See also: IRC log
audio connection doesn’t seem to be working in WebEx
<Srini> +Srini
<AWK> Scribe: Laura
AWK: Right now it is proceeding
... 8 votes accespt as is. 1 making suggestions. 0
... let your AC rep know they shoud give thier comments.
<AWK> AC Reps:
<Ryladog_> There is no audio
AWK: link is member login
... any questions?
AWK: one comment suggesting link to DPub
AWK: in section 4.1 Groups that
we coordinate with
... oversight that we didn’t add DPub link.
<Kim_D> +KimD
<MichaelC> proposed liaison statement: Digital Publishing Interest Group: Coordinate on accessibility guidelines that impact digital publishing.
AWK: people on list agreed to
... Any comments?
<gowerm> add in +1
<alastairc> +1
<jeanne> +1 to add
<Kim_D> +1 to add
<jemma> +1 to add
<marcjohlic> +1
<Greg> +1
<kirkwood> +1
<David_MacDonald> +1
<Srini> +1
<Joshue108> +1
<Jan> +1
<Ryladog_> +1
scribe: no coodintion listed with SVG group. They work more with APA grou.
Katie: Agree. Are we working with SCs or techniques?
AWK: either
Katie: do we want to add that?
<Joshue108> +1 to MC
MC: open ened. Want to make athe
least changes as possible aas this is in review.
... any changes can cause issues,
... increases risks to change things.
Katie: okay.
AWK: info in charter will allow
DPub requirements.
... we are not limited.
RESOLUTION: Add to Charter: "Digital Publishing Interest Group: Coordinate on accessibility guidelines that impact digital publishing."
MC: will make change in a future
... will be a formal response later
AWK: we had some dissucion on editors call.
AWK: folks should look at the
WCAG WG Decision Policy.
... we have a Call for Consensus process.
... a consensus call not a call for changes.
... +1 means you can live with it.
... if you can’t live with it, it needs to be new
... don’t rehash old discussion on a CFC.
Katie: could we have a pre CFC?
<gowerm> pre-CFC+ the call and the survey
<gowerm> sorry = the call and survey
<Joshue108> not mad about pre-CFC idea
AWK: worry about a pre pre CFC.
<Joshue108> +1 to MikeGower
AWK: would be additional overhead for a pre CFC.
Katie: How do people know when they need to say something?
AC: we have minutes. and resolutions
AWK: If we have new information we can consider it.
Josh: pre CFC is the
... we have calls and lists.
... we have multiple ways.
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say resolutions in minutes are resolutions of the people present in that call, not resolutions / decisions of the WG
Josh: don’t want pre-CFCs due to overhead. Keep it lean. +1 or -1.
MC: Resolutions in meetings are not the decision.
Katie: Don’t want to add more work. But want to be sure that the people on email are heard.
AWK: We had discussion on list, on call, in telco.
<Joshue108> Thanks Katie - all mail and input is parsed by the chairs (as much as humanly possible) and taken into consideration by us.
AWK: Folks should participate in
the veuues.
... and constructively engage.
Katie: whatever we need to do. Point out resolutions, or whatever.
<Joshue108> -q
AWK: David can speak for himself if he was ignored.
DM: Text was updated per his
... language was negotiated.
Katie: Formal Objection was from me.
<Zakim> Joshue, you wanted to say that is not true all input was considered
DM: Did appreciate change.
Josh: Takes objection. Chairs worked as openly as possible.
JA: Head MC say the call the Resolution is not the decision.
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say there is a difference between ignoring and disagreeing
JA: If miss call no time to discuss.
MC: difference between ignoring and disagreeing.
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say call input should take into account list discussion
MC: Regarding timing: CFC should
happen after discussions.
... should pay attention to list input.
... need to keep things moving too.
AWK: varies from situation to
... Chairs discretion when discussion is ready for CFC.
... we will improve. It is not easy.
Katie: Think is was a thorny
issue. Have respectfor chairs.
... everyone should be heard before CFC.
Josh: jon, why do you think you were missing things?
JA: Survey went out late. The
discussion Tuesday. CFC Wed. Not time for input.
... not sufficient time for decisions.
... political process. Has had calls to have him change his
mind on topics.
Katie: Disturbing to be strong armed. We need to address that.
DM: I’ve had those types of calls too.
<AWK> Correct survey:
<gowerm> k
<jon_avila> I have to jump off the call for another call -- I have put my responses in the survey. My main comment is that it is not clear what the proposal is -- we need to clearly indicate what our proposed response is to the commenter;.
