15:30:57 RRSAgent has joined #ag 15:30:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/05-ag-irc 15:31:05 rrsagent, make logs world 15:31:16 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:31:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/05-ag-minutes.html Chuck_ 15:31:30 meeting: AGWG-2021-01-05 15:31:37 chair: Chuck_ 15:31:45 Zakim, start meeting 15:31:45 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:31:46 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Chuck_ 15:31:58 meeting: AGWG-2021-01-05 15:32:31 agenda+ Working effectively together for 2021 15:32:41 agenda+ WCAG 3.0 objection update Survey: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/2020-12-editorsnote/ 15:33:12 â—‹ agenda+ Color issues: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-color-updates/ 15:33:21 agenda+ Color issues: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-color-updates/ 15:33:35 agenda+ Findable help issues: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-findable-help-updates/ 15:40:34 regrets: Matt Orr, Charles Hall 15:41:13 JF has joined #ag 15:45:10 agenda+ Hidden controls update (question 1 only) https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/hidden-controls-12-2020/ 15:49:12 Fazio has joined #ag 15:57:22 Ben has joined #AG 15:58:15 Present+ 15:58:41 Jennie has joined #ag 15:59:18 chrisloiselle_ has joined #ag 15:59:29 bruce_bailey has joined #ag 15:59:36 Raf has joined #ag 15:59:59 ChrisLoiselle__ has joined #ag 16:00:03 present+ 16:00:07 Present+ 16:00:08 JustineP has joined #ag 16:00:08 present+ 16:00:16 present+ 16:00:18 present+ 16:00:26 present+ 16:00:34 present+ 16:00:39 jon_avila has joined #ag 16:00:52 present+jon_avila 16:01:10 scribe:bruce_bailey 16:01:24 JakeAbma has joined #ag 16:01:37 present+ 16:01:51 zakim, take up item 1 16:01:52 agendum 1 -- Working effectively together for 2021 -- taken up [from Chuck_] 16:02:09 TOPIC: Editors' note in WCAG 3 FPWD on inclusion 16:02:09 +AWK 16:02:10 Chuck invites any new people to introduce themselves, but no takerrs 16:02:18 present+ 16:02:19 Sukriti has joined #ag 16:02:26 present+ 16:02:27 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/2020-12-editorsnote/results 16:02:40 juliette_mcshane has joined #ag 16:02:42 present+ 16:02:42 The chairs propose an editor's note in the Background on WCAG 3 section of the FPWD, requesting feedback on how to improve inclusion, with the following text... 16:03:00 Caryn has joined #ag 16:03:01 TOPIC: Working effectively together for 2021 16:03:07 Agenda Item: Working effectively together for 2021 16:03:09 MelanieP has joined #ag 16:03:20 present+ 16:03:20 present+ 16:03:38 Chuck: WG is taking up some policies and practices to facilitate coordination and work 16:04:11 ... asking sub groups to identify near term activities and goals and action items 16:04:13 sarahhorton has joined #ag 16:04:26 present+ 16:04:42 ... also please remember to be civil, and approach chair if you have any developing concerns 16:04:52 https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/ 16:05:03 ... better to be considering and discussing sooner than later 16:05:09 zakim, take up next item 16:05:09 agendum 2 -- WCAG 3.0 objection update Survey: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/2020-12-editorsnote/ -- taken up [from Chuck_] 16:05:14 Wilco has joined #ag 16:05:17 ... and we bid 2020 so long 16:05:34 The chairs propose an editor's note in the Background on WCAG 3 section of the FPWD, requesting feedback on how to improve inclusion, with the following text... 16:05:46 W3C strives to be as inclusive as possible, and has actively sought participation and input from a broad range of stakeholder groups. We recognize, however, that there is always room for improvement in practices to support inclusion and representation. As you evaluate this document, please consider whether there are ways the Working Group can better support your review, feedback, or inclusion within the process of creating this standard. [CUT] 16:06:00 We welcome feedback on this question as part of your comments. 16:06:09 [bruce copy/paste from survey] 16:06:32 13 responses on survey, 11 approves, 2 ask for edits 16:06:57 Chuck calls on Jake Abma 16:06:59 david-macdonald has joined #ag 16:07:20 [Jake reads from survey] 16:07:59 The phrasing is awkward. 16:08:03 Nicaise has joined #ag 16:08:11 present+ 16:08:13 laura has joined #ag 16:08:25 q? 16:08:28 it's not about supporting the review, but act upon review comments; it's not about support the feedback, but act upon the feedback 16:08:33 Q+ to speak to my selection 16:08:40 present+ Laura 16:09:00 Micheal Cooper: all these ways ARE the ways we support review 16:09:35 That does sound awkward 16:09:49 Chuck: JF suggest participation instead of inclusion 16:10:13 MC: This is meant to encompass feedback from people who are not members of working group 16:10:49 Chuck: As I heard your feedback, you say you have a clear idea, but think it can be misinterpreted? 16:10:57 mbgower has joined #ag 16:11:12 present+ 16:11:12 q+ to say that is the intent... 