See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 08 April 2014
<AWK> SCribe: Kathleen
<MichaelC> scribe: kathleen
<AWK> Scribe: Kathleen
<MichaelC> scribe: kathleen
MichaelC: understanding and techniques documents are being republished as of today to add acknowledgments
<AWK> now references an April 8 date
MicaelC: if you notice any contributors missing please let me know
<AWK> is also set to April 8
<AWK> New techniques due 15- May
<AWK> Working group finalizes last edits for inclusion 8-Jul
<AWK> Public review draft for comments published 22-Jul
<AWK> Length of comment period 21 days
<AWK> Comments close 12-Aug
<AWK> Days to process comments 14 days
<AWK> WG approval of version for publication 26-Aug
<AWK> Publication request 2-Sep
<AWK> Publish 9-Sep
AWK: we have about a month to get our techniques submitted so the we as a group can work on them
Thursday meetings?
AWK: we need to talk about that
Loretta: people need to come to
the meetings
... I will be there
I will be there too.
AWK: I am planning on being there.
<bbailey> H27: Providing text and non-text alternatives for object
<bbailey> H53: Using the body of the object element
Jon_Avila: response did not appear to complete
I wasn't sure what the proper terminology was.
Ryladog: I'm good.
AW: any objection to saying content instead of body?
Jon_Avila: do we need to say how it would be accessed by assistive tecnology?
AWK: looking at H53's Example 1
wilco: I sent this one in
... I can put this issue in to see how well it is supported
AWK: we need data on how example
1 works
... however it is already a published technique
... I don't know what the current support is
... we will bring example 2 into H53
... for ourselves, a note to look at the accessibility
<Jon_avila> +1
AWK: reasonable approach?
RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended
<AWK> ACTION: Wilco to investigate accessibility support for H53 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-252 - Investigate accessibility support for h53 [on Wilco Fiers - due 2014-04-15].
wilco: will look into accessibility support
AWK: proposal to add links to Mozilla documentation for blink
RESOLUTION: Accepted as proposed
<AWK> Marc's suggestion: F76: Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.2 due to not providing change of context instructions prior to a control that would cause a change of context
<Jon_avila> yes, I believe so.
<bbailey> current: F76: Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.2 due to providing instruction material about the change of context by change of setting in a user interface element at a location that users may bypass
Ryladog: I like it (the proposed new title)
Loretta: not a clearly written failure
<bbailey> +bb to say title should use same phrasing as sc
<bbailey> advised of the behavior before using the component
AWK: due to not advising the user in advance of a potential change of context
<marcjohlic> I like that
<AWK> F76: Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.2 due to not advising users of a possible change of context prior
<AWK> F76: Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.2 due to not advising users of a possible change of context
Jon_Avila: "don't do this, bit if you do ...."
s bit/but
<Zakim> Bruce_Bailey, you wanted to say that even if failure is kind of redundant to the SC, it may still be important to document.
AWK: do we want to leave this open and talk to Gregg about it?
<Zakim> Bruce_Bailey, you wanted to ask if some of the difficulty is that we do not have another way of providing a prompt?
extensive form control/html discussion ensues
RESOLUTION: leave open until next week
Loretta: still in Proposal status
RESOLUTION: leave open
<AWK> wiki link:
AWK: comments indicate poeple are confused about the what the technique is doing
Loretta: these are examples of people should not be using aria-invalid - failure?
Sailesh: use it when there's no other error desciption
<AWK> scribe: kathleen
AWK: Example 1 is a good
... second example a little different
... some cases using describedby and some not
jamesn: why would you use both?
<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to note that I don't see aria-invalid in Example 2 at all
Sailesh: where can we use aria-invalid when by itself it satifies a success criterion?
AWK: sometimes its helpful to
provide additional text
... leave this one open and talk about it further?
jon_avila: you could use it on other types of widgets that are not required
AWK: the spec says you shouldn't do it but it may not be the cause of a failure.
james: read it as a really strong "should"
<AWK> RESOLUTION: leave open
AWK: talk about this one on Thursday? 4 pm ET
RESOLUTION: leave open
AWK: let Loretta and James know what you want to discuss on Thursday
<AWK> Please check that link for comments that you committed to respond to
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/21/21 days/ Succeeded: s/componen/component/ FAILED: s/woould/wouldn't/ Found Scribe: Kathleen Found Scribe: kathleen Found Scribe: Kathleen Found Scribe: kathleen Inferring ScribeNick: kathleen Found Scribe: kathleen Inferring ScribeNick: kathleen Default Present: Katie_Haritos-Shea, MartijnHoutepen, +1.703.825.aaaa, AWK, Michael_Cooper, Sailesh, Wilco_Fiers, Bruce_Bailey, kathleen, Marc_Johlic Present: Katie_Haritos-Shea MartijnHoutepen +1.703.825.aaaa AWK Michael_Cooper Sailesh Wilco_Fiers Bruce_Bailey kathleen Marc_Johlic Regrets: David_MacDonald Joshue_O_Connor Agenda: Found Date: 08 Apr 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: wilco WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]