Anglican Archbishop of York (Q1363910)
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senior bishop in the Church of England
- Archbishop of York
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | Anglican Archbishop of York |
senior bishop in the Church of England |
0 references
Archbishop of York (English)
0 references
no value
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Wikipedia(27 entries)
- arwiki رئيس أساقفة يورك
- cawiki Arquebisbe de York
- cswiki Seznam yorských biskupů a arcibiskupů
- dawiki York ærkebispedømme
- dewiki Erzbischof von York
- enwiki Archbishop of York
- eswiki Arzobispo de York
- etwiki Yorki peapiiskop
- fawiki اسقف اعظم یورک
- fiwiki Yorkin arkkipiispa
- frwiki Archevêque d'York
- hewiki הארכיבישוף מיורק
- idwiki Uskup Agung York
- itwiki Arcivescovo di York
- jawiki ヨーク大主教
- kowiki 요크 대주교
- nlwiki Aartsbisschop van York
- nowiki Erkebiskop av York
- plwiki Arcybiskupi Yorku
- ptwiki Arcebispo de Iorque
- ruwiki Архиепископ Йоркский
- shwiki Nadbiskup Yorka
- svwiki Ärkebiskop av York
- thwiki อาร์ชบิชอปแห่งยอร์ก
- trwiki York Başpiskoposu
- ukwiki Архієпископ Йоркський
- zhwiki 约克大主教