16:11:26 Jake: I read it as people evaluating document is good, but ways WG should better support feedback is not clear 16:11:36 ... what is supporting inclusion? 16:11:37 ack ala 16:11:37 alastairc, you wanted to say that is the intent... 16:11:48 We support reviews by helping point people to materials and resources 16:12:03 With John's suggestion: W3C strives to be as inclusive as possible, and has actively sought participation and input from a broad range of stakeholder groups. We recognize, however, that there is always room for improvement in practices to support inclusion and representation. As you evaluate this document, please consider whether there are ways the Working Group can better support your review, feedback, or participation within the process of 16:12:03 creating this standard. We welcome feedback on this question as part of your comments. 16:12:28 Alastair C: An example is if someone had difficultly going through a long document, we could facilate breaking up what is needed for digesting the document 16:13:01 Chuck: We have a process that facilitates feedback and review so we are including mechanisms for feedback and inclusion. 16:13:26 Q+ 16:13:40 Inclusion to me means minority groups 16:13:40 ack JF 16:13:41 Chuck: Rachael has parsed out some feedback from John Foliot, asks MC for response. 16:13:56 MC: The word "inclusion" is closer to our intent. 16:14:24 like including diversity 16:14:26 John Foliot: When we use word inclusion to be inclusive, it just seems circular. 16:15:06 Chuck: I am hearing suggestion for word smithing but not strong objections. Andrew ? 16:15:23 (We jumped ahead a bit and had already put it in, but circled back to the group.) 16:15:57 AWK: I could not suggest changes because I was not clear on what text is in current draft. I withdraw my request for a change. 16:16:08 +1 16:16:09 +1 16:16:10 +1 16:16:10 +1 16:16:10 +1\ 16:16:10 +1 16:16:11 Chuck: Please +1 if you accept the proposed editors note 16:16:12 +1 16:16:12 +1 16:16:13 +1 16:16:13 +1 16:16:14 +1 16:16:14 0 16:16:15 +1 16:16:15 +1 16:16:15 +1 16:16:19 -1 if anything you cannot live with 16:16:21 +1 16:16:44 RESOLUTION: Accept the proposed Editor's note in WCAG 3 FPWD on inclusion 16:16:51 TOPIC: Notable Contributions Section and Editor's Note 16:17:22 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/2020-12-editorsnote/results#xq2 16:17:31 The chairs propose adding a section to to the Acknowledgment appendix of WCAG 3 FPWD recognizing Participants who made notable contributions to the creation of this document section of the FPWD, requesting feedback on how to objectively identify key contributers, with the following text: 16:17:38 This section will document key contributors. The method of identifying these individuals is in process and a list will be included in the next draft. This list will be updated for each subsequent draft. 16:17:52 [bruce copy/paste from survey] 16:17:53 refresh 16:18:03 q+ to say that I like Andy's ideas, but I don't want to put it in the FPWD 16:18:08 q- 16:18:12 Chuck: 13 replies, 10 approved as-is 16:18:20 q? 16:18:29 ack jeanne 16:18:29 jeanne, you wanted to say that I like Andy's ideas, but I don't want to put it in the FPWD 16:18:56 Jeanne: I like Andy's ideas, but it is a starting point for next draft, so don't use for now 16:19:01 Q: if we like Andy's ideas, how do we capture them for future work? 16:19:14 Chuck: Andy did not object, so that is fine. 16:19:41 Justine Pascalides has editorial nit 16:20:14 Q+ 16:20:16 Bruce has editoria suggestion to remove word "key" 16:20:16 q? 16:20:31 q+ 16:20:38 ack JF 16:20:57 Alasstair: We already have contributors section, so the idea is space for a little bit more. 16:21:23 John Foliot: Question is how we are going use Andrews suggestion going forward? 16:21:33 Jeanne: Adding to wiki 16:21:44 MC: Could be a pull request after publication. 16:22:04 Chuck: Good suggestion 16:22:11 q+ 16:22:12 q? 16:22:15 ack Rach 16:22:19 present+ 16:22:23 This section will document contributors who made notable contributions and it will be updated for each subsequent draft. The process of identifying these individuals is in process and a list will be included in the next draft. 16:22:33 Chuck: Bruce do you have heartache with going forward with this using "key" 16:22:40 Bruce: that is okay 16:23:13 ack Davi 16:23:35 Rachael proposes an edit using wording previously approved. Bruce likes Rachels edit. 16:23:56 q+ 16:24:03 Chuck: David McDonald answered survey that we should skip this new section for now. 16:24:18 I kinda agree 16:24:33 David McDonald: This is something that is really tricky to do, and is something we struggled with this for 1.0 and 2.0. 16:24:38 Q+ 16:24:48 ... we can always add this later. 16:25:07 q+ 16:25:09 Chuck: This is to address an objection that was raised 16:25:13 ack Ch 16:25:31 ack Faz 16:25:35 David McDonald: We can always add this latter, just seems premature at this moment in time 16:26:15 David Fazio: Agree with David McDonald, as there are so many people did work, seems like it could be more trouble than it is worth... 16:26:20 ack ala 16:26:26 on other hand, might be a motivator. 