
29 October 2024


alastairc, AlinaV, Azlan, BrianE, bruce_bailey, ChrisLoiselle, Chuck, dan_bjorge, DJ, filippo-zorzi, Frankie, giacomo-petri, Glenda, GreggVan, JenStrickland, julierawe, kevin, kirkwood, Laura_Carlson, LenB, ljoakley, Makoto, maryjom, mbgower, mgarrish, mike_beganyi, MJ, Rachael, sarahhorton, scott, shadi, ShawnT, SteveF
Francis Storr, Jennie Delisi, Roberto Scano, Todd Libby

Meeting minutes

<Chuck> https://deploy-preview-116--wcag3.netlify.app/explainer/


<alastairc> A WCAG 2.x CFC for lots of small errata / editorial updates will be coming through.

Chuck: 3 topics: 1) timezone differences currently, 2) WCAG2 changes (errata mostly) updates coming out next week, 3) survey results

<julierawe> Can someone share the zoom url?

Chuck: Thank you to all who participated in the survey regarding joining other subgroups. I was able to get everyone into the slots they wanted for the most part. We'll be able to start work on that next week on the second hour of the AG call.

Chuck: [summarizes subgroup meeting times]

Chuck: We recommend (but are not enforcing) group leaders. When the groups meet they can choose an alternate.

Chuck: It's important to join the primary subgroup that I've placed you in. Please focus on joining primary subgroups.

Chuck: Some individuals couldn't make the agreed-upon times. I will send an e-mail to those individuals and hopefully something can be worked out.

bruce_bailey: Are you putting out an e-mail that summarizes the timeslots and groups, etc.?

Chuck: Will send out an e-mail in the next couple of days, yes

Brief subgroup status updates

Chuck: Thanks to subgroups for their work. Looking to close out the groups in the next couple of weeks. Purpose of this meeting is to summarize progress to this point.

bruce_bailey: Making progress on set of five outcomes in Keyboard subgroup. Will have tangible deliverables on the 12th. Not sure we'll have a full decision tree and methods but optimistic we'll have a lot of material to move forward with.
… wanted to bring up two things: 1) What is the focus for the decision tree? And 2) a request to get a briefing from ACT about some of the rules they're making so as to be consistent on definitions

<Zakim> DJ, you wanted to haptic feedback

<alastairc> Bruce - you could set the scope as the "view", e.g. within the view, the following does not happen... or something to that effect.

Chuck: Are you needing help regarding facilitating briefing with ACT regarding definitions?

bruce_bailey: That would be welcome from the chairs, yes, please.

<bruce_bailey> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uE2WCxPmvNopdCbuZQm_-cGyEdxEouRmZ8UUIlyutoU/edit

bruce_bailey: Google Docs now allows tabs, so we're able to separate meeting minutes etc. into more clear delineations.

<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to ask about ACT briefing

GreggVan: Was just going to show tab control in Google Docs. [sahres screen indicating tabs in a sidebar area on the page]

bruce_bailey: Different from table of contents as it makes the document non-linear. Able to separate pages, essentially

DJ: Haptic Feedback updates: We're finished, just need to flag for CR.

<DJ> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U5DbLdJIyuIJLdLMhn1F_A0NT_D_qe4MO49F_fJ_fEA/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.4fu2rk4qoiti

giacomo-petri: Section Labels: Conversation around section labels for headers and footers, and conflicts with such landmarks. Should this be handled by AT and not authors? In the process of refining our decision tree and methods. Reviewing examples from earlier and comparing them to the methods and decision tree. I think we're on track to deliver a

good first draft by the date.

<giacomo-petri> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rHL0Zx4tpNRMztUFXURKn1He74mjRMeDaf330a01FYs/edit?pli=1&tab=t.0#heading=h.4fu2rk4qoiti

julierawe: Implied Meaning: Focus spent on decision tree and considering feedback from others regarding methods. Trying to build a decision tree that is flexible enough but also thorough in its approach. Spent quite a bit of time on the decision tree. Currently reworking methods section. Building out tests for sufficiency but think we have enough

to build while also pausing and getting feedback from the wider group.

