Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

08 Nov 2018


stevelee, Makoto, skotkjerra


<stevelee> is there a call? WebX is waiting?

THere is, have you got the right address?


<stevelee> I used https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_ag2

STeve - you appear to be joined but no audio

perhaps try a refresh?

<stevelee> says, waiting for host

4 others have joined

Silver IA & plain language exercise

<jeanne> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2018OctDec/0060.html

<scribe> scribe:alastairc

Summary email ^^

Proposal for Silver - flatten the organisation compared to WCAG. Just have guidelines and methods

Guidelines would be tech neutral. Methods would be somewhere between current techniques and SCs.

Jeanne: Exercise is to test-drive two prototypes:
... 1. Information architecture prototype

<jeanne> https://mikecrabb.github.io/silver_taggingSystemDemo/guidelines.html

<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRgf85Z_NJ7HmF-UX992wLx0F-sCQyipL6USL9HTmvBOWtH53C78SVNjKI8kLTxl5UuYJbc7ImiGsB_/pub

Jeanne: There is a template for information that should go into the prototype

Pick a success criteria. Something from 2.1, or something that didn't get into 2.

Want to test it, see where the pain points are. Where is it difficult to do. Where doesn't it work?

try something hard, lets see how it translates.

<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQTeTyH3FQZ-qkt-UsyoePHV_joN_nDJy5CsMvit4GjKnbw9zsZljvGG-kU2ZTRP6bUEVJmdIWGc_PX/pub

Example ^^

Jeanne: In the example, had to adapt. E.g. page is web-centric.
... the template is setup in the order of guideline / method / test.
... but we started with test, then worked out methods, then worked out guideline
... looked at the test from auto-wcag. This is very draft. Wrote one that doesn't exist today, e.g. the http response for lang
... then working up from the test, filled in the rest.
... also include user agents (if you want to or can)
... start with the test, the work upwards. We worked out we could make it 'language of the environment'

Steve: how to feed back?

Jeanne: Take the template, make a copy, open it in whatever tool you like. Send it to us (silver)

<jeanne> [email protected]

<jeanne> https://mikecrabb.github.io/silver_taggingSystemDemo/guidelines.html

Jeanne: Plain language, looking for you to fill in the first tab, the 'get started'. Think of it like the Understanding doc.
... have a template

<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQVTxM2r00NtcYhZJY6lN6xh_fuM9L2jnPZQJ2c59KiyA_-BcC2HkhKf0IxDod4qBunvPkXbhkCHuKq/pub

Jeanne: basic template, asking for a summary, examples, but keep them tech-neutral.

<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTNEIRmC8KjpYMk4APRTZIVl3AJj7XY7XiG0bDiQM4oLJueOFrpJUjbNY7fj9R41KLwjtBi8irIWclB/pub

Jeanne: to assist, we have a style guide
... this is the focus of the test, how effective is it? How can it be improved? What did/didn't work, missed?

Please send in comments about that. There are some questions at the bottom of the template.

scribe: two different projects, please pick one and write something up. Not worried about the details of what you write up, but the experience of doing it.

skotkjerra: Why these two projects? Have had detailed discussions on silver list, what do we get out of them?

Jeanne: Held a design print at the last CSUN. Invited lots of people, had 27 people from the industry, gave them these problems. Spent the summer and early fall building prototypes from their suggestions.
... been refining, going through feedback. At the stage to get feedback from 'users'. But, the AG is a set of users for us.
... want to test, break it, make it better.
... not attached to the prototypes. These are the best ideas so far, want to expand out and improve further.

EA: Looking in on the process, concerned about being critical because wasn't there for the previous discussions.
... e.g. for Steve and others, is there a way to discuss it?
... Some of the things are not testable.

Jeanne: Encourage you to do that. We do have people from COGA (or with cog issues) taking part. We have other ways of testing. Would really like some of the things to come forward

SteinEric: We should tackle the hard, usability issues now rather than later.
... some things can't be automatically or even expert tested.
... maybe the test is the procedure?
... let's put them on the table now

<jeanne> A good blog article I read about the need to support accessibility for people with anxiety and panic by Dave Swallow - https://developer.paciellogroup.com/blog/2018/11/a-web-of-anxiety-accessibility-for-people-with-anxiety-and-panic-disorders-part-2/

Makoto: Thank you Jeanne, want to make a copy, pick an SC. One question: Is there a list of plain language versions already?

Jeanne: We've had people pick out 4 plain language ones and do those already.

Makoto: If there are some already done, I'll use it and write it up. If not, I would try to write an existing SC in plain language.

<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BGr0XSQgjBSVDG_Xn9MoodEq01cJxgg_EE0bniXONXM/edit?usp=sharing

Jeane: Here's the doc with our early experiments. This is what people have already written.
... the template has changed a bit, but might be helpful.

Steve: From what EA was saying, my understanding is that Silver has to be backwards compatible?

Jeanne: No! Doesn't have to be.
... would like to grandfather in sites meeting WCAG 2.x, but that isn't a restriction.

Steve: Should we use ones that fit into 2.1?

Jeanne: I'd rather for COGA, if you can do it (more work), take something that didn't get in.

<skotkjerra> I need to step away for some mins

alastairc: Probably have 3 levels - 1 got into 2.1. 2, didn't get in, but testable. 3, things which may not be easily tested

<jeanne> [email protected]

Jeanne: Feel free to contact me about this, of any type.

TPAC update: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Write_up_from_TPAC_2018

alastairc: talks through page.


<EA> Sorry it is not giving me access to your minutes for TPAC

<Makoto> EA, how about this? https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Write_up_from_TPAC_2018

<EA> Yes that worked - thanks you Makoto

<Makoto> without quotation " :-)

<EA> I meant thank you!

<jeanne> Going back to the Silver and COGA discussion, you may find the Design Patterns for Mental Health a good starting place to test some new COGA advice for Silver. https://www.designpatternsformentalhealth.org/pattern-library/

Stopped by the fire alarm, bye!

trackbot end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/11/08 10:01:06 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/silber/silver/
Default Present: stevelee, Makoto, skotkjerra
Present: stevelee Makoto skotkjerra
Found Scribe: alastairc
Inferring ScribeNick: alastairc
Found Date: 08 Nov 2018
People with action items: 

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