<cwadams> meeting: AGWG-2023-10-10
<scribe> Scribe: laura
chuck: any new members?
chuck: 2 hour call today
... 2.2 published last thursday.
<bruce_bailey> Hurray!
chuck: congrats to all.
<bruce_bailey> Congratulations all around!
<jeanne> \o/
chuck: chairs approached
regarding the charter.
... policy doc is out of scope.
<scribe> ... new charter needs to take effect.
some concerns about the scope.
<ljoakley1> presetn+
scribe: can set up a community
group. We will work for 6 months.
... then we can revisit the charter.
... need clear guidance from management.
... then have conversation with the whole group.
maryjo: we should be able to
state the case.
... it is a unique case.
... can have interesting problems.
... has to be taken up with caution.
rm: it is somewhat above the chairs. Can send comments to Philippe.
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask at end of announcements to ask about peers at M-Enabling ?
bruce: M-Enabling is
... please share links if you have them.
jaunita: hosting a happy hour.
<bruce_bailey> https://m-enabling.com/
<Francis_Storr> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YFJaO3ARxGuZyq47keGXuD2E06Ryw9tWx9v-G3CYKT0/edit#slide=id.p
<bruce_bailey> Last year's M-Enabling webcast: https://m-enabling.com/webcasts-and-videos/
FS: went slightly over 8
... Outcome Short Name: Change of content awareness
... Users can know that content has changed or updated,
regardless of update speed (i.e. when timing is too fast, the
user knows that the content has changed.
... Outcome Description: Users can control how and when they
are notified.
... Outcome Description: Users need to have adequate time to
complete a task before timeout.
... Outcome Short Name: Reduced task distractions
... Users can reduce distractions while in a task view. Users
are made aware of emergencies and other urgent/important
... Outcome Description: Users can save the state of a form or
... Outcome Description: Users can save interruptions to review
at a future time.
... the next two we liked but didn't know if they fit.
... Outcome Short Name: No stress or pressure to perform &
Outcome Short Name: Content supports efficient task
... need to make a PR.
<kirkwood> Carnegie Mellon as cited here: https://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/05/opinion/sunday/a-focus-on-distraction.html
FS: relied on COGA research interested in having nore research.
<kirkwood> Referenced Carnegie Mellon Human-Computer Interaction Lab: http://www.hcii.cmu.edu/
wilco: How have writing to small outcomes have been taken itnto considerations?
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to say that the short name and description of "No stress"
wilco: any test cases?
jeanne: the outcomes for stress may need to be checked.
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to say thanks and great model for labor last week and this week
bruce: this is great.
... looking for filled in examples.
... missing user needs on slide 6.
fs: could be copy/paste thing.
<Zakim> Rachael, you wanted to say that part is next step in this process
rm: test cases is the next stage.
wilco: are we open to changing the process?
<bruce_bailey> @wilco do you have URL handy for the process document you are referencing ?
JK: Cornell has done some research on this.
<cwadams> +1 to taking the conversation to the planning call
rm: we did do some tests. Maybe take it to the planning meeting.
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to say that this stage is supposed to be about user needs, not test cases. Starting with test cases can exclude user needs
jeanne: this stage is about user needs.
dan: most is research is COGA. Is that okay?
wilco: this is something ACT
thinks is important.
... test cases help get everyone on the same page.
<garcialo> need to duck out for a little bit; will be back in about 30 minutes
wilco: Looking at examples help.
chuck: we can talk about it tomorrow.
<mgifford> I definitely appreciate those Wilco, thanks.
ac: we have got user need, test, example in the work we are doing.
<jeanne> Not all user needs will have test cases -- some will be addressed with assertions
rm: content usable can be traced back to original research.
<bruce_bailey> thanks Rachael, for Dan's question wrt research
<alastairc> I wasn't familiar with tracing back from coga-usable, but understand that it does have that.
rm: can use WCAG but not solely
... comfortable with coga but you can add to it.
<Rachael> +1 to Bruce's answer
bruce: can be repetitive. but could be better to tie it to research.
<bruce_bailey> agreed, tension between general and specific cites
chuck: we are exploring the process and doing the content. Filter up base research.
<bruce_bailey> thanks Francis (and subgroup) !
chuck: thank you Francis and the sub group.
<Rachael> We will reconvene at 10 before the hour. We decided last week to stick with 2 hour meetings while we worked through all this
chuck: we have gone through half hour of work. Update from subgroups.
jeanne: about half way through.
ac: good progress. Different people. need to tidy up.
chuck: done but need to reformat. I'll do that.
mg: general agreement on plan of attack.
chuck: 3 groups need to continue
... will need leadership to set up sub groups.
... need to continue the work.
... do we need a project lead?
... need to know who participated.
rm: I have a screenshot of participants.
chuck: anything else?
... thanks everyone. Good progress.
<ljoakley1> quit
This is scribe.perl Revision VERSION of 2020-12-31 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/chaterr/charter/ Succeeded: s/this state is/this stage is/ Succeeded: s/attributions/assertions/ Succeeded: s/chaira apporached /chairs approached / Succeeded: s/affect./effect./ Succeeded: s/ sharre / share / Succeeded: s/enxt two we liked but didn't knoe /next two we liked but didn't know / Succeeded: s/corrnell/Cornell/ Succeeded: s/someting /something / Succeeded: s/tommorrow./tomorrow./ Succeeded: s/wcag but not soley wcag./WCAG but not solely WCAG./ Succeeded: s/repetative. /repetitive. / Succeeded: s/reseach./research./ Succeeded: s/explorring the prrocess /exploring the process / Succeeded: s/Frrancis /Francis / Succeeded: s/halsf/half/ Succeeded: s/everryone/everyone/ Default Present: Francis_Storr, bruce_bailey, Rachael, ToddL, jeanne, Laura_Carlson, Jennie, ShawnT, giacomo-petri, DanielHE, maryjom, Wilco, garcialo, mgifford, kirkwood, ljoakley1, Jaunita_George, scotto, tburtin, mbgower, Makoto Present: Francis_Storr, bruce_bailey, Rachael, ToddL, jeanne, Laura_Carlson, Jennie, ShawnT, giacomo-petri, DanielHE, maryjom, Wilco, garcialo, mgifford, kirkwood, ljoakley1, Jaunita_George, scotto, tburtin, mbgower, Makoto Regrets: Azlan Cuttilan, Poornima Subramanian Found Scribe: laura Inferring ScribeNick: laura WARNING: No date found! Assuming today. (Hint: Specify the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.) Or specify the date like this: <dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002 People with action items: WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]