Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

06 Aug 2019


alastairc, ShawnLawtonHenry, Rachael, Raf, JeanneSpellman, Jennie, Lauriat_, Detlev, Chuck, Laura, SteveRepsher, Glenda, johnkirkwood, mbgower
BruceB, NicaiseD, JustineP, JonathanA, Jake



<scribe> scribe: Detlev

Silver update

AC: Update on Silver process by Jeanne and Shawn

<Lauriat_> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Main_Page

Shawn: Silver calls were split in two: 1. Content migration - how is 2.1 migrated to Silver structure, currently covering functional needs
... Section 10 is for Silver content
... reason to build up functional user needs: what is already covered - how do particular content meet user needs?

2. ...Track is for the conformance model work

scribe: How do we actually test a particular model against the requirements - quite complex
... should be brought back to WG before deep-diving into particular avenues reg. conformance

AC: Look at Wiki page and meeting minutes for more details

Shawn: Silver neeting notes should cover important points on decisions for those that cannot follow the telcos
... Silver call have new to accommodate Eastern participants

WCAG 2.1 Techniques and Understanding survey https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/AGWG_T_U_Aug2019/

Understanding doc changes 3, 4, 5 are unanimous - any requests for changes?

RESOLUTION: Accept questions 3 to 5 as unanimously agreed

Motion actuation failure technique

<alastairc> http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/wcag/blob/motion_actuation_failure/techniques/general/GXX_motionactuationfailure.html

<alastairc> http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/wcag/blob/motion_actuation_failure/working-examples/device-motion-sensor-input-failure/index.html

<alastairc> live example

AC: 2 approvals, 3 people suggesting changes

<laura> Thanks for fixing it.

Rachael: Live example link works from survey, needs mobile device

AC: It ias a one step procedure

AWK: Michael Gower's pull request has been integrated already
... was all editorial

AC: Exception in applicability section implemented
... Could be better in section description
... did not work in Safari?

AWK: works on AWK's phone

Rachael: wasn't working before - down to OS changes?

AWK: Possibly a version thing ... will re-test

<alastairc> Detlev: Might not know in advance if it uses such techniques, in which case you'd have to test it.

<alastairc> "Content using technologies that can support the detection of device or user motion such as shaking or tilting and use these motions as a means of input."

AC: Technology-oriented phrasing of applicability should solve that

<laura> +1

<alastairc> "For each control that performs a function..."

Deltev: Point on test procedure: there is not always a control to which motion applies

Rachael: Input was meant nit necessarily as a visibnle control but something on the page that takes data and operates on that

<alastairc> For each function that is triggered by a motion event:

AC: "For each function that is triggered by a motion event.."


David: "user interaction"?

AC: function is more aligned with content

David: We are interacting with functions, it is not static

AC: The point is: If the content does something with the motion the user should be able to turn it off

+1 to change

<Rachael_> +1

<alastairc> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#motion-actuation

<AWK> "Functionality that can be operated by device motion or user motion can also be operated by user interface components and responding to the motion can be disabled to prevent accidental actuation, except when:"

Mike: This may change the direction of the SC - this should be about user input, not other aspects

<AWK> Supported Interface The motion is used to operate functionality through an accessibility supported interface; Essential The motion is essential for the function and doing so would invalidate the activity.

AC: There are a couple of exceptions: essential - should be accounted for
... Needs a second step in procedure for essential exception

Mike: Will look at it later

AWK: We had this before: Do we need to deal with every exception in checks? Probably yes
... not sure what we need to change

AC: We have previously included exceptions

Rachael: Happy to make those changes - we do not have a nice template for Failure Techniques - that might help

AC: Generally the procedure needs to stick pretty closely to SC text
... Put pause on that one, pending procedure update


AWK: Example needs some attention - worked yesterday, not now
... Works from email, not after moving it to GitHub

Rachael: Sees same behaviour on Success Technique

Tech failure content disappearing on reflow #843

<alastairc> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/wcag/tech-failure-content-disappearing-on-reflow/techniques/failures/failure-content-disappears-on-reflow.html

Second item on survey

AC: 2 people suggested changes
... Change procedure - start on desktop size, change to "Based on widest page variation"

<johnkirkwood> agree desktop viewpoint should be eliminated. agree with suggestion

AWK: Then you have to change other items, too?

