
A World of Music | Ep. 268

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A sun with people dancing. (Sabina Hahn for WBUR)
(Sabina Hahn for WBUR)

Can you imagine a world without music?

There wouldn’t be any songs on the radio or at parties; there wouldn’t be any concerts or musicals on the stage. There wouldn't be one musical note anywhere.

How might it feel to live in a world like that? In this week’s episode we’ll find out!

Our story is called “A World of Music.” It’s inspired by tales from the Aztec, an indigenous group who lived in what is now central Mexico more than 600 years ago.

Voices in this episode include Feodor Chin, Paul Dateh and Jon Huertas. Jon Huertas has starred on such television shows as “This Is Us” on NBC and “Castle” on ABC. As a director, he’s filmed episodes of NBC’s “The Irrational,” ABC’s “Tracker,” and Amazon Prime’s “Bosch.” He also directed the short film “Two Jacked.” And kids: you can hear Jon’s voice in an earlier Circle Round episode: “The Unfair Share”!

This episode was adapted for Circle Round by Rebecca Sheir. It was edited by Dean Russell. Original music and sound design is by Eric Shimelonis. Our artist is Sabina Hahn.

A sun with people dancing. (Sabina Hahn for WBUR)
(Sabina Hahn for WBUR)

GROWN-UPS! PRINT THIS so everyone can color while listening. We’re also keeping an album so please share your picture on Facebook and Instagram, and tag it with #CircleRoundPodcast. To access all the coloring pages for past episodes click HERE. Our resident artist is Sabina Hahn and you can learn more about her HERE.

Now it’s your turn!

Music can be so powerful – especially when we make our own.

Pick a song you like, or write a new one, then record yourself singing it or playing it on an instrument. A grown-up can help you record by using the voice-memo app on a smartphone.

Once you’re done, send your song to someone you have fun with. And if you’d like, send it to us. We’d love to hear it! Our email address is [email protected].

Musical Spotlight: Teponaztli, Yoyotli, Quiquizoani and Ocarina

Eric Shimelonis plays four primary Aztec instruments: the quiquizoani, ocarina, yoyotli and teponaztli. (courtesy of Rebecca Sheir)
Eric Shimelonis plays four primary Aztec instruments: the quiquizoani, ocarina, yoyotli and teponaztli. (courtesy of Rebecca Sheir)

The Aztecs divided all instrumentalists into two categories: wind players or “blowers” and percussionists or “beaters.” Commonly used wind instruments included clay flutes (i.e. ocarinas) and conch shell horns (i.e. quiquizoani). Popular percussion instruments included rattles made from dried seed pods (i.e. yoyotli) and wooden log drums (i.e. teponaztli).

The Aztec people revered music. Musical sounds, song, and dance movements had deep religious meaning and often accompanied ritual acts, such as offerings to the gods.

It is interesting to note that there was no Aztec word for “music.” The Aztecs referred to music as the “art of song” (cuicatlamatiliztli) and musicians did not “play” but rather “sang” on their instruments. To dance was “to sing with the feet.”

Story Transcript:

NARRATOR: In ancient times… long, long ago… the earth sounded rather different than it does today.

You could hear the rivers burbling… the waves crashing… the wind blowing…

But the one thing you couldn’t hear was…

SKY GOD: (sad, expressive) …MUSIC!

NARRATOR: Sky God – creator of the earth and lord of the sky – flashed his younger brother, Wind God, a frown.

SKY GOD: Haven’t you noticed that the earth doesn’t have any MUSIC??? No music at all???

NARRATOR: Wind God shrugged.

WIND GOD: I’m not sure, Sky God… What IS “music”?

SKY GOD: What is MUSIC???? Music is a magical, irresistible sound that makes people get up and dance! It makes them clap their hands and tap their toes! It makes them laugh and smile and sing!

WIND GOD: Gosh. I’ve never seen the people do ANY of those things when I gust and blow through their villages. Not once have they clapped their hands or tapped their toes – let alone laughed or smiled! As for “singing,” I’m not quite sure what that is…

SKY GOD: That’s because there’s no music in the world! (beat) Music has the power to lighten hearts. To soothe souls. Without music, there is no joy! …Do you understand!


SKY GOD: So the people need music!


SKY GOD: Which is why YOU’RE going to BRING it to them!


SKY GOD: …by STEALING it… from Sun God!

WIND GOD: YES, Sky G — (cuts himself off mid-word) Hang on a second. You want me to STEAL music…? From Sun God…?

