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WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

Instructions for the "Benefits of WCAG 2" Presentation

Page Contents

The Benefits of WCAG 2 presentation is available in 3 formats:

Other presentations are available from WAI Presentations.

What is in the Presentation

Benefits of WCAG 2 presentation shows why you should use WCAG 2.0. It has 35 slides describing the following benefits:

IMPORTANT: Notes Section

The slides themselves have limited text so that participants do not have to read much during a presentation. The Notes section contains important information.

Make sure you read the notes for each slide. The first one starts with: [NOTES SECTION: This is where the important information is for each slide.].

To view the Notes:

Advice for Presenters

See important information in How to Make Presentations Accessible to All and the Advice for Presenters section of the WAI Presentations page.

Permission and Reference

See the Permission and Reference section of the WAI Presentations page. The reference for this presentation is:

Benefits of WCAG 2. Shawn Lawton Henry, ed. Copyright © 2010 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio). Status: Updated 12 August 2010. www.w3.org/WAI/presentations/WCAG20_benefits/Overview

Credits for the images and information on permission to use the images are included in the Notes section where the image first appears.

Who Develops the Presentation

Benefits of WCAG 2 was developed by the WAI Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG), edited by Shawn Lawton Henry. Ian Pouncey, Sharron Rush, Wayne Dick, and Justin Thorp worked on the HTML/CSS version.

Comments are welcome to: [email protected].