See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 10 June 2014
<Kenny> W3C WAI, and base on China
<Joshue> Wilco: It's a minor thing that I come accross.
<Joshue> Wilco: I'm not too bothered about it, it's worth reporting.
<Joshue> JOC: Ok
<Joshue> JOC: It seems to really be saying that some small tables don't need headers, but adding table headers is good practice and I'd like to support that.
David: Is it the new version of the specification?
Loretta: Interesting question
Josh: I think to leave it open because we're not sure about Michael C ment with his proposal
RESOLUTION: Leave LC-2869 open
Loretta: I remember the group said there is accessibility support for the technique
David: Kathy suggested primary,
and secondary refered to by label
... We should probably talk with a bigger group
Loretta: Sending it back may send it to a black hole
Josh: Technique is mostly OK
Loretta: I worry about documenting all the uses of ARIA
David: No ARIA on the first
example, only the second
... There is controversy about the menu role
only for the type of menu like you have in the top of office
Josh: Should we put it to bed or leave it for discussion next week
Loretta: Leaving it open may mean the comment doesn't reach the right person
Everyone: MrAccess is Jon
Josh: Decide to leave untill Jon is on call
David: Maybe people don't know secondary, and conventions may be different in other places
James: Top menu may often be
primary menu, and secondary may be the drop down menu
... I'm not sold on primary or secondary, but a consistent
thing for people to use is a good idea
Josh: I don't like but don't particularly object to 'primary' and 'secondary'
Loretta: Makes me wonder if this should be part of WCAG techniques
James: Change the div to nav on example 3
<Joshue> +q
Josh: If you change div to nav, you are doubling the navigation?
Prefer David's example, the primary navigation is important, secondary is not so important
I like the example there
Josh: David, add the example
... add ARIA11 as a related technique?
David: I will add it
Josh: Suggested change by Andrew: Identifying a section of content containing navigation links
nobody in favour, leave it
Loretta: I'm against this change, test procedures are already hard enough not to add accessibility support to the test
we should use a user agent note
Josh: Don't see a massive benefit to changing the test procedure
Keep the current procedure?
<Joshue> I'm not sure about ' represent a section of the page'.
<Joshue> Should it talk about functionality
Loretta: He wants to shift the example content into the description
not clear what is ment
David: Just putting in some text to address Loretta's comment
JosH: Having a little problem parsing the suggestion into what's there
Loretta: All comments are about adding role in place of the nav element
<AWK> link?
Loretta: I think it's better to cross reference HTML5 and ARIA techniques rather then trying to combine them, that's confusing
<David> finished editing
Building fallbacks into techniques makes them hard to understand
AWK: I don't feel strongly about adding accessibility support to the description
Loretta: We have a separate technique for this
AWK: It looks like the example content is not there anymore, there is no problem
Josh: David, the heading example 1 is the same as example 2
David: I'll fix, and changed the last line of the description
Marc: My comment has been added in.
Josh: I don't see 2.4.1
Loretta: There was support for jumping over sections
I don't know if marking it up as nav means you can navigate around it
Josh: We won't add 2.4.1
... To address Kathleen's comment, seems a fairly small
... suggested text
<Joshue> Suggested text 'Check to see that non-navigation items are not in the nav container'
David: There might be headings
other content too can help persons along
Josh: If people put something useful in there, leave the test step off
David: Nav can contain all kinds of elements
in html 5
Loretta: I think the navigation section is a bunch of links, but I was not part of the HTML5 discussion
Josh: I think we leave out the suggestion, so we're not too perscriptive
Loretta: I feel mildly it is a benefit
<Joshue> JOC: If there isn't a lot of misuse in the wild then the test procedure shouldn't be too proscriptive
David: I've not seen this go wrong, and it is a risk if we require only links in nav
Josh: Should be ../ instead of
... Michael suggest it should be a new paragraph
suggest moving the last sentense
Josh: I will change it
excellent comment from Michael.
Josh: Detlev's comments are addressed, same for Loretta
RESOLUTION: Technique accepted as amended
<Joshue> Next week start at F76
Josh: Please continue to review your action items
<Joshue> Josh: Please continue to review your action items
Josh: We want to think critically about the success criteria
gather feedback on the post WCAG 2 wiki
David: JAWS and NVDA did not know what to do with the aside technique
I'll pull out the example
<Joshue> Let's leave this open
<Joshue> We will look at the Pull requests on this survey next week
Loretta: It does not sound clear what the intended use of the technique is
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Excelent/excellent/ No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: Wilco Inferring Scribes: Wilco WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: AWK Andrew_Kirkpatrick BarryJohnson David David_MacDonald Everyone IPcaller JOC James James_Nurthen Josh Joshue Kenny Loretta Marc Marc_Johlic Wilco aaaa https inserted jamesn joined marcjohlic trackbot wai-wcag You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Regrets: Jon_Avila John_Foliot Kathy_Wahlbin Kathleen_Anderson Sailesh Bruce_B WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 10 Jun 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]