Local Producer Loan Program

Learn about our support for small, local or emerging producers, plus meet some of the suppliers we’ve helped grow from the ground up. Interested in applying? See below.

Person from Aston Farms posing in front a field

Founded in 2006, our Local Producer Loan Program (LPLP) lends money to small-scale, local or emerging producers across the U.S. and Canada to help them grow their businesses. The program serves to deepen our commitment to local suppliers opens in a new tab through investment in the people, businesses and economies of the communities we serve. It also enables us to offer a wide assortment of local, differentiated products across departments for our customers.

Our Local Producer Loan Program has provided over 390 loans, representing roughly $29 million in capital for its recipients. Meet some of our suppliers in our U.S. regions that we’ve helped grow from the ground up.

Interested in applying? Register here!

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