AC: No

AWK: This is a Failure test for a specific page... needs to thnk about it more

AC: Availability at 320 may need check at availability at *any* size

AWK: THis is the debate whether we need to require check at many sizes rather than just at 320px - this i snow the value at which you test

AC: If we have a 2.2 language of "reflow down to" that is different - but what is missing is the starting point
... the starting point should not be arbitrary

AWK: Check at default desktop viewport width

Mike: The SC language talks about desktop dimensions, if not desktop

AWK: 1280px in the note indicatesd that

<alastairc> ""Check visible content elements at the widest page variation"

Detlev: widest page variation" might be hard to understand

AWK: How do you check that? Either inspect code, or look at very wide viewport widths

AC: There could be scenarios where things are progressively hidden at different viewport widths..
... may need addition to description

Mike: Does not need to capture every way of failing

AC: Mike had punctuation / detail suggestions
... Any further comments / suggestions?

RESOLUTION: Accept PR 843 as amended

WCAG 2.2 SC reviews https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22reviews/

AC: Covering potential SCs for 2.2
... initial pass on SCs now

Undo errors

AC: Firs tris Undo errors

<alastairc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pcg6ixAfuwlo6jb2tkZBGTDhF0fAiO49h21E6HCbQ6I/edit

AC: Jenny had questions

Jennie: Working at government, this is a tricky one - very attached to this one, but vocab should address concerns
... in complex web apps going back can have consequences to data that have been put it / intermediate storage
... there are conversations about cyber security - so not clear how the outcomes may create burden on other requirements

<alastairc> Jennie's main thoughts: 1. Branching, 2. disclosure of storage, 3. authentication

Jennie: third issue is server side development techniques / authentication

AC: there is another SC on accessible authentication so this may not an issue here

Jennie: ACs comment is fine but some types of complex web applications may be impacted in a different way

AC: If there is some way of saying: "You can go back, but it cannot save data invalidated by the change" may address issue
... Mike, any particular areas?

Mike: My concern about the trip example is a set of wizards, conglomorate sites may work on these data, but they are discrete events, so there may be no way of undoing in those contexts

AC: Working on a site that draw in other things by 3rd party providers, comparing things - can see the scoping issue
... We may need some form of exception for multiple multi-step processes it may apply to just one of them, also address branching

<johnkirkwood> very valid on the multiple multistep processes not being include/addressed sufficently

AC: Some issues (John Kirkwood) may not apply - like not depending on cognitive functions, memory etc. - looks like a separate SC

John K.: Agrees, may be cleare without that

AC: The big question is how can it be scoped tio processes that branch and therefore legitimately loos data

<Chuck> scribe Chuck

<Chuck> Andrew: Just clarifying... I see "unwanted" was changed without loosing data in previous steps. We can't guarantee all types of data will be retained.

<Chuck> Andrew: There are situations where data is lost because some data is changed. If you change children from 3 to 2 you lose data. If you change hotel date...

<Chuck> Andrew: you will lose data. There are situations where you can't help but lose data. I don't know what to call that kind of data.

<Chuck> Andrew: there's subjectivity to the importance of the data. Is that the same problem you are talking about?

<Chuck> Alastair: Yes. Some of that data might be considered invalid. There may be other categories.

<Chuck> Jennie: That's a q I had but I didn't add it about test proc. Test proc doesn't have a step to validate that data in the previous step

<Chuck> Jennie: Is there when you return. Certain types of data won't be there when user returns. How does that get validated by end user and tester?

<Chuck> Alastair: Good question.

<Chuck> MG: That would be in technique not sc.

