Olive Branch Petition (Q1676888)
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written to George III by the Second Continental Congress to avoid a full-on war between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | Olive Branch Petition |
written to George III by the Second Continental Congress to avoid a full-on war between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain |
Wikipedia(10 entries)
- angwiki Eletwig Giernes
- bewiki Петыцыя аліўкавай галінкі
- cswiki Olive Branch Petition
- dewiki Palmzweigpetition
- enwiki Olive Branch Petition
- eswiki Petición de la rama de olivo
- frwiki Pétition du rameau d'olivier
- itwiki Petizione del ramo d'olivo
- jawiki オリーブの枝請願
- zhwiki 橄欖枝請願書
Wikibooks(0 entries)
Wikinews(0 entries)
Wikiquote(0 entries)
Wikisource(2 entries)
- bewikisource Гісторыя ЗША ў дакументах (2014)/Амерыканская рэвалюцыя/Петыцыя аліўкавай галінкі
- enwikisource Olive Branch Petition