16:27:10 Alastair: Agree that this is a hard thing to do well. WCAG 3 is a bit of clean slate, so while it is a difficult thing to do well, it is probably better to start from beginning. 16:27:24 q+ to ask that it's worth the effort to try 16:27:26 ack ack 16:27:33 ... Overall, I would rather have a flat list of contributors, but I don't feel strongly about it. 16:28:04 q+ to suggest that Mike Gower's suggestion may be a middle ground 16:28:07 q? 16:28:11 ack Ch 16:28:11 Chuck_, you wanted to ask that it's worth the effort to try 16:28:14 Chuck: There are a lot of individuals who went above and beyond, so it does seems fair to me to review and come up with a process and so keep it it. 16:28:17 ach Rach 16:28:21 ack Rach 16:28:21 Rachael, you wanted to suggest that Mike Gower's suggestion may be a middle ground 16:28:55 Rachael: I don't have a strong feeling, but I want to acknowleges MG softer phrasing 16:29:17 MG: This section is intended to document key contributors...a list should be included... [from survey] 16:29:42 +1 to Michael 16:29:49 MG: I just used softer phrasing to get at intention, but not promissing something that might fall through 16:30:03 Rachael: I will propose something in minutes 16:30:14 Chuck: likes this approach 16:30:44 Chuck: David, if we were to soften the language, is that okay with you? 16:30:57 q+ to say that it helps us when people after publication make false claims of the contribution 16:31:06 David M: Yes, the softer proposal is better. 16:31:09 ack jeanne 16:31:09 jeanne, you wanted to say that it helps us when people after publication make false claims of the contribution 16:31:10 Proposed rewording: This section is intended to document participants who made notable contributions. The method of identifying these individuals is in process and a list should be included in the next draft and updated for each subsequent draft. 16:31:41 Jeanne: I started as Alastair expresse, not wanting to address this issue. 16:32:26 Consider "With special thanks, this section acknowledges the following individuals' notable contributions. The method..." 16:32:52 +1 to Jeanne 16:32:55 ... this comes somewhat from some people having their names in wcag 2.0 listed as contibutors, and getting business from that, they trade on that acknowledgment without being a really significant contributor 16:33:23 q? 16:33:25 ... it is a way of noting people that really did the work. I think this is worth doing. 16:33:32 Proposed rewording: This section is intended to document participants who made notable contributions. The method of identifying these individuals is in process and a list should be included in the next draft and updated for each subsequent draft. 16:33:33 morr4 has joined #ag 16:34:42 Justine: My edit is so be a little clearer. 16:34:45 q+ 16:34:54 ack Rach 16:35:08 Consider "With special thanks, this section acknowledges the following individuals' notable contributions. The method..." 16:35:25 +1 to "special thanks" 16:35:25 q? 16:35:40 Racheal: I would prefere to capture Justines and AWK comment for introduction or maybe later, but not this editors notes 16:35:53 +1 16:35:53 +1 16:35:53 +1 16:35:54 +1 16:35:55 +1 16:35:55 +1 16:35:56 +1 16:35:56 +1 16:35:56 +1 16:35:56 [11:35] Chuck_ proposed RESOLUTION: Accept the amended "Notable Contributions Section and Editor's Note" 16:35:56 +1 16:35:56 +1 16:35:59 +1 16:36:01 0 16:36:02 +1 16:36:02 +1 16:36:04 +! 16:36:08 +1, with assumption that if we don't agree criteria, we can leave it. 16:36:18 haha 16:36:33 RESOLUTION: Accept the amended "Notable Contributions Section and Editor's Note" 16:36:46 zakim, take up next item 16:36:46 agendum 3 -- Color issues: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-color-updates/ -- taken up [from Chuck_] 16:36:59 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22-color-updates/results#xq5 16:37:06 TOPIC: Question 1 - Updates to G183 remove the focus step in the procedure 16:37:37 In a previous survey question we agreed that contrast can be used as an extra visual indicator. 16:37:43 G183 tests for both contrast and having hover/focus with extra indicators. This is ok for a technique which can go beyond the SC requirements, however, it does cause confusion when people compare to F73, or consider that touch devices don't have hover/focus states. 16:37:45 rrsagent, make minutes 16:37:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/05-ag-minutes.html jeanne 16:37:50 Note that G182 is a more general technique that requires an extra indicator. 16:37:58 PR 1553 removes the 'focus' aspect (covered in other techniques) and clarifies what is required by the SC and what is required by the technique. 16:38:06 This would provide closure to issue 1118 and issue 1272 with a response: 16:38:14 The working group considered this issue and applied some updates in PRs 1500 and 1553 to clarify what passes the success criteria and what is needed for the technique. 16:38:43 9 respones, 3 people want some adjustments 16:39:24 AWK: Agree with the changes with some adjustment, please see pull request 16:39:30 ... title shoudl be shorter 16:39:38