<Chuck> Alastair: It's good to be thinking about test procedure for sc. I feel like we almost need to think through the valid cases of losing data

<Chuck> Alastair: In order to work out how we test that.

<Chuck> detlev: Maybe covered already... would an app that auto-saves input in a text area ... (may save every few minutes) would that be a violation

<Chuck> detlev: without having a specific function to revert to last change or earlier changes?

<Chuck> Alastair: Undo/redo functionality.

<Chuck> detlev: You may want to go back step wise and I don't know how that would be handled. Word does multiple steps back.

<Chuck> detlev: Would it be allright to turn off auto-save? Would you still meet it?

<Chuck> Alastair: The sc is more worded around multi step processes. I'm visualizing a checkout form or fllight booking with 5 steps.

<Chuck> Alastair: The ability to go back to a clearly labeled previous steps.

<Chuck> detlev: So my example is out of scope.

<Chuck> Alastair: Yes. On other hand what would be in step would be lots of multi step forms where there's ... if you give people the means to go back

<Chuck> Alastair: The data may change in a previous step. I'm sure everyone has experienced losing everything.

<Chuck> Alastair: Defining what is ok to lose vs. what shouldn't be lost is the crux of this one.

<Chuck> Alastair: Don't want to come across as negavite... most of us are thinking it's reasonable to do and aim for.

<Chuck> Alastair: As a SC but we have the crux question on how to describe data that is ok to lose.

<Chuck> Alastair: Any other comments or q?

<Chuck> mg: What you mentioned is a good approach, "invalid" it's ok to discard data that becomes "invalid" as a result of user selections.

<Chuck> Alastair: That could replace the current authentication mechanism exception.

<Chuck> Alastair: There's some work to do on this one. But it's getting there.

<Chuck> Alastair: In which case we move on.

Find help

<alastairc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fX4Iw169OGUny5RTd70S8qAneYy5e0hr7zupE21gPBM/edit?usp=sharing

<Chuck> Alastair: This is a different one... here's link.

<Chuck> Alastair: <reads>

<Chuck> Alastair: The comments on this one are...

<Chuck> Alastair: MG suggested... mail to mechanism would meet sc, so about prominance as anything. Prominance should be tackled.

<Chuck> Alastair: Andrew's comments... top 3rd is default size... how do we handle that variability....

<Chuck> Alastair: DM commented: Measuring top 3rd is difficult to measure.

<Chuck> Alastair: And a suggestion on the language

<Chuck> Alastair: My comment: This assumes every website has a help department...

<Chuck> Alastair: Doesn't seem appropriate for some sites like personal blog.

<Chuck> Alastair: I suggested some scoping.

<Chuck> Alastair: This goes to mike's point about prominance of such information.

<Chuck> Alastair: Any other comments or q on this sc?

<Chuck> ak: If it ws talking about a condition on... for sites that offer help. Sites aren't required to provide help, but when they do....

<Chuck> Alastair: Similar to my suggestion in the middle.

<Chuck> Jennie: 2 q. 1) There is one major office application, unlike all the other... added today. It was the only interface that didn't include help.

<Chuck> Jennie: Wondering if there's a better/different way to say Andrew's suggestion.

<Chuck> Jennie: There are times when people don't know there's help. ... Frequently asked question page to satisfy a person who is looking ...

<Chuck> Jennie: So they know that the info doesn't exist. How do we address that?

<AWK> When help options are offered, a mechanism is available in the navigation area (at the primary level), in the top third of the content area, or within the user’s profile area (second level) to locate help on every page. At least one of the following is provided:

<Chuck> Alastair: Hadn't thought that it would be helpful to know that it DOESN'T exist.

<Chuck> Alastair: Good q.

<Chuck> ak: Part of the challenge is that I've never seen a site explicitly say "sorry no help here".

<Chuck> ak: Part of challenge is that for people who don't have trouble finding help, no problem. They know there's help. If you don't see help you don't expect it to exist.

