Leopold McClintock (Q969207)
Irish explorer in the British Royal Navy (1819-1907)
- Sir Leopold McClintock
- MacClintock
- Francis Leopold M'Clintock
- Leopold M'Clintock
- Sir Leopold M'Clintock
- Admiral Sir Francis Leopold McClintock
- Sir Francis Leopold McClintock
- Francis Leopold McClintock
- Francis Leopold M‘Clintock
- Sir Francis Leopold M'Clintock
- Francis M'Clintock
- Sir Francis McClintock
- Francis McClintock
- Sir Francis M'Clintock
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | Leopold McClintock |
Irish explorer in the British Royal Navy (1819-1907) |
Sir (Francis) Leopold McClintock by Stephen Pearce (2).jpg
2,400 × 2,880; 765 KB
2,400 × 2,880; 765 KB
Francis Leopold McClintock, el 1856 (Catalan)
1 reference
2 references
8 July 1819Gregorian
11 references
4 May 2014
Sir Francis Leopold McClintock
9 October 2017
Francis Leopold McClintock
9 October 2017
Francis Leopold McClintock
9 October 2017
Francis Leopold McClintock
9 October 2017
9 October 2017
Admiral Sir Francis Leopold McClintock
Francis Leopold McClintock
Francis Leopold McClintock
Francis Leopold McClintock
1 reference
Мак-Клинток Фрэнсис Леопольд
28 September 2015
17 November 1907Gregorian
11 references
4 May 2014
Sir Francis Leopold McClintock
9 October 2017
Francis Leopold McClintock
9 October 2017
Francis Leopold McClintock
9 October 2017
Francis Leopold McClintock
9 October 2017
Francis Leopold McClintock
Admiral Sir Francis Leopold McClintock
Francis Leopold McClintock
Francis Leopold McClintock
Francis Leopold McClintock
1 reference
Мак-Клинток Фрэнсис Леопольд
28 September 2015
2 references
27 November 1879Gregorian
7 November 1882Gregorian
1 reference
For the skill and fortitude displayed by him and his companion in their search for records of the lost Franklin expedition and for valuable coast surveys (English)
1 reference
0 references
0 references
Мак-Клинток Фрэнсис Леопольд
0 references
0 references
1 reference
0 references
23 October 1838Gregorian
1 reference
1 reference
5 August 2020
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
0 references
M‛CLINTOCK, Sir Francis Leopold
Carlo Errera
0 references
Admiral Sir Francis Leopold McClintock
1 reference
7 August 2020
Adm Sir Francis Leopold Leopold McClintock KCB LLD (8 Jul 1819 - certain 17 Nov 1907)
0 references
Wikipedia(15 entries)
- arwiki فرانسيس ليوبولد مكلينتوك
- arzwiki فرانسيس ليوبولد مكلينتوك
- bgwiki Франсис Макклинток
- cawiki Francis Leopold McClintock
- dewiki Francis Leopold McClintock
- enwiki Leopold McClintock
- eswiki Francis Leopold McClintock
- frwiki Francis Leopold McClintock
- itwiki Francis Leopold McClintock
- nowiki Francis Leopold McClintock
- plwiki Francis Leopold McClintock
- ptwiki Francis Leopold McClintock
- ruwiki Мак-Клинток, Фрэнсис Леопольд
- svwiki Francis Leopold McClintock
- ukwiki Френсіс Леопольд Мак-Клінток
Wikibooks(0 entries)
Wikinews(0 entries)
Wikiquote(0 entries)
Wikisource(1 entry)
- enwikisource Author:Francis Leopold McClintock
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Multilingual sites(1 entry)
- commonswiki Category:Francis Leopold McClintock