<julierawe> I got kicked out of IRC :)

<julierawe> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P7fOyEPVlqf1aXuJY0SO9LeC-E7EZllg/edit

alastairc: Non-text Contrast: Haven't managed to have many meanings. We have a lot of examples, a method list. We need to come back together and try to get those methods finalized. Hoping to having a decision tree and some example methods before the deadline.

Chuck: You said no opportunities to meet, nevertheless you're making progress. Can you describe your method for completing work?

<alastairc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bwr8ciRGP5W4zvzBQtJObxaUYRxsR5OrpYYpuK4rDyE/edit?tab=t.0

alastairc: Most of it has been asynchronous. In most cases it's been quite limited.

Review WCAG 3 and Explainer Publication Kickoff

<Rachael> w3c/wcag3#116

<Rachael> https://deploy-preview-116--wcag3.netlify.app/explainer/

Rachael: Slowly working our way to a publication point. Trying to get Explainer document out.

Rachael: I will walk through this a bit for discussion then review next week. Ideal if you comment on the pull request. Google Doc is available for commenting also.

Rachael: Purpose of Explainer is to pull out all content that won't end up in WCAG 3.

Rachael: [reviews structure of document found at previous link]

Rachael: Chairs made a choice about how to use some terminology. Considering calling guidelines "Outcome Statements". Decided the function was similar to WCAG 2.

Rachael: Comments welcome on changes.

Rachael: [continues to summarize structure and edits]

Rachael: This is important to publish. Please take time this week and review, comment etc. It summarizes the last six months of work so it's a priority.

<alastairc> We could put in an editor's note saying that we are considering including "recommendations"

jkirkwood: Question about language. Two sections have a modifier of Draft. Is that intentional?

Rachael: Noted the "Draft" modifier as it may be a point of discussion for some.

Current subgroup working sessions

Review WCAG 3 and Explainer Publication Kickoff

<Rachael> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hc5fwRKZVdWPoEp-HzrCu4TTsXF36sozE45OfcYUnKU/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.ll2a2787w6ym

Rachael: We're in the process of doing a lot of publication at the moment. We're a little further behind on the guidelines. All of us have done a lot of work. I want to acknowledge that this document is not fully ready for review. Please do start reviewing it from tomorrow (Wednesday).

Rachael: Is it at this point clear as to what each requirement means? Doesn't necessarily mean whether you agree it belongs, but rather, is it understandable?

<kirkwood> was just wondering intent of using “Draft” in both “Draft CDonformance Approach” and “Draft WCAG 3.0 Structure”. question answered

Rachael: [summarizes structure of guidelines in their current form]

ChrisLoiselle: Out of scope was perfecting language and defining terms. Key question regarding "language consistency". What's the definition?

Rachael: We have certain patterns that editors are looking for. If two patterns are similar we probably want to use the same pattern. Ensuring consistency between guidelines (such as consistent use of "programmatically" versus "semantically", etc.)

Rachael: Will freeze Google Doc and hour or two before the meeting.

Current subgroup working sessions

<alastairc> The colour contrast one will be pretty open and flexible, it's been a while since we've met so we're all getting back up to speed...

Chuck: Will move into a subgroup working session. Before subgroups open: If you're not in a subgroup, you can join as an observer. I ask that you simply observe as critical work is being done to complete. Secondly, if you're not interested in observing, please review the documents that Rachael shared above (within item 2).

Chuck: Opening rooms now.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 238 (Fri Oct 18 20:51:13 2024 UTC).


Maybe present: jkirkwood

All speakers: alastairc, bruce_bailey, ChrisLoiselle, Chuck, DJ, giacomo-petri, GreggVan, jkirkwood, julierawe, Rachael

Active on IRC: alastairc, AlinaV, Azlan, BrianE, bruce_bailey, ChrisLoiselle, Chuck, dan_bjorge, DJ, filippo-zorzi, Frankie, giacomo-petri, Glenda, GreggVan, JenStrickland, julierawe, kevin, kirkwood, Laura_Carlson, LenB, ljoakley, Makoto, maryjom, mbgower, mgarrish, mike_beganyi, MJ, Rachael, sarahhorton, scott, shadi, ShawnT, SteveF