<Chuck> Jennie: One of the ways we discussed (may be in draft).. adding info such as "no longer supported". Sites are replaced with new sites, but they keep old site.

<Chuck> Jennie: That's an example... email contact may be possible. May be able to add it in but unsure how to craft it to ...

<Chuck> Alastair: Going through it, to see what people think. Work out main issues to tackle. I think it's a good thing for people looking after sc...

<Chuck> Alastair: To arrange separate calls. Rachael and others have been doing that. Good places to work through this in more detail.

<Chuck> Alastair: On big group call we won't come up with all answers. But having this call helps set up smaller group calls.

<Chuck> Alastair: Later we have a q about helping ... in terms of authoring or helping with views or discussion around these 2 and some others.

<Chuck> mg: One of the ways to tackle this... about prominance, but other part.. for status messages we came up with a defined term.

<Chuck> mg: defined what was and was not and what one must do with a status message. A term with "user assistance" and include the various

<Chuck> mg: concepts in scope. That would make this cleaner, and focus could go on how prominant you need to make the info available.

<Chuck> jennie: Great idea. I'll take back to group.

<Chuck> Alastair: Last call, any q or comments on "find help"?

<Chuck> Alastair: Have a couple more from epub.

Page break navigation and Page break locators

<Jennie> Thank you everyone for the suggestions and discussion - very helpful!

<Chuck> Alastair: Looks like not many have had chance to review.

<Chuck> Alastair: Maybe we can give people an overview on this one.

<alastairc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/12Zn0_TGcqrM-L_wb0PIFHM4AnHJ64wPsucZyRGlf2Fg/edit

<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to ask about page break locators

<Chuck> awk: page break locators. That's a critical concept, a term I need to understand better. I'm finding it a bit confusing. Can you talk about that?

<Chuck> dm: Basically, this is a concern by epub. Mostly around accademics. References to pages in a book. They don't have same pagination as text book, may differ from default view.

<Chuck> DM: First sc is saying if that there are page locators in code there needs to be a way to navigate to them.

<alastairc> By academic, I think that impacts education, so a wider impact than you might expect!

<Chuck> DM: A list of page locators would be a technique to succeed.

<Chuck> DM: A visual or programatic marker presented accross pages .... <reads rest>

<Chuck> DM: Corresponding pages between print and digital....

<Chuck> DM: <reads more>

<Chuck> DM: Various ways developers can mark off pages. We need a way to get to them if they are there.

<Chuck> Alastair: Extending Andrew's q. I created an epub file (xhtml) is there an element which is a page break in that context.

<Chuck> DM: In epub there are locators which are page breaks. That's one way. That is a page break marker. Epub is a morphed version of html 5.

<Chuck> DM: There's a spec. There's extra attributes not in html.

<Chuck> DM: If there's a visual page we want a way to go to that page programatically.

<Chuck> DM: If there's a "page 86" at bottom, we want to be able to go to that.

<Chuck> awk: Maybe why I'm confused. First bullet <reads> ... what's on the page that is the same as the locator.

<Chuck> DM: "Page 86" on the bottom.

<Chuck> awk: Page break locator is ....

<Chuck> DM: Another way this would look in code would be some code, with page 86, and closing code.

<Chuck> awk: A page number is a page break locator?

<Chuck> DM: Yes.

<Chuck> Alastair: Auto-generated?

<Chuck> DM: Unfortunately lots of trouble finding pages in epub. It can be visually represented, programatically represented.

<Chuck> DM: Basically says "this is where this page ends" and "this is where this page starts".

<Chuck> DM: And there needs to be a way to navigate to get there.

<Chuck> awk: I've got to read understanding. The 2nd bullet, page numering in eversion of print book. That should go, that's a requirement that's not on web content.

<Chuck> DM: Agree. This is a wider net.

<Chuck> Alastair: Invisible horizontal rule element where pages break that you could use in epub to define where page break would be.