MG: I renamed this issue "Consider language changes in Sufficient Techniques section of 1.3.2 SC for item 1”. not sure why the original issue title -- which is inaccurate of what I'm proposing -- is still showing up as the issue name. proposal is to alter the SC language appended to the technique, NOT the technique title.
AWK: We have tools to test.
MG: It talks about a conditional situation.
MC: History is from tables.
<David_MacDonald> +1
AWK: Don’t hvae to do any one certain technique. Variety of sufficient techniques.
Don’t have to do G57
scribe: Does that make since?
MG: most content does not rely on meaningful sequence.
<Greg> The reference to G57 mischaracterizes G57's actual meaning.
GL: G57 misrepresents things
<Greg> I don't think that is appropriate, and should be corrected since it's purely editorial text.
Josh: lots of variable that can
affect things.
... maybe change title
... interesting points being raised.
AWK: Not sure why we have distinction between 1 and 2 in the tech list.
MD: It has to affect the
... not concerned about it.
Katie: not concerned either.
AWK: 1.3.2 is based on the page.
<Joshue108> Do we have a definition of meaningful sequence?
DM: Could have said it better.
<gowerm> just remove the word "all" from #1
AWK: anyone want to take an action to clarify?
MG: 132 is a conditional situation.
<Joshue108> -q
<Joshue108> +q there is a difference between meaningful content and meaningful sequence
<Joshue108> +q to say there is a difference between meaningful content and meaningful sequence
<Zakim> Joshue, you wanted to say there is a difference between meaningful content and meaningful sequence
Josh: difference between meaningful content and meaningful sequence.
<kirkwood> this may be a COGA issue?
Josh: maybe we need to
distinguish that.
... I’ll look into it.
<Joshue108> ACTION: Josh to look at meaningful sequence may need an update [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-332 - Look at meaningful sequence may need an update [on Joshue O Connor - due 2016-11-15].
RESOLUTION: Leave open.
<gowerm> I'm fine with only first part of request
1: Accept as proposed. 6: Accept with the following changes. 4: Do not accept.
MG: Okay with not adding ARIA21 to 3.3.3.
James: okay with moving ARIA2 from 3.3.3. to 3.3.2
<David_MacDonald> +1
MC: required fields is good for 3.3.2, but I don't think it is sufficient on its own, so I think it can only be advisory. You still need labels.
<Joshue108> no
AWK: Does Aria-reqiured have visual labels?
Someone: no
AWK: May be the reason this is not in 332.
MC: HTML5 has a required attribute that may have visual impact.
MG: we don’t have a HTML required tech
Josh: support for ARIA ones may be better.
RESOLUTION: Leave open. Take up next time.
<gowerm> Thanks
<Jim> Thanks
s/shoud give thier comments. /should give thier comments. /
s/no coodintion listed with SVG group. They work more with APA grou /AWK: no coordination listed with SVG group. They work more with APA group. /
s/venues /venues /
trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.148 of Date: 2016/10/11 12:55:14 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/ not about that idea/not mad about pre-CFC idea/ Succeeded: s/123 is based/1.3.2 is based/ Succeeded: s/responce/response/ Succeeded: s/tRegarding /Regarding / FAILED: s/shoud give thier comments. /should give thier comments. / FAILED: s/no coodintion listed with SVG group. They work more with APA grou /AWK: no coordination listed with SVG group. They work more with APA group. / Succeeded: s/disussion /discussion / FAILED: s/veuues /venues / Succeeded: s/beween /between / Succeeded: s/resprect /respect/ Succeeded: s/veuues/venues/ Found Scribe: Laura Inferring ScribeNick: laura Default Present: AWK, jeanne, Joshue108, Greg_Lowney, Srini, marcjohlic, JaeunJemmaKu, jon_avila, Mike, Gower, Laura, Katie_Haritos-Shea, KimD, MichaelC, kirkwood, MoeKraft, alastairc WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: AWK, marcjohlic, JaEunJemma, Kathy, Kim_D, Makoto, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Rachael, Greg_Lowney, DavidMacDonald, Lauriat, jeanne, Laura, Joshue108, bbailey, Mike_Gower, JF) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ AWK Present: AWK jeanne Joshue108 Greg_Lowney marcjohlic JaeunJemmaKu jon_avila Mike Gower Laura Katie_Haritos-Shea MichaelC kirkwood MoeKraft alastairc Regrets: John_Foliot Rachael Bruce Makoto KathyW Mike_Elledge Found Date: 08 Nov 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: josh WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]