashkimit Evropian
- srwiki Савет Европске уније
- svwiki Europeiska unionens råd
- trwiki Avrupa Birliği Bakanlar Konseyi
- ttwiki Аурупа Берлеге Шурасы
- ukwiki Рада Європейського Союзу
- viwiki Hội đồng Liên minh châu Âu
- wuuwiki 欧洲联盟理事会
- zh_min_nanwiki Au-chiu Liân-bêng Pō͘-tiúⁿ Hōe-gī
- zh_yuewiki 歐盟理事會
- zhwiki 欧洲联盟理事会
Wikibooks(0 entries)
Wikinews(3 entries)
- enwikinews Category:Council of the European Union
- frwikinews Catégorie:Conseil de l'Union européenne
- ruwikinews Категория:Совет Европейского союза
Wikiquote(0 entries)
Wikisource(1 entry)
- itwikisource Autore:Consiglio dell'Unione europea