<Chuck> Alastair: Then provide a navigation mechanism.

<Chuck> DM: Exactly. A way to get to THAT page. Page 86 for example. I've investigated...

<mbgower> rrsagent make minutes

<Chuck> DM: Liason between epub and wcag wg. I have two sc. I'm not sure if the 2nd one will fly. That's the one where you HAVE to have page break indicators.

<mbgower> rssagent make minutes

<Chuck> DM: The problem with that one is that in ebooks they don't have page numbers. You can link to chapters.

<Chuck> DM: If you find your location says "page x of 35" in chapter itself. They are not pages, because if you increase your font size, changes page numbering dynamically.

<Chuck> DM: It's a floating number. I did notice that ... we split them up in two sc. The one about requiring page break locators.

<Chuck> DM: The first one is that IF it exists, then you must be able to get to it.

<Chuck> Alastair: Isn't 2nd one more important? If you don't have first how do you have 2nd?

<Chuck> DM: They do put them in, but don't have a way to navigate to them. This is low hanging fruit.

<Chuck> Alastair: But if you don't have it there's no requirement?

<Chuck> DM: 2nd sc... does require the existance.

<Chuck> DM: Page break locators are available in reflow of that content. If you have a PDF ...

<Chuck> DM: If you have distinction in default view of page numbers, it would require page break locators.

<Chuck> mg: go to bottom of queue please.

<Chuck> Alastair: Trying to think of how... qualifier about fixed format and reflowable format is ... complications with that.

<Chuck> Alastair: If you print from html to pdf, does that become fixed format that would bring every web page into scope? Could be read that way.

<Chuck> DM: Once we develope it further we would find exceptions and outliers and scope them out.

<Chuck> DM: We would focus on core issues.

<Chuck> Alastair: And education is an important sector with this.

<Chuck> Alastair: Generally in favor. Just have some interesting questions about definitions.

<Chuck> DM: Agree. We are working hard on it. What we have so far, we'll have more work required.

<Chuck> DM: We can work with epub team to address comments and concerns.

<Chuck> Alastair: At the end of each sc text it triggers alarm bells about being about user agent or something outside of content.

<Chuck> Alastair: ...when platform changes...

<Chuck> DM: What we are trying to get with that language was that it doesn't matter where you are, what you are using, the device...

<Chuck> DM: You can find that page.

<Chuck> Alastair: Not sure it needs caveate. First part of that stands alone. Even when platform changes, in context of WCAG.

<Chuck> Alastair: Applying across technologies.

<Chuck> Alastair: Zoom... we think about page variations already. I don't think that bits needed.

<Chuck> DM: We may be able to drop it. I think the intent is to make sure it's available in more than one view.

<Zakim> mbgower, you wanted to say maybe consider 'location indicators'

<Chuck> MG: <contemplates the infinite> I think it's dangerous to use the word "page".

<Chuck> MG: "Location indicators" avoid word page. You are really talking about a mechanism to locate content between other content in different media.

<Chuck> MG: I get that you have a hard copy rendition of pages, and be able to cross reference that page if on a different medium.

<Chuck> MG: The page numbers aren't what needs to be consistent, it's the mechanism like chapter heading. page number risky to use.

<Chuck> DM: The reason we went with the word page is it's ubiquitous. It's long been a way to find content.

<Chuck> MG: It's a global identifier to find stuff in a book. You've got other media format like media which would require a different indicator.

<Chuck> MG: We should abstract that and describe the desire of the means... the way to locate information across the spectrum.

<Chuck> DM: Any suggestions?

<Chuck> MG: I'll have my wife review.

<Chuck> MG: They have a universal identifier for everything. Based on paragraph and time stamp.

<Chuck> Alastair: To me the page break locators may be necessary before you have navigation to them. The scoping of "pages" which have an alternative ...

<Chuck> Alastair: Have a paginated fixed format, that has as a scoping. For pages which have an alternative... location indicators which correspond ...