SKY GOD: Yes! (beat) Unfortunately, our younger brother Sun God has been hoarding the music in his golden sun kingdom. He's been holding four musicians prisoner – demanding they play only for him. YOU are going to free those musicians. You are going to rescue them from Sun God’s clutches and bring them down to earth!

WIND GOD: With all due respect… Sun God may be our little brother, but he is the most fearsome and ferocious of all the deities! He’s the lord of the sun after all! A strong and mighty warrior who destroys his enemies with fire! As the lord of the WIND, I am nothing but air! I don’t stand a chance!

SKY GOD: Lest you forget… As the lord of the wind, you’re also swift and nimble. Certainly you can use your quickness to your advantage. (beat) Now go, Wind God! Go and bring music to the world!

NARRATOR: There was a big blast of air as Wind God whooshed away. Swirling and whirling, he blew himself higher and higher. When he spied the golden towers of the sun kingdom glimmering in the distance, he picked up speed, rushing faster… and faster… until…

…a curious sound reached his ears. A miraculous sound that seemed to float in the air around him. Sometimes it was high, sometimes it was low. Sometimes it was fast, sometimes it was slow. And all at once, it dawned on him what it was.


NARRATOR: Wind God glided up the stairway of light leading to Sun God’s palace. And that’s when he saw them:

The four musicians. The first musician beat on a drum made of wood.

[log drum solo/more prominent]

NARRATOR: The second shook a rattle full of seeds.

[rattle solo/more prominent]

NARRATOR: The third tooted a horn made of shell.

[shell horn solo/more prominent]

NARRATOR: And the fourth blew into a flute made of clay.

[clay flute solo/more prominent]

NARRATOR: The musicians were dancing in a circle around Sun God, who looked very pleased with himself as he sat high on his throne.

SUN GOD: Keep playing, my little musicians! I must have more music! MORE!

NARRATOR: Wind God could see fear in the musicians’ eyes. Clearly, they were frightened of their captor, so they followed his orders and kept playing. But the moment Wind God came bursting in on the scene…

WIND GOD: Sun God! I must speak with you!

NARRATOR: …the musicians froze, and the music stopped.

Sun God’s face blazed with fury as he shot Wind God a glare.

SUN GOD: (snarky, sassy) Well! If it isn’t my blustery big brother, Wind God! (beat) How dare you barge into my sun kingdom like this? And how dare you disturb my music?

WIND GOD: Because, Sun God… it isn’t YOUR music. You’re holding it captive. The earth deserves to experience its joy! (dramatic, slower) That’s why I’ve come… to SET IT FREE!!!

NARRATOR: What do you think will happen next? Will Sun God give up his music so easily?

We’ll find out, after a quick break.


NARRATOR: Welcome back to Circle Round. I’m Rebecca Sheir. Today our story is called “A World of Music.”

Before the break, Sun God was holding the world’s musicians captive. So Sky God sent Wind God to the sun kingdom, to set the musicians free. But when Wind God came in and announced his mission, his younger brother laughed.

SUN GOD: (condescending LAUGH) So you’re going to set the music free, are you? And just how are you going to do that, Wind God? Are you going to BLOW my musicians down to earth? One shot with my fire arrows, and you’ll be engulfed with red-hot flames!

WIND GOD: First of all, Sun God: they are not YOUR musicians. You’ve just been holding them prisoner! And second: let’s say I DO try blowing them down to earth. If you shoot ME with your fire arrows, then THEY’LL burn up too! And they’ll never play again. You wouldn’t want THAT, would you?

NARRATOR: At the thought of being burnt to a crisp, the musicians shuddered. Sun God sneered.

SUN GOD: Listen, Wind God. My musicians are happy here! They love playing for me! Right, my little music makers?

NARRATOR: Sun God shot the musicians a stern look. They quickly nodded their heads.

SUN GOD: See???? They know how much I appreciate their music!

WIND GOD: But do they realize how much MORE they could be appreciated on earth? The gifts they could give with their playing? The lives they could change? The WORLD they could change???

NARRATOR: Wind God turned to the musicians.

WIND GOD: Oh marvelous makers of music… please hear me out. While you stay in the sun kingdom, making music for an audience of one who holds you captive… down on earth, there are countless people who would do anything to hear your songs.

SUN GOD: Oh, people shmeeple! They are mere mortals! I am a powerful god!

WIND GOD: Be that as it may, these “mere mortals” are forced to live in a world that is gray and joyless. Children don’t laugh. Women don’t dance. Men don’t sing. They have plenty of sounds to fill their ears… but none to fill their hearts.