<Chuck> Alastair: Something along those lines.

<mbgower> Maybe call the SC Pagination and take it the way Alastair just suggested

<Chuck> Alastair: When content has a pagination fixed format alternative....

<Chuck> Alastair: I think that's the context we are talking about. Location indicators was Mike's suggestion, which correspond to

<Chuck> Alastair: fixed format page breaks.

<Chuck> Alastair: They should just be available.

<Chuck> DM: Just edited it.

<Chuck> DM: <reads>

<alastairc> "When content has a paginated fixed format alternative that is more than one page, then locator indicators which correspond to the fixed format page breaks are available."

<Chuck> Alastair: You were saying/acknowledging that it might be difficult to get in. Wouldn't they be the people that complain if it got in?

<Chuck> DM: I spoke with 3 people. They expressed some sceptism on this. Publishers would push back.

<Chuck> DM: I investigated. I noticed common formats don't have page numbers on them.

<Chuck> Alastair: I almost thought...

<Chuck> Alastair: Different A levels.

<Chuck> DM: That's why it's a win if they are there. There's no requirement.

<Chuck> DM: One of the members was concerned towards the end. That's how we ended up with 2 sc.

<Chuck> Alastair: I have no idea how difficult it will be to get in.

<Chuck> Alastair: Worth putting up for comment.

<Chuck> DM: Sounds good. I've rewritten #2. I'll take back to the participants.

<Chuck> DM: Big takeaways... Mike's comment on "page", and would rather use "locator".

<Chuck> DM: Anything else to bring back?

<Chuck> Alastair: We are less sure about the difficulty of the process of putting in locator indicators.

<Chuck> Alastair: And switch around, you would need locators first, and then a means to get to them.

<Chuck> DM: Will go back to them... sounds like... there's a positive feeling of this sc.

<Chuck> DM: We'd like to explore how to do this. Is that good feedback for the group?

<Chuck> Alastair: Yes.

<mbgower> SC: Pagination Indicators

<Chuck> Alastair: Any final q or comments on epub sc?

<Chuck> Alastair: Review minutes for more comments.

<Chuck> DM: MG comments... are...?

<Chuck> MG: Pagination Indicators might be a term to think about.

<Chuck> DM: Good, will explore.

<AWK> or "Page indicators"

<Chuck> Alastair: We don't have a resolution, it's ongoing.

Helping with potential SCs

<alastairc> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yjrfIP9KLqTn_Jlq6-T1JvsqY924R_5z1WI2YLv3obc/edit#gid=0

<mbgower> I like Pagination better because it's less likely to be mixed up with "page" as used by WCAG

<Chuck> Alastair: A request for help. We've got some sc that aren't yet covered in terms of people helping with them.

<Chuck> Alastair: Here's spreadsheet.

<Chuck> Alastair: There are 3 coga sc that could use some help from one or two members of the ag.

<Chuck> Alastair: "no memorization", "undo errors", "find help"

<Chuck> Alastair: Not relying on memorization could really use some help.

<Chuck> Alastair: If anyone can help...

<Chuck> MG: For folks who haven't used google docs, what was useful for doing the review was that you can put yourself in "suggest mode"

<Zakim> mbgower, you wanted to comment on interaction

<Chuck> MG: You can edit the document. The user can accept or reject the suggestions. Makes it easier to review.

<Chuck> MG: Was very useful.

<Chuck> Alastair: That makes it easier for random suggestions. For these 3 it would be useful for someone else to join in and help with editing.

<Chuck> Alastair: If we could have volunteers, please say now, or email me.

<Chuck> Alastair: Not a huge amount of time. 30-60 minutes to talk it through with coga tf.

<Chuck> Alastair: Or go into doc and make some suggestions.

<Chuck> Alastair: No verbal volunteers, email me please.

<Chuck> Alastair: There are 2 more. Description for icons.

<alastairc> https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/719

<Chuck> Alastair: We have nobody assigned.