SUN GOD: (laying it on thick, faux-sympathetic) Oh, the poor poor things! Nothing to fill their hearts. What a shame!

WIND GOD: It IS a shame! (beat) My dear musicians. If the people could hear the sounds you make, they would do more than just sit there and listen and force you to play more – like a certain someone we know…

SUN GOD: (laying it on thick, faux-innocent) Who, ME….?

WIND GOD: (ignoring Sun God) INSTEAD, they would appreciate you so much, and be moved by you so much, that they would join in! They would clap their hands and tap their toes! Maybe even sing! They would help you make MORE music! They would JAM with you, ya know? It would be like — (gets interrupted)

SUN GOD: (interrupting) I believe we’ve heard enough, Wind God. TOO much, in fact. So why don’t you run along and return to your sad little earth? (beat) Musicians? Don’t play another note until he’s gone. I won’t share my music with ANYONE. Especially a windbag like him!

NARRATOR: The musicians didn’t move a muscle. Wind God let out a sigh and turned to go. But then an idea popped into his head, and he spun back around.

WIND GOD: Wait! I have one more thing to say.

SUN GOD: Uch! You ARE a windbag, aren’t you? (beat) Say your piece and make it snappy.

WIND GOD: Thank you, Sun God. What I wanted to say was… SHHH.

SUN GOD: Excuse me? Are you telling me to be quiet?

WIND GOD: No! I was just saying (rhythmically) SHHH. SHHH. SHHH. SHHH. SHHH. SHHH. SHHH. SHHH.

SUN GOD: (as Wind God continues) What is the meaning of this? I have no idea what you’re doing, Wind God!

NARRATOR: But the musicians DID have an idea. Wind God was creating a beat! And as the rhythm continued, the first musician lifted his drum and began to play along.

[log drum]

NARRATOR: Then the second musicians joined in with her rattle.

[add rattle]

NARRATOR: Then the third musician tooted his horn.

[add shell horn]

NARRATOR: And the fourth musician blew into her flute.

[add clay flute]

NARRATOR: Before long, Wind God and the musicians were in the throes of a full-fledged jam session. Sun God looked on with rage.

SUN GOD: Stop this nonsense! You are MY musicians and you make music for ME! JUST me! So cease your playing right now!

NARRATOR: But the musicians did not “cease.” Instead, they followed Wind God as he danced away from the throne.

SUN GOD: Halt right there, musicians! Go no further! By order of your master!

NARRATOR: The musicians paid Sun God no heed. They kept playing their music, as they danced down the stairway of light.

Sun God clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth. He was tempted to unleash a quiver of fire arrows, but Wind God was right. Just one shot and the musicians would go up in flames.

SUN GOD: Come back, musicians! I command you! Come baaaaaack!

NARRATOR: But the musicians did NOT “come back.” They danced all the way to the edge of the sun kingdom, where Wind God motioned for them to stop.

WIND GOD: That was amazing, my friends! (beat) Now let’s go teach the world to sing!

NARRATOR: The air around the musicians began to swirl and whirl.

Then suddenly, a great gust of wind lifted them off their feet! They went spiraling away from the sun kingdom… and gliding through the sky… before drifting down to earth, where Sky God called out to them in greeting.

SKY GOD: Welcome, musicians! I see my brother Wind God was successful in setting you free!

WIND GOD: Indeed I was! You were right, Sky God. I AM swift and nimble. I also, it turns out, have an amazing sense of rhythm! These players just followed my lead! (beat) Speaking of which, why don’t we try something else? How about SHOOM SHOOM SHOOM, SHOOM SHOOM SHOOM, SHOOM SHOOM SHOOM

NARRATOR: The musicians didn’t hesitate. The drummer beat his drum… the rattler shook her rattle… the horn player tooted his horn… and the flute player blew her flute.

And as the musicians brought beautiful lively music to the world, do you know what happened?

Children lifted their heads and began to laugh. Women broke into smiles and began to dance. Men wiped their tears and began to sing.

What’s more, the birds opened their beaks and began to warble… the crickets rubbed their legs together and began to chirp… The cicadas buzzed… the toads trilled… and suddenly the forests and valleys and deserts and mountains were filled with the sound of music.

From that day on, music covered the earth. But it didn’t stop there. Wind God used his winds to carry the music up to the heavens… so that Sun God could hear it too. Only this time, the mighty deity didn’t try to steal it. When he saw how much happiness it brought the world, he was more than happy to share.

Headshot of Rebecca Sheir
Rebecca Sheir Host, Circle Round

Rebecca Sheir is the host "Circle Round," WBUR's kids storytelling podcast.



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