<Chuck> Alastair: Comes from github. Seems straight forward to work.

<alastairc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LaVX-RTaLQL0tN4G3NhOTlmj16swt0VzC7ssaAjqIwg/edit

<Chuck> Alastair: Also from detlev... "Dragging", an enhancement to pointer gestures. Fairly well defined.

<Chuck> Alastair: Detlev is asking for help with colaborating.

<Chuck> detlev: We have already discussed at mobile accessibility task force. There seemed to be agreement on this. First pass of first draft.

<Chuck> detlev: Don't know how that works, I'm only one listed. There has been input by others already.

<Chuck> Alastair: That's fine, task forces can do that. Other people are Jake, Kathy.

<Chuck> Alastair: Anybody NOT in mobile task force that can help?

<Chuck> Alastair: Let me know in IRC or email. Any means.

<Chuck> Alastair: We haven't closed the door on new sc... if there's a good idea or from task forces... we are treating it like backlog.

<Chuck> Alastair: There is no harm in making suggestions.

<Chuck> Alastair: Any q about WCAG 2.2 in general?

Review media tutorial https://wai-media-guide.netlify.com/design-develop/media/

<Chuck> Alastair: Last thing... was to make everyone aware that there's a draft tutorial from education outreach group

<Chuck> Alastair: on making audio/video media accessible. From ag group review.... if there's anything contradictory we would need to raise that

<shawn> AG review tips are now at https://github.com/w3c/wai-media-guide/issues/87

<Chuck> Alastair: In general it would be good for people to have a read through.

<Chuck> Alastair: Shawn dropped in a link where issues can go. This is a headsup that it exists. Please read through.

<Chuck> Alastair: Any comments or q, drop in github. Anything else Shawn?

<Chuck> Shawn: if you have comments please provide by next tuesday. Ask me directly.

<Chuck> DM: I see some tips... any support for that?

<david-macdonald> https://wai-media-guide.netlify.com/design-develop/media/description/

<Chuck> DM: I didn't think there was support for that.

<Chuck> Shawn: Able player...

<Chuck> DM: Q is on page for audio descriptions.... tips for doing it yourself...

<Chuck> DM: Able player vocalizes audio descriptions based on these files?

<Chuck> Shawn: yes!

<Chuck> DM: Can't wait to test!

<Chuck> Shawn: Ironically... we have an audio describe version, and it's voicing the audio description. You get it twice.

<Chuck> DM: Better twice than zero.

<Chuck> DM: I didn't know that this existed. Assumed that there was no support for web vttt

<Chuck> DM: We have to update the standard itself.

<Chuck> Alastair: Editor's draft...?

<Chuck> Alastair: Any q for Shawn or on tutorial?

<Chuck> Alastair: I'll look myself.

<Chuck> Alastair: With that, that's our agenda. Thanks everyone!

<Chuck> trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Accept questions 3 to 5 as unanimously agreed
  2. On hold
  3. Accept PR 843 as amended
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/08/06 16:59:02 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154  of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/same media/different media/
Succeeded: s/they complain/they be the people that complain/
Succeeded: s/MG:  <blames wife>//
Succeeded: s/Shawn:  <silence>..../ /
Succeeded: s/ Alastair:  Alastair we can't hear you.//
Default Present: alastairc, ShawnLawtonHenry, AWK, Rachael, Raf, JeanneSpellman, Jennie, Lauriat_, Detlev, Chuck, Laura, SteveRepsher, Glenda, johnkirkwood, mbgower
Present: alastairc ShawnLawtonHenry Rachael Raf JeanneSpellman Jennie Lauriat_ Detlev Chuck Laura SteveRepsher Glenda johnkirkwood mbgower
Regrets: BruceB NicaiseD JustineP JonathanA Jake
Found Scribe: Detlev
Inferring ScribeNick: Detlev
Found Date: 06 Aug 2019
People with action items: 

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain 
a link to the original IRC log.)

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]